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Ravagers of Rhûne: Fantasy HERO Campaign

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This evening the players were HannewigMiteRutger, Sihyaa al-Ni and Ulfgar.


Having escaped Kargar's death maze, the party spent some time exploring more of the fortress and encountering more of the ruffians operating the machinery of destruction.  They slayed the ruffians, but heard Kârgar and Yarim approaching from the central stairwell.  Mite attempted to close the door between the party and the pair with a gentle telekinetic push, but slammed it shut so hard that everyone in the fortress heard it.  Kârgar investigated while Yarim activated his invisibility spell and hid in the entryway to the hall.  Deciding survival was the better part of valor, the party ran -- though Casper, the Bijan House Guard who had slain his commander and best friend while under the influence of Yarim's spells, turned to charge the magen.  It ended poorly for him.


Hannewig, by far the fastest of the party, ran for the exit, taking the long way around - unaware that Yarim was guarding it.  Fortunately Hannewig's finely honed instincts alerted him to the invisible wizard's presence before he ran into him, and he raised his sword -- catching Yarim in the vitals and opening him up to his belly with a single blow.  As the wizard fell, Kârgar broke off his attack on the rest of the party, rushing back to Yarim.  Once he'd confirmed the wizard was dead, he declared his conflict with the party over and negiotiated a truce - handing over the Lady Lan and showing the party the location of Jafa Lan's vault.


At the vault, the party was confronted with another problem -- Fatima Lan refused to believe that her father, and thus herself, were the result of an illicit affair of her grandmother and refused to open the vault.  Rutger was able to convince her that she would never be able to rest until she learned the truth, and so Fatima approached the door, insistent it would not open for her - but it did.  Inside they discovered a treasure trove of magical research, much of which was so dangerous that Sihyaa was forced to play cat-herder to keep anyone in the party from killing themselves.  Knowing the party wouldn't accept simply relocking the vault and leaving its contents alone, he picked out a half dozen magical items that his companions could use, a collection of potions, as well as a dozen books on magic for his own library.  The party also gathered every single object that was gold and not cursed with magic, netting themselves a small fortune. As a final parting gift, Kârgar spoke with the leader of the Aaracokra and bought the party 24 hours to leave the fortress unmolested, and so they loaded their treasure onto Sihyaa's enchanted carpet and returned to Magath.


Upon returning to Magath, the party found the situation in the city much changed.  Following the party's success against the Lachrymose Society, several of the Great Houses were left scrambling to hold their position, and Lord Arih Lan of House Bijan was able to pass through new laws reauthorizing the creation of a City Guard directly accountable to the Mayor's office, and by the time the party returns the first of the new Greyshields were on the street, imposing in their grey on grey uniforms. The Lord Mayor is in desperate need of men he can trust to lead his new Guard, and taps Rutger to serve as a Captain of the Guard.  This leaves the future of the party in doubt, as Ulfgar and Hannewig have no interest in joining the Guard.  


Decisions are made for them when Rollo Torgenson tracks down Ulfgar, approaching under a peace oath. He brings news from Jaegerland of Ulfgar's father, who has fallen ill and is not expected to survive the winter.  Rollo tells Ulfgar that a ship is leaving Magath in the morning for the Jaegerland, the last ship expected to sail north before the winter ice chokes off the sea.  Meanwhile, the Lady Seeta Zadi invites Hannewig deeper into her conspiracy, and reveals to him her long term plan to eliminate her father and seize control of House Yak-Ilat. She wants Hannewig at her side when she makes her move, but she needs him to be...better, and towards that end she sends him off with the assassin Adin Amir to train in the secret arts of the Black Lotus Assassins. 


Shaz-ri-Zonni, deciding he's had enough of Hrani society, returns to the Shem, while Sihyaa al-Ni decides to invest some of his fortune into a tower in Magath and set up shop as a sage and freelance wizard.


HannewigMiteRutger, Sihyaa al-Ni and Ulfgar receive 3 experience points.


Rutger receives Perk: Local Police Powers.


Sihyaa al-Ni receives perk Base: Cozy Little Tower

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  • 2 weeks later...

This evening the players were Mite, Rutger, Sihyaa al-Ni and Ulfgar.


