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Ordo Open 1850 list - Mega Armored Nobz


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Here's a list I've been toying with:


Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka (Warlord)


Mad Dok Grotsnik
Big Mek, Mega Armour, KFF, Lucky Stick

3 Mega Armored Nobz in a Battlewagon w Ram, Boarding Plank and Big Shoota

5 Mega Armored Nobz in a Battlewagon w Ram, Boarding Plank and Big Shoota
5 Mega Armored Nobz in a Battlewagon w Ram and Big Shoota
5 Mega Armored Nobz in a Battlewagon w Ram and Big Shoota

10 Grots  w Runtherd
10 Grots  w Runtherd


It comes to around 1850 points.  I can add 150 points and make it my Team list as well (another 3 Mega Armored Nobz in a Trukk perhaps...)


So, Silly,  Too Tough, or an army you'd want to face for the challenge of it?

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Main reason to do it is it will play fast and with 4 Fearless units I won't have the frustration of units losing models due to Mob Rule.


Alas, only one CAD and one Formation, otherwise I'd squeeze in the 5 Scouting Battlewagons as well.  Hmm.... What's the Team Tourney limitations again?  Could I fit in One CAD, and two Formations for the games on Staurday & Sunday?


I'm bringing 4 deathstars where most only bring one.  Although I'm tempted to reserve everything but the Grots and give my opponent an auto-win (assuming they can kill 22 models in the first turn...) and then playing the rest of the game for Gits & Shiggles.

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Ok... >CHEESE MODE: On!<


Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka (Warlord)


Mad Dok Grotsnik
Big Mek, Warbike, KFF

3 Mega Armored Nobz

3 Mega Armored Nobz w Bosspole

5 Mega Armored Nobz
5 Mega Armored Nobz
5 Mega Armored Nobz


10 Grots  w Runtherd
10 Grots  w Runtherd



1 Deffkopta



Battlewagon w Ram, Boarding Plank and Big Shoota

Battlewagon w Ram, Boarding Plank and Big Shoota

Battlewagon w Ram, Boarding Plank and Big Shoota

Battlewagon w Ram, Boarding Plank and Big Shoota

Battlewagon w Ram and Big Shoota


Biker KFF Mek joins the Deffkopta to Scout forward 12" with all 5 Battlewagons also Scouting 12" giving them all a 5++, First turn move 12", 2nd turn: Call the Waaagh, move 6", disembark 6", Run d6" (Thanks Ghaz!) Charge 2d6+2" (re-rolling 1 die due to 'Ere We Go)...


(Cue Motown)

Nowhere to run to, baby... nowhere to hide...




Yeah... that would probably get me a 3++ Army rating even if I Outflanked everything but the Grots.  One turn to kill 22 models or else five Battlewagons full of pain coming in from the sides

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"Look at your MANz, now look at me..."


Just digging through bitz I found another 2nd Ed Mega Armored Nob.  Great!  Now I don't have to chop up the 2nd Ed Ghazghkull Thraka I traded for to have one full unit of 5 Aulde Skool MANz.  The 2nd Ed Makari will come along to represent either the Lucky Stick or the lone non-Fearless unit's Bosspole.


Lining up the models, I have enough to do both these lists...


With 8 more MANz and a Mega Armored Warboss sitting on the sidelines.


Sick.  Evil.  Wrong.


Who could ask for anything more?

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Looks like I won't be able to do Friday after all, childcare fell through...


But here's the latest version of the 2000 point list:


LoW - Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka (Warlord) - 225

HQ - Mad Dok Grotsnik - 160
HQ - Big Mek, Warbike, MegaKFF (4++ Save to models within 6”) - 135
ELITES - 3 Mega Armored Nobz , 1 Kombi-Skorcha - 125

TROOPS - 10 Grots  w Runtherd - 35
TROOPS - 10 Grots  w Runtherd - 35

FAST - 1 Deffkopta - 30

BULLY BOYZ FORMATION (Counts as Elites, +1 WS, Fear, Fearless)
ELITES - 5 Mega Armored Nobz, 1 Kombi-Skorcha - 205
ELITES - 5 Mega Armored Nobz, 1 Kombi-Skorcha - 205
ELITES - 5 Mega Armored Nobz, 1 kombi-Skorcha - 205


