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Plans for OFCC 2014


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OK, as requested, here's a thread for us to consolidate our ideas and plans for this year's OFCC. I'll update this first post with team information as it unfolds, but for now, if you've got a team, post your info, if you're looking for a team, post here and work it out.


Warhammer 40k Teams


Devlan Studs

Jason (Captain)





Double Pene-Traitors

Corey (Captain)


Mike Gregory

George Blackmore

Beer Caddy: Loren Tinsley


ORPHANS!! (No team yet)

Mike P (bloodyfangs)

Russ (sergentzimm)

Kacy (smashthedean)



Warhammer Fantasy Teams'


Insert Team Name Here





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Shaun, Andy, Kacy, Russ, Mike P., anyone else? How are y'all rolling?


Originally I was hoping to take up captain for peoples. However, with medical bills from Sarah's broken arm (still over $4000 even with insurance, it's ridiculous. It actually cost in total about $90k in hospital bills before insurance. Thank goodness for insurance, that's for sure) and her loss of hours because of baby, and added cost of baby... we're still crunching numbers. I'll try to get a more solid answer here soon though.

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I'm hoping to go, but I have no idea what is going on teams-wise. I could theoretically Captain a team if needed. I was really hoping to get in on the Thursday/Friday X-Wing stuff, but it's looking like I won't be able to get those days off of work :(

that [big bad swear word]ing sucks.... sorry Kacey

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Originally I was hoping to take up captain for peoples. However, with medical bills from Sarah's broken arm (still over $4000 even with insurance, it's ridiculous. It actually cost in total about $90k in hospital bills before insurance. Thank goodness for insurance, that's for sure) and her loss of hours because of baby, and added cost of baby... we're still crunching numbers. I'll try to get a more solid answer here soon though.



Why did you break her arm, you big meanie? Russ, Shaun, and Kacy (and anyone else for that matter): What systems were you planning on playing? I can start an "orphans" list in the OP to help figure out who is interested in what.

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Why did you break her arm, you big meanie? Russ, Shaun, and Kacy (and anyone else for that matter): What systems were you planning on playing? I can start an "orphans" list in the OP to help figure out who is interested in what.


Because she talked back to me Jim.


Anyways, I'd be going with 40k as Nids. TK aren't painted up to the new point standard, and not enough practice with Fantasy as of late.

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