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CSM on the cheap

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Thinking of getting some CSM again simply due to awesome factor of the models. However, I need to do it really smart and cheap. Here is what I was thinking...


New StrikeForce box set. $170ish online somewhere...gives me:

Term Lord (could be built as sorc)

5 terms

5 raptors/talons

10 marines

1 rhino

1 forgefiend/whatever


I then get my hands on a DV set of chaos dudes for about $50...that gives me:

chaos lord

6 chosen

1 helbrute

10 cc cultists

10 range cultists


Which in terms of lists would be:

2 hq

3 elite

3 troops

1 fast

1 heavy


And the points can get around 1300. So if I wanted to take it up to 1500, what would be the way to go? I'm thinking the heldrake.


All said and done, 1500pts of CSM for under $300.

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Thinking of getting some CSM again simply due to awesome factor of the models. However, I need to do it really smart and cheap. Here is what I was thinking...


New StrikeForce box set. $170ish online somewhere...gives me:

Term Lord (could be built as sorc)

5 terms

5 raptors/talons

10 marines

1 rhino

1 forgefiend/whatever


I then get my hands on a DV set of chaos dudes for about $50...that gives me:

chaos lord

6 chosen

1 helbrute

10 cc cultists

10 range cultists


Which in terms of lists would be:

2 hq

3 elite

3 troops

1 fast

1 heavy


And the points can get around 1300. So if I wanted to take it up to 1500, what would be the way to go? I'm thinking the heldrake.


All said and done, 1500pts of CSM for under $300.

Or, could just get DV 3 times. You'd have 15 traitor terminators, 9 traitors bikes, 48 traitor marines, 3 traitor sorcerers, 6 traitor lords (or aspiring champions), 60 cultists, 3 hellbutes (which could probably become daemon princes pretty easily). That's certainly more than 1500pts, especially after marks or cult troop costs added in. 

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Yeah...no....I like the DV models, but like them as one-shots, not something to repeat in my collection.

That's fine, was just thinking you wanted the cheapest CSM route. Your method is good too, though a tad more expensive per point.

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Don't forget about ebay, bartertown, and the rogue trading subforum here at ofcc. The market has tons of used CSM and rhinos.


Unless you want a specific bit the term lord set is overpriced for just one model, for example.


For effectiveness Heldrakes are indeed awesome, although that one is hard to find at a reduced price.

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   Ive been building up my CSM collection recently and started with the DV set as do most.


 My first list will be an Allied detatchemt for my Orks so im grabbing up Noise Marines and recently purchased a Helldrake Think I payed 61.00 w/shipping for it.also just picked up a finecast Scorcerer off ebay for 7.00 nib w.shipping.


 The Noise marines can be kinda expensive to get as ive found out though I did manage to get two of the Forgeworld ones for 11.00 a piece nib and one older Metal one nib for 13.00 the others ill probably just convert from the 10 regular marines I picked up.


Im tempted to pick up that strike force box as I think its a good deal especially if you can get it for 170.00 but the Raptors and the CSM Termies seem a bit meh in the codex... models are still awesome though!.


   Oh and I got a stripped Rhino for 21.00 I need to get a Havoc laucher for it ..maybe ill just scrap one up or something.


  Looks like you guys all know about CSM..any suggestions on a good shooty support list of them for Orks?

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Heavy support:

People hate on vindicators but I think it would complement Orcs nicely.


You could also try out the triple las predator or the cheaper autocannon / lascannon version.


I also like Havocs, but I've come to the conclusion that they should have extra bodies and probably a morale boost like VOLW or a standard. 


The Forgefiend is less durable from the front but might be worth a try, I have no experience with them though.


For FA:

Easy choice is that you you want a heldrake... although spawn are nice for being able to tie up units while the rest of your line arrives. Bikes are good too but the baleflamer drake is better. Those vector strikes can add up, and they auto-hit enemy flyers too.



Slanneshi assault marines are possibly worth considering, or cheaped out CSM, but the smart bet is to just get small cultist squads that come in from reserve. You can also make a bargain fearless mob for fun with a cheap lord


Meh. Shoota boys and rokkit buggies will be better offensively for shooting than anything here if you ask me. Noise marines and plague marines are cool but so costly.



For shooting focus keep it cheap, like a level 1-2 sorcerer


For under 100 points you can get a trim lord to give fearless to a 30+ cultist blob. The blob Lord needs an invul save and a couple assault weapons, but don't go overboard on gear.


The exception I'd make for gear on lords would be a bike lord with a fast retinue, he can justify more points in offense. A bike unit's jink save is helpful, or you could go for the nurgle spawn route and put 15 T6 wounds in the way.The trick there is to hop them in cover while your lord uses cover sparingly, I had a bike lord kill himself on a forest at TSHFT so I'm bitter.

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Heavy support:

People hate on vindicators but I think it would complement Orcs nicely.


You could also try out the triple las predator or the cheaper autocannon / lascannon version.


I also like Havocs, but I've come to the conclusion that they should have extra bodies and probably a morale boost like VOLW or a standard. 


The Forgefiend is less durable from the front but might be worth a try, I have no experience with them though.


For FA:

Easy choice is that you you want a heldrake... although spawn are nice for being able to tie up units while the rest of your line arrives. Bikes are good too but the baleflamer drake is better. Those vector strikes can add up, and they auto-hit enemy flyers too.



Slanneshi assault marines are possibly worth considering, or cheaped out CSM, but the smart bet is to just get small cultist squads that come in from reserve. You can also make a bargain fearless mob for fun with a cheap lord



Meh. Shoota boys and rokkit buggies will be better offensively for shooting than anything here if you ask me. Noise marines and plague marines are cool but so costly.



For shooting focus keep it cheap, like a level 1-2 sorcerer


For under 100 points you can get a trim lord to give fearless to a 30+ cultist blob. The blob Lord needs an invul save and a couple assault weapons, but don't go overboard on gear.


The exception I'd make for gear on lords would be a bike lord with a fast retinue, he can justify more points in offense. A bike unit's jink save is helpful, or you could go for the nurgle spawn route and put 15 T6 wounds in the way.The trick there is to hop them in cover while your lord uses cover sparingly, I had a bike lord kill himself on a forest at TSHFT so I'm bitter.


 Thanx for the tips:)


 Ive been considering a Las Predator but I do like the looks of the Walkers and Beasties in the army,heh.

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Thinking of getting some CSM again simply due to awesome factor of the models. However, I need to do it really smart and cheap. Here is what I was thinking...


New StrikeForce box set. $170ish online somewhere...gives me:

Term Lord (could be built as sorc)

5 terms

5 raptors/talons

10 marines

1 rhino

1 forgefiend/whatever


I then get my hands on a DV set of chaos dudes for about $50...that gives me:

chaos lord

6 chosen

1 helbrute

10 cc cultists

10 range cultists


Which in terms of lists would be:

2 hq

3 elite

3 troops

1 fast

1 heavy


And the points can get around 1300. So if I wanted to take it up to 1500, what would be the way to go? I'm thinking the heldrake.


All said and done, 1500pts of CSM for under $300.

That seems really sensible.  I do suggest the Black Legion book as well.  Fantastic.  Having SO much fun with Black legion allies but with your list you could actually just use a normal Black Legion army.  Ups the points for you a bit, and the Terminators you can get are really really cool, Plus the Chosen would be troops.  Without having to add a single model, you could jump to 4 troops.

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