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Confused by sudden changes in units by GW

Brother Glacius

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So the other day I got my hands on the new patrol box for orks. I then dove into the codex to see how it would point out and all.....everything was going great until I got to the warboss in mega armor. I'm staring at the unit entry and I'm like "no options?" Basically, the unit is exactly what the new model has, and that is it. A big shoota and a heavy choppa.... no options whatsoever for other wargear. 

Then over the weekend, I was reading my new chaos marine codex...pretty excited about it because that was the last army I had been working on. I'm flipping through the pages and trying to find the entry for greater possessed. I really loved those units back in 8th edition. The models were awesome and I really enjoyed painting them. Lo and behold, no greater possessed. Wha huh? Brand new unit from 8th edition...gone. Now I do know that they are now just "Possessed" again and that the new models match the size of the GPs. Still...just irked me. I liked the dynamic of the GP and the possessed.

I just find it really odd to have some of these changes in 9th edition. The ork warboss just has me flabbergasted. I'm sure there are hundreds of ork players out there that have lovingly converted models for a warboss in mega armor that have powerclaws and combi weapons....just sucks that all of them are now just big shootas and a heavy choppa. Almost afraid to dive into some of my other books....

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I guess I'm just surprised I haven't seen more posts about it...but then again maybe its all in Reddit, and I really don't do Reddit. Can we turn back the clock to say 2001 and just play that version 😉

Now that would actually be interesting...update an older version of 40K to include the latest models....


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