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Tactical rocks

Sgt. Rock

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What to do about them? I have a batch of nice industrial base files for my 3D printer that I want to use for my Marines, but here and there, GW sneaks in some jackoff pulling a Captain Morgan on a random chunk of rock, which totally doesn't fit. I suppose I could just work with that, but I hate to have to bend my entire army's modelling decisions around a handful of models, and I paid for the files, so I want to use them. I'm not nearly good enough to carefully cut the rocks off and resculpt the rest. Anyone have any ideas? Here's a pic of one of the bases, for reference.


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Remember that old Portlandia sketch, “Put a bird on it?” The Citadel Miniatures design team seems to follow a similar philosophy: put a skull on it.

If you need to replace the random rock or tree stump that GW puts under the feet of a lot of their minis, you can’t go wrong with a skull. A helmet also works. Bonus points if you have a specific army (e.g., orks) that you love to hate and use one of their skulls.

Ammo crates, random cables, or industrial piping might also work.

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I considered the Sector Imperialis bit. And Ish, that's not a bad idea, if I can find any that I can cut off. I also figured I could go for a ruined munitorum/hive city look by adding more slabs of concrete-looking stuff and using some sprue to look like ruined and bent girders. That may be the easiest way to go, honestly.

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39 minutes ago, Sgt. Rock said:

And Ish, that's not a bad idea, if I can find any that I can cut off.

Citadel Miniatures actually sells a great big box of skulls. 340 of them for a mere $30.00 USD! Mostly human, but there's some orcs, tau, and a big old monster-alien-demon thing too.

Secret Weapon Miniatures sells a Sack O'Skulls too. They're resin and a bit nicer looking than the Citadel ones, IMHO, but its only 50 of them for $15.00 USD.

And, of course, you've got a 3D printer. I'm sure you can probably find files for piles of skulls.

[Insert obligatory Khorne reference here.]

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I'd attach them with rocks intact but then add some subtle details to suggest integration with the bases. Angular chips of plasticard. Maybe a piece of broken pipe. Less is more in these situations. It's also helpful to add just a touch of scattered debris elsewhere to sell the concept. Or not. I actually think those bases would look terrific with some organic details for contrast. You could leave the rock. Add a few more rocks. Maybe some flowers popping up through a crevice in the plating. I really appreciate when bases are detailed to a high standard with their own color scheme. 


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