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2k Necrons (thanks AbusePuppy!)


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Been trying to figure out how to do walking 'Crons in a way that I think works well and still has lots of tools.  Then I hit upon AbusePuppy's article on 3++ (link:  http://www.3plusplus.net/2015/02/little-pieces-necron-sub-assemblies-for-consideration/).  Here's the part that jumped out at me.




Illumnor Szeras

20 Warriors w/Ghost Ark

20 Warriors

Filling all of your basic requirements and able to be trimmed down significantly as needed, this setup is reminiscent of (and compatible with) the one using Zandrekh earlier, but the goal here is very different- rather than a Swiss Army Knife of tools to hand out as part of a Reclamation Legion, the strength here is of resilience; Szeras gives both units a 4+ RP roll with his bubble while sitting inside the Ghost Ark as well as handing out a probably-relevant bonus to one of the units. (T5 and BS5 are both especially nice.) He also throws a high-strength shot downrange, unusual for an HQ choice, and the Ark itself is quite tough and Objective Secured while simultaneously adding some additional resilience to the troop squads. Even Wave Serpents will be hard-pressed to drag units like these down, especially as they press the attack and start forcing Jinks.


So I took that piece and pasted it into some of my other ideas and came up with THIS:

Illuminor Szeras:  110
20 Warriors:  260 + 105
  Ghost Ark
20 Warriors:  260 + 130
  Night Scythe
10 Immortals:  170 + 130
  Guass Blasters
  Night Scythe
Triarch Stalker:  125
Triarch Stalker:  125
4 Wraiths:  172
  Whip Coils
4 Heavy Destroyers:  200
4 Heavy Destroyers:  200
1987 pts
That's a basic CAD right there, and it's 13 pts short of 2k, but I really like how it all feels.  The Night Scythes will most likely be empty.  They provide anti air and good shooting overall.  The main force sets up with Szeras in the Ghost Ark flanked by the Warrior units with the Immortals in front of him.  Stalkers on either flank of the warriors with the Destroyers near by them.  Wraiths probably hold back and act as counter-chargers rather than outright assaulters (depends on situation of course).  
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Looks decent, but a couple small things:


Why the Night Scythe for the 20man warrior unit? They aren't nearly as impressive as a pure AA unit anymore, so I think if you're looking for that role you'll be disappointed, and it can't transport anything either due to being Dedicated. I could see the second Scythe making sense if you split the Immortals in half and put five in each airplane, but the current setup looks weird to me.


Break up those Heavy Destroyer squads. There's no real reason to have the firepower that concentrated and more, smaller squads will make the list a lot more flexible and harder to drag down. Three units of two in the Heavy Support slots and two solo units in the FA slots fits just fine.


The Wraiths feel kinda out of place. I guess you're using them as a melee defense strategy? I'm not sure how much I like that overall, though- they're not bad, they just feel like they belong in another army. Praetorians or Lychguard might suit it better, since both of them hit harder and are easier to hide than Wraiths are, which is presumably what they'd be doing- hang back behind some terrain, wait for the enemy to get close, then go for a counterassault.


I do like the synergy of Destroyers and Stalkers, though. That makes for some sexy Lascannon shots.

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Illuminor Szeras:  110


20 Warriors:  260 + 105

  Ghost Ark


20 Warriors:  260 + 130

  Night Scythe


10 Immortals:  170 + 130

  Guass Blasters

  Night Scythe


Triarch Stalker:  125


Triarch Stalker:  125


10 Triarch Praetorians:  280

  Voidblade/Particle Casters


1 Heavy Destroyer:  50


1 Heavy Destroyer:  50


2 Heavy Destroyers:  100


2 Heavy Destroyers:  100


1995 pts


Lost 2 Heavy Destroyers and the wraiths and gained 10 Praetorians.  I like that.  

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Actually, I'm not sure I like praetorians vs wraiths.  The Praetorians are going to be tougher against attacks that don't have at least AP3, but I don't think they hit that much harder.  Let me see.  Basically, it's 10 Praetorians or 6 wraiths.  40 attacks at I2 with S5 AP4 rending or 24 S6 rending attacks at I5?


vs MEq baseline (and assuming no casualties at higher initiative step, which benefits the praetorians)


Praetorians:  3.32 rends, 3.33 wounds get past armor

Wraiths:  1.99 rends, 2.66 wounds get past armor


Also, the wraiths have more wounds (12 vs 10) and the 3++ save and are more reliable at getting into melee since they ignore terrain in the assault as well and have fleet.  


Only big problem I see is that by doing that I'm 27 pts under 2k and I have no real way to add those points in...   :unsure:

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Actually, I'm not sure I like praetorians vs wraiths.  The Praetorians are going to be tougher against attacks that don't have at least AP3, but I don't think they hit that much harder.  Let me see.  Basically, it's 10 Praetorians or 6 wraiths.  40 attacks at I2 with S5 AP4 rending or 24 S6 rending attacks at I5?




Only big problem I see is that by doing that I'm 27 pts under 2k and I have no real way to add those points in...   :unsure:


In your list, I would go with the Rods of Covenant- S5 AP2 is something you don't otherwise have, whereas the masses of Gauss and Heavy Destroyers already serve your tank-hunting needs just fine. Wraiths being I5 is a big advantage for them, but Praetorians hit really hard when armed with the Rods (on the charge, each Praetorian kills one MEQ or .66 Terminators, not even counting shooting) even compared to Wraiths, which are no gentle daisies themselves.


As for the 27pts: drop two Necron Warriors, add another Heavy Destroyer.


Oh, and I still think you should split those Immortals up 2x5 and give them the two Night Scythes (or turn one Scythe into a Ghost Ark for reasons noted below.) You might also do the same with the Praetorians by combining the two Stalkers into a single unit, which shouldn't hinder them too much- I'm not sure if that would be worth it overall, though.


One ghost ark is begging to be destroyed in its own deployment zone IMO. With flyers not dropping till turn 2 at the earliest, enemy AT will be squarely focused on it. I think redundancy would help wrote a bit with that model.


That certainly could be a concern, yeah. With AV13 and Jink and 4HP it's pretty tough to bring down at a distance, though that is unlikely to keep it going the whole game. Also I just like running things in pairs for symmetry's sake, so that is probably also a factor.

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Oh, and I still think you should split those Immortals up 2x5 and give them the two Night Scythes (or turn one Scythe into a Ghost Ark for reasons noted below.) You might also do the same with the Praetorians by combining the two Stalkers into a single unit, which shouldn't hinder them too much- I'm not sure if that would be worth it overall, though.


Second this wholeheartedly. Night Scythe's with 5 man squads are still the best objective stealers in the game going second.

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