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My OFCC Lizardmen list

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Hi Guys!


I've decided to throw up this list too see what you guys think of it and maybe get a rating on it? been playing with other variants of this list for awhile and thought this one would be really cool to use.



Saurus Old Blood: Carnasaur, Looping stride, Great weapon, Armour of Destiny, Dawnstone, The Other Trickster's Shard,                                        471pts      


Sauraus Scar-Veteran: BSB, Sword of Striking, Enchanted Shield, Egg of the Quango                                                                                                 161pts


Skink Priest: Lv1 Heavens, Channeling Staff                                                                                                                                                                   80pts


Skink Priest: Lv1 Beasts, Dispell scroll                                                                                                                                                                            90pts


Skink Priest: Lv1 Beasts, Power Stone                                                                                                                                                                            85pts


30 Saurus Warriors: Command                                                                                                                                                                                       360pts


10 Skink Skirmishers: Javelins and Shields                                                                                                                                                                    70pts


10 Skink Skirmishers: Javelins and Shields                                                                                                                                                                    70pts


10 Skink Skirmishers: Javelins and Shields                                                                                                                                                                    70pts


10 Skink Skirmishers: Javelins and Shields                                                                                                                                                                    70pts


10 Skink Cohorts: Musician                                                                                                                                                                                             60pts


30 Temple Guard: Command, Jaguar Standard                                                                                                                                                              500pts


Bastilidon: Solar Engine                                                                                                                                                                                                  150pts


Dread Saurian: The Shadow Rebus of Haunchi (Ambusher)                                                                                                                                           475pts


1 Salamander Hunting Pack: Extra Skink                                                                                                                                                                       84pts


Total points: 2796pts

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Meh it has no saves and only 6A it's not the best beast for 550 but I wanna see one on a table

Not the best beast on the table?  I love how you just non-shelantly say "Meh".  I used to run a green knight in my bret lists and let me tell you how that performed.  Exceptionally well!  That ethereal means that your opponent has to focus magic attacks at him, which in turn means your other units live.  If you get into combat, you will almost always win, as long as you don't touch a unit with magic attacks.  That dude is tough to kill.  What oher monsters (who you will most likely be directing him to) can hurt him?

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Well given the amount of reaction to the ethereal i'm sure Sithean is going to remove the ethereal,


But my opinion remain un-changed a lot in this game has Magic attacks and shooting


Such as any dwarf warmachine with at least one rune

All demons including their canons

Any of the upgrade arrows for would elves and trees

WOC demon princes, skull crushers hell cannons

Other Ethereals

Banner of the world Dragon stops it dead

And much more


I know some armies like ogers, beastman, TKings have trouble with it but that's what we take Chaff,


again given the reactions I believe my argument to mute

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That said Shayne, the mentality is to build to a 3 (ie, bring very powered down versions of lists that our meta has gotten accustomed to), and this list doesn't hit that, I'd say everything else looks fine (tough, but not excessively so).   Losing ethereal off a monster that is ambushing means that EVERY army has at least one turn to try to shoot him off.  I'd rather not have to be very careful about matching him up every round to makes sure his opponent has good games....


I'd argue that in the context of what I feel is a 3 this list with the ethereal beast doesn't fit, solely due to the monster being able to win games against certain armies single handedly.

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Alright, after hearing all you're suggestions (of witch there may have been only one of), i've decided to take the Ethereal off the big beasty and added a Salamander Hunting Pack with extra skink. If there's anything else you guys think might need some tweaking, just say so. 

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Alright, after hearing all you're suggestions (of witch there may have been only one of), i've decided to take the Ethereal off the big beasty and added a Salamander Hunting Pack with extra skink. If there's anything else you guys think might need some tweaking, just say so. 


Looks really fun to play against now :). One of the things (and this pure opinion) you might want to think about is not taking the dread as an ambusher. The problem is he has a chance to just never show up or show up too far away and he is 1/6 of your army. He moves pretty fast at M7 (does he have swiftstride, i can't remember)so by turn 2 you should be able to get him to chomping something down. Also remember he gets the +1 from the bastilidon to Initiative if he's close to it.  

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Here are my thoughts:


The Old Blood is good!  2+rerollable/4+ward will help him survive and, coupled with the Carnosaur (which I think are under rated and grossly underused) will dish out some wounds.  The ScarVet is going to catch some people out with the Egg.  Fun item, but will surprise some folks.  Unpleasantly I'd imagine.


The Priests are not that big a deal, but multiple Wildforms will come in handy!  The Saurus (S5-6) and Temple Guard (S6-7) will obviously find this useful, but when applied to the Skinks those javelins get that much better - S4 poison missile weapons are good even if they do only have 12" range.


Which brings me to the fact (as I've mentioned elsewhere) lots of poison shooting is better in this monster laden environment than it might be elsewhere and should be rated as such.  Not that I think the shooting is OTT or anything - certainly not in a normal tournament - but there are lots of targets that will suffer disproportionately in this field.  Massed poison shooting is no bueno for the big fellas.


Lastly, the Dreaded Saurian.  With the Ethereal (yes, I know it is gone) that one model could easily single handedly wipe out my army (and more than a few others as well).  As it is now it is still really, really tough and could put a serious beatdown on my army all by himself.  


Not only does the Shadow Rebus upgrade ability give you Ambush, but it also gives Swiftstride and it makes Stand and Shoot reactions reroll successful to hit rolls - not too shabby I'd say.  Terror, 6 S8 attacks causing D3 wounds per as well as a single Heroic Killing Blow attack at initiative 3 (perhaps 4), 6 T7 wounds with a 3+ save all add up to a very tough monster that will be very difficult for many armies to deal with.  Want some extra "fun"?  Drop a Wildform or two on this guy!  Sure, "cannon it off" will be the mantra.  But not all armies have cannons and cannons do not provide a guarantee of anything.  A 1 to wound or anything but a 6 on wounds and the Saurian is still on the table.  Which leads me to.....


