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Everything posted by Damunky

  1. Now to find something similar for 9th age 😄
  2. I could use that stl file. the tricky part is I have my front ranks on a regiment base thats 20x80 mm cause command models are always in the front for other games so ill have to figure out how to make it work
  3. Fair enough. I guess I wish there where more races besides what they have. I want my dark elves 😉 I also kind of wish they did 20mm not 25mm
  4. I've been reading through the rules after ish let me borrow the book. I am willing to try but it does feel just a little generic.
  5. Was gonna be there tonight but I hurt my back so I cant show tonight
  6. I have a friend coming to my home tomorrow to learn a game of mordhiem and in planning to start a campaign soon
  7. Awe ok. No problem. I dont have nearly enough 40 stuff to play it.
  8. I would be interested in 9th age but I dont know how many points of dark elves I can field yet I'm still in the process of building it all
  9. Im always lookin to teach people vanguard 😄 Would also love to play Marvel crisis protocol. I also have a copy of The edge downfall i can bring
  10. I might be able to show up for this if anyone wants to play my skirmish games like vanguard or mcp. I would love to play 9th age but my army isnt ready
  11. I could show up for mordhiem vanguard or marvel crisis protocol is anyone wants to play or learn one of these games.
  12. I would like to come but the only games I have ready to play are Marvel crisis protocol, or Kings of War Vanguard. I have more than enough to teach people either game if anyone is interested.
  13. No interest in frostgrave, My friends are more interested in the full warband growing and it not just being about the wizards
  14. A few friends and I want to start a mordhiem like campaign either using mordhiem rules or vanguard. Would anyone be interested in something like that?
  15. I have a Photon S but I have an elegoo saturn on preorder
  16. @TheBeninator I did pick up some raging heroes dark elf models and have been working on them super slow. I also got a resin 3d printer so I have been printing unit fillers to help make it easier to get large units. I haven't had a chance to play any games at all because I'm not sure where I can go for that but I would love to
  17. Does anyone play this one or has played this one? I know its an out of print game i just happened to find my old Daimyo edition book and it made me remember how much I liked this one years ago
  18. I was hoping for something that had that really fancy dread elf look so I'll see what I can find second hand
  19. Alright so I have gotten some dark elf models on the way and I have a new problem. I cant seem to find anything that works well for a bolt thrower any suggestions?
  20. Yeah too bad i cant make it this tuesday 😞
  21. think we can get more than 2 or 3 of us into this one?
  22. So allie and I went and got the game and 6 extra characters and terrain and a battle mat
  23. I plan to be there with 9th age (dont have a list made) marvel crisis protocol and vanguard.
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