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Dark Elves Project

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  • 1 month later...

So, I've been strongly lacking my updates for my Dark Elves.  Here's what has taken place:


1) Dragon is finished (really love it).  The scales were a pain, I had to paint them individually to get the right outcome.

2) Manticore is finished (love it).  This was a fun model to paint.

3) Character on Dark Pegasus is finished (however, I will be re-doing the character conversion at some point)

4) Supreme Sorceress on Dark Pegasus is finished (meh, it's decent)

3) 24 Black Guard are finished (I am really happy with the outcome of the models)

4) 2 Cold one Chariots are finished (I tried a new technique for a metallic purple).  I was going to use the lilac glaze but it didn't look right and now I'm thinking this should have been my choice.

5) I have a wash dryin on my Maruaders (just the riders).  I am trying an extremely new method to me


I will be taking some picture tomorrow night and post them on here.

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I worked on my army lastnight.  Here's what I did, while watching the Heat take it to the Warriors.  Oh, and go Clippers!


1) With some simple conversions suggested to me by Ruger, I outfitted 2 maurader horsemen from each unit with repeater crossbows.

2) Primed 15 horsemen

3) Started assembling the warlocks


Tonight I will assemble the last 10 horsemen, finish assembling the warlocks, and prime them all.  I am also going to be working on my BSB and Dreadlord.


For the BSB, I am using an old dark rider model.  I am also going to try to kit bash the following:


Old Dark Rider, Corsair, new dark rider (cloak piece), and see how this turns out for a BSB.  I am hoping for solid results but as I don't have the experience with major conversions, this may not get the end result I am looking for.


I am then going to work on very minor conversions for the Malekith model.  I like the model as a whole and I am going to use him as my Dreadlord.  Not sure what I am going to do with him though.  All he really needs is a shield and then the conversion is complete and will be WYSIWYG.


I then have 2 CoK's to paint.  I am also working on cutting some of the mounts off their current bases.  I need to reglue the mounts to the bases so that the unit ranks up properly.


All-in-all, I am extremely happy with the progress of this army.  Once I complete the modeling/painting portion of my cavalry army, I will go back and finish my corsairs.  These will need to be cut and rebased as well.  In the end I will have the following completed and ready for play:


Dreadlord/Supreme Sorceress w/Black Dragon

Master w/Manticore

Dreadlord/Master w/Dark Pegasus

Supreme Sorceress/Sorceress w/Dark Pegasus

Supreme Sorceress/Sorceress w/Dark Steed

Dreadlord/Master w/Cold One (this model is currently being used at the CoK unit champion)


21 Dreadspears with a unit filler (old Cauldron of Blood Statue) which allows me to get them to 35

24 Corsairs

5 Old Dark Riders

30 Marauder Horsemen (used as Dark Riders) for my Northern Wastes theme

10 Cold One Knights

2 Cold One Chariots

1 War Hydra (I need to find a suitable wash for this model so I can ink and then highlight it)

5 Shades (1 is represented by an assassin model)

2 Repeater Bolt Throwers

5 Warlocks


Once all of these are in line I may just add to the current ranks with the following:

Cauldron of Blood

30 Executioners

Dreadlord on Cold One

3 Masters on Cold Ones w/great weapons

2 Bolt Throwers

10 Harpies

5 Warlocks


I finally found my camera lastnight.  I will be taking pictures of my current painted models/units and post them on here tonight.

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I finished the 30 Maruader Horsemen last night.  Well, I have highlighting to do, but that will wait for another day.  I have them done for the standards for this weekend.  Even without the highlights, they look pretty good to me.  I also painted and washed the horses for my Warlocks lastnight.  Tonight I will be finishing the following:



Master w/BSB

Dark Steed for Sorceress

2 Cold One Knights

5 Warlocks


I am looking forward to the great event this weekend.  This will be a blast.

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The first model I did took the longest.  However, I put the 30 of them in a conga line and did the following:



Put the base colors on, then hit the entire model with Agrax Earthshade.  Once the ink dried (I've only highlighted a few models, at this time) I then hit them with a highlight.  BAM, they were done to my standard


Base colors used:

Bugmans Glow (flesh)

Mournfang Brown (leather)

Dryad Bark (pants)

Red (I cannot remember the exact name) for the left shoulder pad and shield (representing mark of khorne)

Bloodletter Red Glaze on helmet, left shoulder plat, and shield


Abbadon Black (boots)

Boltgun (metal)


Put the base colors on, then hit the entire model with Agrax Earthshade.  I need to add some highlights to these still (this won't be done for the brawl, however).


