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DA+IH 40k fluff question


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Would the Iron Hands and the Dark Angels get along enough to fight on the same side?


EDIT: Like would they get along, more or less, or would they be opposed to working together?

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It's a fluff question, not an ally matrix one. Or is that in the new eldar fluff?


IH fluff has them not working well with the Raven Guard. DA doesn't like SW much either. Can't find much on IH and DA.

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Well the iron hands are not the most inquisitive space Marines so I'd say the dark angels would like working with them more than other Marines. Just provide the correct logic and the iron hands are good to go.

So they'd get along because IH don't ask too many questions and DA don't provide too many answers? That's pretty solid logic.

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Wait, what?  Raven Guard have traditionally been rivals of the White Scars, not the Dark Angels.  The Raven Guard are taciturn and stoic, much like the Iron Hands.  They dislike the brash stylings of the White Scars (and probably the Space Wolves)> 

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Wait, what?  Raven Guard have traditionally been rivals of the White Scars, not the Dark Angels.  The Raven Guard are taciturn and stoic, much like the Iron Hands.  They dislike the brash stylings of the White Scars (and probably the Space Wolves)> 

Found it here:



The dastardly IH refused to sit at the same table as the RG, which put them on bad terms.

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Interesting, they probably don't get along because the Raven Guard (like the Salamanders) tend to treat regular humans with a bit more empathy.  The extremely brutal and bullheaded tactics of the Iron Hands probably rub them the wrong way.  Fair enough, wasn't aware of that particular rivalry. 

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Hello there,


During the Great Crusade the Dark Angels and the Iron Hands generally fought in different warzones, so their paths did not cross much.  Different segments of the Imperium and all that.


After the Horus Heresy, both chapters kind of did their own thing (like a lot of others), so again they didn't cross paths much.


Yes they have and utilize Librarians.


Stay safe,



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