Winter comes to Rhûne and leaves once again, and the cold months pass quietly.  Rutger finds his new position as Captain of the Guard stifling, keeping him trapped behind a desk, buried in paperwork and far from the action, while Sihyaa al-Ni finds himself struggling with the transition to freelance wizard, bored by the trite desires of those who can afford his services.  Mite continues to haunt the streets of Magath, wandering through the minds of its inhabitants.  The three of them meet up occasionally and swap news of their doings, but as winter deepens these visit come less frequently as each finds himself with less and less to say -- except for latest gossip on the escapades of Hannewig Marcellous, who has disappeared from Magath after the mysterious death of Masa Zadi, Master of the House Yak-Ilat. His death coincided with the fall of House Bijan to a whisper campaign, with a shamed Fatima Lan and her father fleeing into exile, leaving Yak-Ilat's new Mistress, Seeta Zadi, one of the most powerful nobles in the Free Cities.  Yet these rumors are poor substitutes for adventures, and with winter comes melancholy.


Things are not going much better for Ulfgar in his homeland of Jaegerland. He arrives home only a few awkward days before his father passes, and finds himself confronted by his younger brother, who has grown to resent him powerfully in his absence. Finding little welcome at the family farm, he spends the winter visiting friends in distant villages and drinking to excess. In his travels he begins to hear rumors and stories of black riders in the night and girls disappearing from their homes. The girls all share a common attribute, for they were all fegurðísblóm -- an Iscendi term meaning "beauty of the ice flower," denoting hair finer than gold and eyes bluer than glacial ice, traits that are powerfully associated with frost giant ancestry and thus a direct connection to the Frozen Lord.  At first Ulfgar ignores the stories, as he knows his people will entertain any nonsense if it makes the long winter less tedious, but he hears the rumors more and more often, and begins to worry about his own youngest sister, Signi Sokkadottir, who is the same age as the missing girls, and fegurðísblóm as well.


However Ulfgar finds that he knows little of running an investigation and gathering information, and as he struggles to find clues and put them together he finds himself wishing he could call on Rutger or Hannewig, even Mite, certain they would make more progress than he can.  When he chances upon a young man bragging about the position he's just secured on the crew of a new design of icebreaker being launched from Stormport, he presses on the sailor to deliver a message to Rutger in Magath.  The messages finds its way south, and a month later Ulfgar meets Rutger, Mite and the wizard Siyaa on the docks of Jaegerland's only port, Hakonarhella.  Ulfgar invites his friends to join him for a drink, but all three insist on buying new warmer clothes first, as their "winter garb," designed for Magath's mild winters, is next to useless against the bitter cold of the Jaegerland.  After securing appropriate garb, the heroes retire to a tavern, where they are greeted by Iceborn hospitality as a quartet of warriors tries to pick a fight by flinging insults. What could have been a friendly brawl threatens to turn into a blood bath when Mite unleashes his power on the offending warrior.  Fortunately they manage to avoid any bloodshed.


In the morning they head out on the road to Ulfgar's family home is Skarfanes, a route that will take them past Selfors and Groenavatn, two towns that both have experienced disappearances.  In Selfors they visit a farm where a young farmer's wife disappeared while he was away drinking. Expecting to find nothing, Sihyaa uses his mage's sight to examine the area. The sight reveals toxic smears of the blackest magic, an evil blend of ice and shadow. In Groenavatn they find more of the same, and also reports of dark riders clad in black spotted outside of town just before the girl vanished.  They also stop to visit a aged blind seiðer in Groenavatn, and he tries to warn Ulfgar off his mission, insisting that the "road you set out upon leads to frozen hells you cannot comprehend, and you are not ready to travel that path" and tells him that the dark riders are reavers -- powerful undead berzerkers who served as the Frozen Lord's elite soldiers and who have not been seen in the Stormlands in nearly four hundred years, not since Simon Rex lead his armies against the Iceborn and slew the Frozen Lord.  When Ulfgar will not be swayed by these ominous warnings, the seiðer demands a gold coin for the answer to one question. Ulfgar asks how to find the parties responsible for the disappearances, to which the seiðer responds "Seek the calm at the eye of the storm, there you will find your enemy," a typical seiðer answer which answers nothing.  The party continues on to Skarfanes, where they learn that Ulfgar's fears have been realized -- in his absense, dark riders descended on the farm and absconded with Signi   Ulfgar's sister has become the latest victim.  Sihyaa is able to detect more of the magic, and they follow it to edge of the forest where they are forced to turn back.  Ulfgar resolves to leave at dawn, hoping the trail will still be fresh enough to follow in the light of day.


That night Ulfgar has a dream in which he sees all of the Jaegerland from a tremendous height, as if on the wings of a bird. He looks down and sees the small towns and hamlets that dot the countryside. One by one the villages burst into flames and Ulfgar realizes that each flame is the disappearance of one of the fegurðísblóm. He sees the fires spreading from town to town, one after another, until the countryside is consumed in a raging storm of fire.  And at the center of the storm, untouched by the fire, is a single town: Hagagaror. Ulfgar wakes from his dream certain he has understood the seiðer's riddle.