Base Colors used:

Abbadon Black (horses)

Mournfang Brown (leather)

Boltgun (metal parts)

Dryad Bark (mouthpiece)

Red (eyess)


The process wasn't that long, considering I knocked out 30 of them in roughly 2 days time.  Last night, I knocked out 2 Horsemen in roughly 10 minutes.  I painted the horsemen first and the horses last.  This allowed me to feel better once I started to glue all the riders onto the horses.


I'm hoping I give my opponents some good games this weekend!

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  • 1 month later...

I'm kind of at a semi-pause with my Dark Elves at this time.  I am going to be test playing a few units, in order to see if I want to add them to the army.  Here's what I will be testing out, over the next couple of weeks:



Witch Elves



I already have roughly 3.5k Dark Elves painted and could probably get to almost 4k once everything is painted (corsairs are all I have left).


However, with my OFCC Dwarf project about to start happening, there may not be a lot left to put in this blog.  At this time, I am satisfied with my Dark Elf army and have decided my Dark Elves playstyle isn't for OFCC.

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  • 6 months later...

So, I've been thinking about my Dark Elves and what I could do with them.  It's time to start expanding them.  I am going to be adding some new units to my army which will allow me to change things around a bit and start bringing more variety in my army lists which will also keep my opponents guessing on what I could be bringing.  Here's what I am going to be adding to my army:


2 Medusa's- I am going to figure out how to make these things work.  I don't care how long it takes, these will do glorious things one day!


Executioneer's- It's time I stop rellying on cavalry all the time and stick 28 of these douche waffles on the table with a cauldron of blood


Bloodwrack Shrine- I've been wanting to test this out in a unit of Dreadspears for quite some time now and I really like the model over the CoB


Those are the main additions I would like to add to my Dark Elves at this time.  I am also waiting to see how the new lore will work for other armies because I would love to be able to summon some daemons with this army.  Who knows, I may say FTW soon and field a unit of 28 witches with a CoB.  Hmmm, I see it now with 50/50.....2 CoB, one for witches and one for executioneers.

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I like the potential in Medusas too, and the models look awesome.  I have one waiting to be painted as soon as I finish the other stuff in front of it (lol).  


She's fast, has situationally effective shooting, and of course is pretty cheap for a single model that doesn't die too easily herself.  


I was thinking of running Malekith on his Dragon so that I would have a 24" Ld 10 bubble and that would keep Medusa in line, and give her a pretty good area to roam in.  What do you think?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm about to embark on a long journey of a themed drow army.  I have purchased what I would use for a level 4 wizard on a dark pegasus and the models I am wanting to use for shades:


Here's what the wizard on dark peg would be:



Here's what the shades would be represented as:



I'm now looking for a mind flayer to use as a level 2 wizard or as the level 4 if I don't want to use the "dark pegasus".  This is going to be a fun army to start and should hopefully look very unique to other dark elf armies.  I am a huge fan of drow and have always been drawn to everything about them in DnD.  At any rate, this is going to be a slow and fun project to work on.

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I received the Medusa yesterday and have been working on it.  I have the base colors and the wash done.  I am going to begin the layers today.  This is a fantastic model.  It is intimidating to paint, for me at least, and I hope I can get a solid outcome from the finished product.


Once this is done, I will be starting on the female drider wizard for my drow army.  I am having a hard time figuring out how to do dark riders.  I am looking into the possibility of using dark rider torso's and goblin spider rider bodies.  I will have to play around with it though, as my green stuff skills are greatly lacking.  Oh well, I need to test it out at some point.

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I got some more work done on the medusa.  It's looking pretty legit.   I then remembered that I needed to start working on my pledge for Ogre Stronghold.  So, instead of starting on the drider I started to work on my 7 Ogre Bulls.


As a side note, I have been trying to figure out a way to make the arachnarok work as a shrine to Lloth (cauldron of blood).  It would be painted as an animated construct.

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