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Do you need main codex to use supplement codex?

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Bascially, supplemental codex just means about a page of additional special rules, alternate army format, special wargear and some spiffy warlord traits. Calling it a codex is certainly misleading.

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Its more than a page...its like two!  and it comes with a lot of fluff which in the case of the Black Legion book was incredibly awesome.  I truly did enjoy reading it.  Learned a lot.  


But the changes in a Black Legion army are pretty cool.  Black Legion Terminator group that is the bodyguard for Abaddon is just awesome.  WS and BS 5 for 6 points each?  Sold.  Chosen as TROOPS?  Man.  Never going to fear heading to the front with those kinds of troops.  They're like Terminators almost themselves.


And I'm sorry but my Black Legion Chaos Lord, though ridiculously expensive, is just an absolute murderer.  No character, tank nor monster wants any part of that guy.

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My big problem with the BL Dex is that every time they mention Sorcerers in the fluff parts, they're Divining or Scrying or Prophesizing or something like that, and then none of that makes it into the Rules. Couldn't they have tossed in some references to Legion Sorcerers blasting people with warpfire or hulking out on Biomancy buffs, or melting people's brains or something related to the powers that they can actually get?


Seriously, tho, it's a pretty awesome book. I mostly just have that one rant.

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