HEAVY - Battlewagon w Ram, Boarding Plank, Big Shoota - 135
HEAVY - Battlewagon w Ram, Boarding Plank, Big Shoota - 135
HEAVY - Battlewagon w Ram, Kannon - 125
HEAVY - Battlewagon w Ram, Kannon - 125
HEAVY - Battlewagon w Ram, Big Shoota - 120

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The Deffkopta is to give Scout to the Big Mek on Bike with 4++ KFF so he can keep up with the 5 Battlewagons. Plus it gives me the excuse to field the Ork Bi-Plane I made way back when Deffkoptas were first introduced... rule of Kewl, don'tchaknow.


For 15 points the Boarding Plank is too expensive for the mere +2" to charge range it provides, but I already have the converted Battlewagons with running boards.  As it's for the Ghaz-Grotsnik-3 Manz unit to make more sure they get their Rampage-laden assault off, with a second unit as backup it's justifiable, but not for all 4 MAN-carrying Battlewagons.


The Fifth battlewagon shall basically be a Grot caddy, as will one of the other Battlewagons after they drop off their load of Armored Orky Death .

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Sadly, it looks like I won't be able to make it to the Open, and will have to fight Rush Hour traffic all the way down to get to the Friday Night Bitz swap in time.


Otherwise, the Battlewagon Blitz formation backed up by KFF Bike Mek & Deffkopta would provide a nice 'forward base' from which an Ork army could dictate the terms of engagement.

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More noodling to get even more MANz on the table and more threats of 2nd turn charges:


LoW - Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka (Warlord) - 225

HQ - Mad Dok Grotsnik - 160
HQ - Big Mek, Warbike, MegaKFF (4++ Save to models within 6”) - 135
ELITES - 3 Mega Armored Nobz , 1 Kombi-Skorcha,
Battlewagon w Ram, Boarding Plank, Big Shoota - 260

ELITES - 3 Mega Armored Nobz , 1 Kombi-Skorcha, Bosspole, Trukk w Ram - 165

ELITES - 3 Mega Armored Nobz , 1 Kombi-Skorcha, Bosspole, Trukk w Ram - 165

TROOPS - 10 Grots  w Runtherd - 35
TROOPS - 10 Grots  w Runtherd - 35

BULLY BOYZ FORMATION (Counts as Elites, +1 WS, Fear, Fearless)
ELITES - 5 Mega Armored Nobz, 1 Kombi-Skorcha,
Battlewagon w Ram, Boarding Plank, Big Shoota - 340
ELITES - 5 Mega Armored Nobz, 1 Kombi-Skorcha, Trukk w Ram  - 240
ELITES - 5 Mega Armored Nobz,
1 Kombi-Skorcha, Trukk w Ram  - 240


Six units instead of four, definitely needing to go Flat Out 1st turn to get close enough (When I can get to my rulebooks I gotta refresh myself on what WILL happen when the Trukks get shot out from under them and whether all the Bully Boyz should be in Trukks with their inherent Fearless preventing Pinning and other effects), and possibly leaving one Trukk with MANz in reserve to fill late game holes.


Still the reason to run this is for speed, Speed, SPEED of play so I can get my tactical deliberations/dithering in and still finish games. 

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I know... 24 MANz plus Ghazghkull just isn't enough, right?  The Big Mek on Warbike is the Wazdakka model I converted way back when he wore Mega Armor while riding on his Battlecannon-toting bike, so I feel he fits the theme in spirit.  Plus the 4++ Mega KFF really adds to the early survivability of the list, and in later turns he can  drive around and be annoying.


I've already got most of the units painted differently anyway as Goffs, Bad Moons, Evil Sunz and Deffskulls, and I'm planning to add some Blood Axes to the mix as well.  Snakebite represented by the Grots, of course.  Just need to go back and have a tie-in theme color with accent colors different for each unit.  Plus the Fearless units are in 5's and the regular units are in 3's.


With fewer Battlewagons and only 1 Formation it should be more acceptable to the list rating committee, kind of along the lines of a Deathwing army using a Land Raider or two except far less shooty.

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