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Vampire Counts @ 2800 for OFCC. A log.

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This year I am bringing Vampire Counts. I have finalized my list to begin putting paint on models.


I am going to start with list


Master Necromancer

Level 4 Lore of Vampires

Master of the Dead

Dispel Scroll

Pidgeon Plucker Amulet




Level 2

Lore of Vampires

Barded Nightmare

Heavy Armor



Talisman of Preservation

Potion of Foolhardiness

Quick Blood




Level 2 Lore of Vampires

Fencers Blades

Iron Curse Icon

Quick Blood




Level 2 Lore of Vampires

Staff of Damnation



44 Skeletons

Full Command



20 Zombies

Musician, Standard Bearer



22 Crypt Ghouls




5 Dire Wolves



5 Dire Wolves



5 Dire Wolves



5 Dire Wolves



5 Hexwraiths



5 Hexwraith



6 Crypt Horrors



2 Fell Bats



Corpse Cart






5 Blood Knights

Musician, Standard Bearer

Banner of Eternal Flame



Black Coach


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what is that you are wanting to accomplish win this list? knowing that would help guide my input.


from a first glance this list appears under powered. there is very little that has any real kind of punch. most of the list looks like chaff. I don't see you having any unit that can deal with blocks of any size.


the ghouls are much to small I be of any use. you will need at least 30-35 to make them efficient in combat, even with a ton of ion possibilities.


I commend you or taking models that aren't optimal (blood knights and the black coach).


do you have a theme your building around?

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what is that you are wanting to accomplish win this list? knowing that would help guide my input.


from a first glance this list appears under powered. there is very little that has any real kind of punch. most of the list looks like chaff. I don't see you having any unit that can deal with blocks of any size.


the ghouls are much to small I be of any use. you will need at least 30-35 to make them efficient in combat, even with a ton of ion possibilities.


I commend you or taking models that aren't optimal (blood knights and the black coach).


do you have a theme your building around?

It's a list that's purposely.built to be lower mid range in power level. I wasn't looking for smashing (been there, not fun)

The general theme is a ruined castle and its inhabitants.


The idea of the units are to mutually support each other rather than going in a Hulk smash type of method.


The skeletons, coach and horrors all will be there to tarpit units, the zombies bunker my mages in the back,.knights are monster hunting, varghiest id there to provide extra resolution as needed. Hexwraiths are there to blow up chaff. Dogs are to redirect.


I don't feel that all VC armies have to be drown opponents in bodies, or super death stars. I would like try it this way.

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I think you have enough flank support (varghulf, knights, coach, and bats).  Here's what I would do:


Drop a unit or two of dogs to get that ghoul unit up to a little more power.  Even with IoN, that unit is going to crumble to fast.  If you're not wanting smash mouth numbers, maybe just a unit size of 30.  Or, go 25 and add some more bodies to the zombie unit (nothing wrong with more zombies for the list you have).  I'd also suggest to try to get another bat in that unit (if you are able to).


I love the theme, maybe drop the level 2 necromancer to get some points to beef up some units.  Also, since you are going for smaller unit sizes, have you thought about the vampire ability to heal up bats and wolves?  That would fit what you are trying to do very well.


I think, IMO, you only need minor tweaks to a few units (just for a little more size). 

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Yeah, 4 units of dogs is unwieldy. I think I may add 8 more to the ghouls with those points...


The zombies with luck will never see combat. I'm tempted to drop the.necromancer and coach for a strigoi ghoul king, but that is counter to my plan.


Wish there was a hero level strigoi.

Although one heavy hitting infantry unit wouldn't kill me.

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while trying to stay within your expressed theme here is what I would do.

drop the ghouls for a block of skellies, this fits well with the idea of ruins and gives you more from master of the dead.

make the dog units 6 for optimal dart formation while keeping some drops.

try to get the either free up the points to get your hexies to 6 per units (dart formation) and it get the horrrors to a body count of 8.

none of these tweeks make any of the units broken/overpowered. while keeping the flavor of variaty that you've got going on.

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Yeah, 4 units of dogs is unwieldy. I think I may add 8 more to the ghouls with those points...


The zombies with luck will never see combat. I'm tempted to drop the.necromancer and coach for a strigoi ghoul king, but that is counter to my plan.


Wish there was a hero level strigoi.

Although one heavy hitting infantry unit wouldn't kill me.


I was suggesting a little more zombies because if they are the bunker for your casters then they may see more template shooting.

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I have q theory on zombies ... One IoN a round will see them swell quote tast why pay for more.

Fair enough.  The rare situation, I only see two, would be the double trebs from Bretonnia and the double stone throwers from Dwarfs on first turn blasting the unit beyond look out sir rolls.  However, I totally see your point and fully understand, as an ex vamp player, the IoN being more than sufficient to keep the unit going all game.


I like the list, it's deceiving.  If you know vampires, you know this list could actually work with successful results.  If you don't know vampire counts, you may underestimate the list until the first 2 IoN's go off.


I don't know how I missed this.  I would suggest taking the flaming banner off the blood knights.  With all the loan characters out there with access to a dragon helm, a single character could hold that unit in place all game.  I know it's mainly for all the regen stuff out there, and yes there is a lot of it, but I see this as a problem more than a benefit.


The hexwraiths should be your go to units for locking a regening monster/unit in place.  Being ethereal, you really only need to be worried about getting a wound or 2 through to win combat.

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Mexicanninja thanks, I appreciate it.

The Flame Banner is so the unit can hunt its primary targets: Monsters. Very few or those got gems and helme but you are right its likely a liability. Not a hard swap for banner of swiftness or something else.


So I am dropping the plain necromancer, and black coach for the strigoi.lord. I think I need it.

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So I revised the list to be harder after a conversation with some people. The idea is if you go too soft, you may end up not providing a good match in challenge level. No one wants to roll opponents, its not fun.

So do we feel the following is too hard?


Strigoi Ghoul King

Red Fury, Quickblood

Ogres Blade, The Other Trickster's Shard, Dragon Bane Gem


Master Necromancer, LVL 4

Dispel Scroll


Necromancer, LVL 1

Corpse Cart

Book of Arkhan


Wight King

Great Weapon, Night Shroud, Seed of Rebirth

Battle Standard Bearer


39 Crypt Ghouls, Champion

49 Skeleton Warriors, Full Command

20 Zombies, Standard, Musician

5 Dire Wolves

5 Dire Wolves

5 Hex Wraith

5 Hex Wraith


Mortis Engine, Blasphemous Tome



Too over the top?

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That list is far from over the top.  While it poses a threat to opponents you have none of the following units:


Black Knights

Mounted Vampire spam

Ethereal Character spam

Crypt Horrors



The list you have is perfect for representing a competitive list at a non tournament envirornment.  You have included units which would not be used in non-comp score tournaments.

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