MiteRutger, and Sihyaa al-Ni receive 1 experience point.


Ulfgar receives 2 experience points.

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So work just called me and informed me that I have a meeting this evening until 19:00 I still hope to make it to game tonight I'll just be a bit late. Feel free to start without me and I'll just be my crazy psionic as normal when I show up. Sorry about the short notice. I will be stopping for energy drinks to get me through the remainder of my 32 hour day so expect me there sometime around 19:30.

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Last evening the players were Mite, Rutger, Sihyaa al-Ni and Ulfgar.
The party sets out the following morning, and by midday it is clear that the Reaver's trail is leading them towards Hagagaror, confirming Ulfgar's dream.  As the sun begins to set, the party breaks their pursuit to make camp.  Little do they realize that they have been scryed from a distance, and that several of the Reavers turned back and have been racing all day to meet them.  The Reavers are just as the legends portray them.  Fearsome Iceborn warriors clad entirely in black furs and leathers, bearing cold-forged iron axes, with frozen flesh, white beards laden with icicles, and dead white eyes.  The cold fury that animates them drains the heat from the air, and in hand to hand combat they are so cold it chills the bones of their opponents.
As the party sets up their camp, the Reavers dismount and creep towards them.  Only a cold wind announces their presence and they catch the party off guard, quickly taking Rutger, Sihyaa and Mite down. Ulfgar manages to hold the Reavers off long enough for Rutger to regain his feet, but ultimately the two warriors fall under the Reavers assault. Fortunately their efforts distract the Reavers long enough for Sihyaa to recover and unleash a fireball that washes over the whole party and reveals the fatal flaw of the Reavers: they melt with shocking ease.
The next day the party decides to abandon their pursuit and make a side trip to Skeiosbrekkur, where they hoped to find a Simonite priest who could supply them with holy water and sanctified weapons.  There they meet Keti Hangbrison, a novice preacher who maintains a small shrine. The young priest can't offer them much more than a place to stay for the night and his store of two bottles of holy water.


The party arrives in Hagagaror later the next day and finds the town quiet and solemn, full of frightened farmers who give no sign of the typical joviality of the Jaegerlanders. The few people they see on the streets all seem in a hurry, their eyes fixed to the ground ahead of them. Mite sneeks a peak into the thoughts of a passing farmer and senses fear, fear of the Reavers.


The party decides to visit the local jarl and head to Hagagaror's great hall, where they meet the Jarl Unof Farison and his headman Adar. Ulfgar questions the pair about the rash of disappearances, but the two men are evasive, with Adar insisting that nothing is happening in the town.  When Ulfgar brings up the Reavers, Unof accuses him of being a storyteller, and tells him he and his foreign friends are no longer welcome in Hagagaror.  What neither the Jarl nor his headmen knows is that Mite has wormed his way deep into Adar's mind and learned all the party needs to know -- neither the Jarl nor Adar is involved in the disappearances, but they do know who is behind them, and they are terrified of him. His name is Throdekr Mordson, and he is the seiðer of Hagagaror. The Jarl protects him not out of loyalty, but fear of his wrath and retribution.


As the party leaves the Jarl's hall, Mite tells of his discovery, naming the villain -- and it is a name Ulfgar recognizes, for Throdekr is the seiðer who helped him awaken his own berzerker spirit years ago.  Ulfgar remembers the ancient seiðer as a intense and zealous adherent of the old ways, and he remembers where the old man lived. Ulfgar leads the party out of town to a nearby hill. On top of a craggy bluff sits a small hut, with a steep trail weaving its way down.  Throdekr emerges from his hut as the party ascends, cajoling Ulfgar to abandon his quest.


The ancient seiðer reveals that he has taken Ulfgar's sister, Signi Sokkadottir, and the other girls because he is trying to create a valkyrie -- a valkyrie who can bridge the divide between this world and the hell Simon banished the Frozen Lord to, allowing the Frozen Lord to return to Rhûne and once again lead the Iceborn on a crusade of bloodshed and slaughter. Ulfgar considers the old man's offer, but ultimately decides he is not willing to risk his sister's life on Throdekr's madness and refuses.


Displeased by Ulfgar's response, Throdekr vanishes -- but as he disappears he summons forth a powerful winter spirit, which takes the form of a living avalanche thundering down the hill towards the party.


MiteRutger, Sihyaa al-Ni and Ulfgar receive 1 experience point.

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