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New ITC Poll (mid season)

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Nerf everything!

Being an attendee of national tournaments for several years I used to be of the camp that nothing should be changed and comp in all forms was bogus.


However, after GW started to write shoddier and shoddier rules with the excuse that they don't do tournaments anymore and people should simply figure it out themselves, I changed my mind.


Its only logical that if a system is not designed to be used for tournaments, then it must be modified in some way to be used as such. Its a happy side effect that this also provides a baseline of standardization for friendly games also. Start here, and modify as you see fit.

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However, after GW started to write shoddier and shoddier rules with the excuse that they don't do tournaments anymore and people should simply figure it out themselves, I changed my mind.


Its only logical that if a system is not designed to be used for tournaments, then it must be modified in some way to be used as such. Its a happy side effect that this also provides a baseline of standardization for friendly games also. Start here, and modify as you see fit.

which is why i am divesting from GW

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Guys, what happened. Is Eldar really that bad?

In short, yes. Ranged D everywhere, a 100pt undercosted gargantuan WraithKnight, scatterlasers on every bike (270pts for an objective secured, 40 str6 shot, 48in moving platform).


Sad part is, fix those and its a great (albiet very powerful) codex. Aspect warriors are all usable for example (holy crap are warpspiders good).

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*shrug* I've seen enough editions of enough games come and go that there's nothing new under the sun. 40k is turning into mini-apocalypse, and I expect this to continue. It makes competitive play more of a stupid idea than it was before, but don't be a dick and most folks will still be fun. Play against the armies you're worried about to see what it's actually like, don't sell your armies until you give things a bit more time, and don't be a dick. That's what I'll do, at least.


Also, I'll keep working on my Eldar army. ;)

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seems like they are moving to a more kill each other faster type of game which will in turn allow people to up the points in a 3 hr game, which will sell more models.  Yes right now the Eldar book is a little broken but I have a feeling a lot of the codecies to follow will be more on par.

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Well, results are in:



JetBikes stay as-is by the slimmest of margins. I'm going to agree with Reece here and speculate it's because people just aren't getting it, as they haven't played it yet. It will probably go the way of invisibility (first poll kept it, second poll nerfed it by a huge margin).

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