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quick black legion question


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I was just reading through it and it looks to me if you take Abbadon, you take his warlord trait. If you take a generic lord you would roll on the table from the Black Legion book or from the main rule book. It doesn't appear to me that you can take any other special characters as a warlord with Black Legion as your primary detachment. 

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I was just reading through it and it looks to me if you take Abbadon, you take his warlord trait. If you take a generic lord you would roll on the table from the Black Legion book or from the main rule book. It doesn't appear to me that you can take any other special characters as a warlord with Black Legion as your primary detachment. 

Why not? It explicitly allows you to roll with the other SCs, and there's nothing keeping you from taking one of them as your only HQ.

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I was just reading through it and it looks to me if you take Abbadon, you take his warlord trait. If you take a generic lord you would roll on the table from the Black Legion book or from the main rule book. It doesn't appear to me that you can take any other special characters as a warlord with Black Legion as your primary detachment. 

Little lost here. As far as I read it, it doesn't restrict any model selections from the CSM book. Only stipulation is that models with the vets option must upgrade.

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I was only saying that is appeared to me that you couldn't because it doesn't say you can. Honestly the rules in it are not very clear but it is the first supplemental codex that I've bought. I always thought that 40k was permission based. If it doesn't say you can do it, then you can't. Am I wrong? I'm asking for my own clarification so I know down the road. 

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I was only saying that is appeared to me that you couldn't because it doesn't say you can. Honestly the rules in it are not very clear but it is the first supplemental codex that I've bought. I always thought that 40k was permission based. If it doesn't say you can do it, then you can't. Am I wrong? I'm asking for my own clarification so I know down the road. 

Ah, man, looking for consistency in 40k rulings? Just a losing battle....


Yeah, in regards to this supplement, it alters what it says it alters and doesn't change anything else in the codex. So, chaos artefacts swap for the ones printed in that book. Warlord traits, aside from the above issue, go by the black legion book too. Chosen become troops. Units that can take the vets upgrade, must. And "If" abaddon is taken, one unit of terms can be upgraded.


I suppose your consistency approach is still true, except your applying it wrong. The black legion book only modifies the CSM book as mentioned, without any other changes. So despite chosen troops, you can still run cultists, chaos marines, thousand sons, bezerkers, plague marines and noise marines, as per normal. The only change is the vet requirement, which makes many of your options quite a bit more expensive. This makes sense with the black legion fluff anyway, as black legion is basically a mix of all the 4 gods and godless branches of CSM fighting together for a common cause.

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Yeah, it's kind of impossible to have someone with higher Ld than him. Normally you get to pick in the case of a tie, but there are a couple of SCs (Azrael comes to mind as well) who have to be the Warlord if they're in the Primary Detachment. I don't think any Dex has more than one of them.

Yeah, abaddon must be warlord if in primary, like Azrael. As for leadership, certain effects could technically alter the leadership (cypher) for abaddon. That said, even if he's got lower leadership, it says he must be warlord if in primary, so his leadership doesn't really matter on that front. Cypher, on the other hand, specifically can't be a warlord.

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