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Wyvern Common Orc Warlord w/paired weapons, Shady Shanking, Death Cheater
Common Orc Shaman Adept w/Book of Arcane Mastery, Pyromancy
Common Goblin Chief w/Crown of the Cavern King
Goblin With Doctor Adept w/Skull Fetish, Witchcraft
Feral Orc BSB w/Banner of Speed

35 Iron Orcs w full command
35 Feral Orcs w/ full command
45 Common Goblins w/ full command, Shield, 3 Shady Gits
20 Common Goblins w/bow
20 Common Orcs w/bow
5 Goblin Raiders w/bows
5 Goblin Raider w/Lances
2 Skewers
1 Splatterer

Basic questions:

1. How is the list overall?
2. Kit for the characters?
3. More characters? 
4.  Should the 2 Raider units be combined?


Looks solid, but I'm no Orc player! Things I would suggest:

-I like Iron Orc for the Warlord. Give him Fearless, give him a shield and he'll have 2+ armor save 4+ Fortitude, plus Weapon Master lets him switch between sword and board / paired weaps.
-I would make the Feral Orcs 'Eadbashers, with paired weapons or spears.
-Spears on the Goblins? Spears + Green Time banner lets you fight in 4 ranks!


Overall I like the list, to answer your questions:

1) Overall its both shooty and fighy, not amazing at either. You lack significant swiftstride threat to secure board positioning. You do have the ace in the hole war-cry, which from what I understand is kinda like having swiftstride.

2) I would get the potion of swiftness on your warlord just to be sure that you get to attack first in a duel.

Whats the plan with the goblin chief?

Your BSB has only 1 banner enchantment, but can take 2! I would double up on him to get the most bang for your buck.

3) I think you have plenty of characters 😄

4) I think you should keep the raider separate, they are really just chaff in the end. The lances option will fold like paper if they hit a real unit (even in the flank), but you can at least give opponent chaff a run for it's money. Honestly, your pyromancy and bowfire would probably be sufficient for anti-chaff. All that said, I dont think you are going to get much extra mileage out of giving them more bows.


Some disturbing lists I have seen online are feral orc spam with bows, paired weapons, and mammoth stabbers. So you can put out like 300 arrows per turn, with 15 mammoth stabbers, and paired weapons all around. The are all fearless so you don't have to worry about a mass route.

That of course would be a gross list, not one befitting of OFCC!

1 hour ago, Yarbicus said:

Will post a few changes. Prevailing wisdom is that 'Eadbashers aren't worth the extra points any more.

Maybe not! Took a look and O&G ETC lists, looks like just 5 out of 19 people took them. 3 out of the 5 lists at Buckeye Battles took them, including the list that was in the top 10. Probably still good, but you already have a big fighty block with the Iron Orcs, so maybe just paired weapons on the Ferals will do.

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