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One kickstarter to rule them all

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This guy is creating some really beautiful sculpts. I think it's too bad that he doesn't make something that is a bit more original, I.e. not a fairly blatant theft of intellectual property.


I'm sure others will think differently on this subject, but i find it odd that people think its OK to steal ideas and sell them. If he (or anyone else) doesn't think that the image and look of the greater daemons don't have tremendous value in the marketplace...why doesn't he make his own daemons? He's a brilliant artist, he could make wonderful creatures. But I imagine that he thinks that they wouldn't sell as well if they aren't Nurgle, Slaanesh, etc.


....and I think he's right.

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It's not like Gw's take on the deamons are really that original either though.  Everyone steals ideas. Even Tolkein stole ideas for the lord of the rings from an opera that was stolen from myth. The real key is it's their interpretation.


You are right though, he probably wouldn't sell original ideas. He can use these to start his company and then move into it.

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Agreed. He's not really stealing an idea as much as he's selling a gap in a very popular mythos given the niche of his product. It is incredibly hard to sell "just cool sculpts" considering the interest level and budget concerns of gamers.


Saying that it's blatant IP theft is a little harsh, though, considering how bland GW demons are comparatively. I mean, a sex demon with some extra wicked claws for stabbing? A pustulent fattie representing plague? Definitely never seen those anywhere before GW....

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Agreed. He's not really stealing an idea as much as he's selling a gap in a very popular mythos given the niche of his product. It is incredibly hard to sell "just cool sculpts" considering the interest level and budget concerns of gamers.

Saying that it's blatant IP theft is a little harsh, though, considering how bland GW demons are comparatively. I mean, a sex demon with some extra wicked claws for stabbing? A pustulent fattie representing plague? Definitely never seen those anywhere before GW....

I'd wager that if you asked 1,000 fantasy gamers what those models are, the overwhelming majority would ID them as the Warhammer universe daemons. That's what IP and brands are. Subtle but very important. Apple's logo is an apple. They didn't invent something new. They created a brand with tremendous value with time money and effort.


As I wrote above...the highly probable outcome that these items will sell better because they have the look of GW IP is fairly damning evidence that the look and feel of these models has value. And that value was created by someone else.

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I'd wager that if you asked 1,000 fantasy gamers what those models are, the overwhelming majority would ID them as the Warhammer universe daemons.

Maybe, maybe not. Daemonettes look kinda like this chick:


And she's not even all that original. Check out a google image search for "sex demons" or "succubus" and you'll get some pretty similar ones to the GW breed.


I do think it's pretty clear that this guy is picking this "assortment" for it's likeness of the GW products. If IP rip-off isn't intended, he is clearly intending to market to the same audience.


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