I disagree with Myster2's assesment above regarding the removal of the Ambusher being a benefit.  If he comes on late you have the opportunity to deal with any warmachines the enemy might have while you're awaiting his arrival.  This is also a points denial 'opportunity' wherein if he comes on late your opponent will have little or no chance to take him out, even if he still has/ever had the means to do so.  Sure, if you are really unlucky he might not show up every once in a while.  But when he does he will wreak havoc upon your foe.  And let's not forget that Swiftstride and the Stand and Shoot rerolls come with the ability.


All that tallies up in my book as an army that rates better than what it might appear.  I will say that the Dreaded Saurian certainly ups the rating somewhat.  Veskit is correct, for me at least:  I would think this is at least a high 3 for most of the raters.  Personally, I feel like it could venture into the '4' neighborhood.  I'll reserve that until I see the other lists though.

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is it really THAT tough? I figured 3.4-3.8 but 4? I haven't been looking but I figured that many lists are taking 3ish monsters with the SoM allowed, and he's got a VERY soft magic phase in that they're all lvl 1's.  Any lvl 4 should be able to shut down his magic phase completely unless he's 6 dicing, and that has it's own issues.


I'm also sure that Ricky isn't the only one with a survivable lord on a big beasty, it doesn't stop the carny from being shot out from underneath him.

Temple guard is in the medium size range, not deathstar and skinks are squishy.  Sure poison has potential to be better against high amount of enemy beasts, but there are team matchups for a reason right? I'm sure there will be lists that aren't as susceptible to poison that it can be matched up against.... 


Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to offend or defend this list, I'm just honestly curious as this would be a very soft list in our area so I'm trying to get a handle on general feelings.

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I could be wrong and I'm not on the rating committee, so take everything I say with a grain of tequila and salt.


My thoughts:

1) Poison - 40 poison throwers seems like a lot for the amount of monsters that OFCC brings out

2) 3 Big Monsters - 3 itself doesn't bother me so much as the size of two of them.  Over a 1000 points in monsters and 950 of that in two of them.  Yes, there are armies that will have a good chance to deal with them as they have enough shooting, or chaff to give them time to deal with them.  But many armies don't field shooting or chaff, so having those in your units (units that the Lizards choose based off movement) early or before you have a chance to adjust (ambusher) can make for a very sad opponent.  Now with that said ambusher is going to delay how many rounds you get to use that unit or where it shows up, so that could cause a benefit for the opponent.

3) Your two big units are not death stars per se, but both are killy in their own right and hard to dislodge points.  Im ok with these two units actually, but just stating overall thoughts.

4) 5 speed bumps that can kill.  Unlike most speed bumps in armies, yours actually can do a decent amount of hurt prior to dying.  And the fact that there is 5 of them which is more than most armies field for redirectors/chaff it will make it hard to get to grips with the actual points of your army.  It will also allow the user to setup the favorable matchups for the big beasties.


Perhaps I overreacted, but I would still probably rate this 3.9-4.2 currently.  Especially based off some of the other lists posted that seemed more friendly.

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The dread sauron is bad ass. It's in combination with The Lord on carny that makes him really tough. That lord is about as good as the big beastie and more survivable. I can understand the misgivings.


I don't feel this list is too hard for many of the reasons veskit stated.


His list wants to engage you, so he won't be running away like so many lizard men lists do which is nice to see for a change.


His magic phase consists of 3 level 1 casters. Two on beasts which are mainly there to push wild form through and one has a power stone for when he really needs it. T he heavens Mage is going to likely default to ice shard blizzard which should help his combat blocks out in close combat since they suffer from low weapons skill. He also should channel a power or dispell dice every other phase with 3 channel attempts , one on a 5+ . The bastiladon has a bound laser gun on his back too which although random can be quite good. So with out a slann he has a decent magic phase and since his skink priests are cheap I see no reason he would fear a six dice cast to push through his spells when he needs them.


The weakness is really his magic defence as he only has level 1 casters, mind you one does have a scroll so he can shut down a key spell when needed. Still once that scroll is gone he can likely only stop one spell a phase and even then he might fail to stop it. This goes to the heart of this list, engage and fight worry about defence later.


His combat is strong but is focused in 2 units. The carny lord and the big bad Dino, kill one and he's crippled. The big Dino is the easiest to kill and with magic dominance with a level 4 he can me softened up or the unit fighting him buffed remember he is only Ws 3 so he's almost always hitting on 4s and he's only ld6 and not stubborn. The Lord is scarier to me because you need to kill both the rider and the monster to get points and he's not so easy to kill.


3.8 seems right. If he softened The Lord by removing the 1+ re rolling armour save maybe a 3.6.


Then again I'm just talking out of my ass

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wow, this list gets a near 4 rating critic and the choas dwarf list (relatively close with 3 montster and around 40 shots, different approach to point denial) is looked upon favorably? I will forever wonder at how the rating committee will do there job.


that being said I've given up on tryin to suggestively "comp" a list and would advocate for a more standard method of coming to a collective 3. but that's a post for another time.

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wow, this list gets a near 4 rating critic and the choas dwarf list (relatively close with 3 montster and around 40 shots, different approach to point denial) is looked upon favorably? I will forever wonder at how the rating committee will do there job.


that being said I've given up on tryin to suggestively "comp" a list and would advocate for a more standard method of coming to a collective 3. but that's a post for another time.

 40 shots at 18" range and not so good BS.  Yeah, they're going to be shooting alot.

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