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Need your input! New gaming space in N. Portland


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I'm looking for thoughts/comments/suggestions on what would make a great gaming space for tactical minitaure games (WH40K, WarmaHordes, X-Wing). All feedback is welcome, but I am looking for your opinions on what to buy/build in terms of tables/chairs, terrain, playmats, environment, etc..

I really appreciate all the feedback I can get. The store and game room will be located on N. Killingsworth and N. Mississippi, opening in July.

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I'm looking for thoughts/comments/suggestions on what would make a great gaming space for tactical minitaure games (WH40K, WarmaHordes, X-Wing). All feedback is welcome, but I am looking for your opinions on what to buy/build in terms of tables/chairs, terrain, playmats, environment, etc..


I really appreciate all the feedback I can get. The store and game room will be located on N. Killingsworth and N. Mississippi, opening in July.




The one area of portland I really haven't spent much time in. Address puts you right by the PCC Cascade Campus.


I do know the area has lots of foot traffic, so you probably want to consider shop lifting when designing store layout and stocking. Probably a normal consideration with a new business, but I figured I'd mention it. If you have input in the building construction, suggest something in the exterior walls to repel cars, so you don't get hit as Red Castle did.


Beyond that, I wish you success. Could use a hobby shop out there. I can't promise I'll be there, given I'm on the far end of town, but I'll probably visit. Good luck.

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If you have input in the building construction, suggest something in the exterior walls to repel cars, so you don't get hit as Red Castle did.


I was going the direction of inventory insurance, but if I could get the landlord to invest in some tank traps it would save me money AND look cool in front of the store!



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I was going the direction of inventory insurance, but if I could get the landlord to invest in some tank traps it would save me money AND look cool in front of the store!

Totally agree with the tank traps and am understanding if the foolish landlord doesn't see the value in proper store defenses.


Costco actually puts three rows of their shopping carts in front of their store at night. I asked about it, employee said it was in response to things like this in other parts of the country.


Anyway, do what you can. Personally, I'd look into a buffer stop concealed in the displays near the windows. If it's on the inside of the store, shouldn't be an issue.

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A games store on Killingsworth street?!?

Looks like you've got the name covered;)


+Edit+ Now that I've got the jokes covered, actual advice: I have no idea what to recommend for actual physical products. My recommendation is more attitude based. Make your store inviting, greet people with a smile, be helpful without being pushy and show some pride in how the place looks. Good luck!

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As every game store knows, MtG keeps the lights on, while the table top guys just take up space playing. If you do have gaming tables in the back, why always in the back?, make the boards an extra 18" long so people have a "side board" and a place to put their gear under so it is kind of out of the way.  Not to push other peoples products, but the FAT mats are amazing! To get your tables up and running quickly a few of those mats layed out with terrain to match would look nice.  Then if you sell the FAT mats to boot, win win.


Beer is always a good selling point for gamers, but that takes extra work.  I always wondered if Kambucha on tap down in that Portland region would be a good draw... 



Dude! Turn tose Tank Traps into bike racks and Portland will love you.


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It's true that Magic keeps things flowing.  However, it's best to not stock niche things right away, so I'd stick with the essentials.  As someone said, the normal, family style games in front, gamer tables and their stuff towards the back.  Magic the Gathering, X-wing, and Warhammer products will probably end up being the bread and butter.  Maybe some Warmachine, depending.  Have a couple of tables for card game players some for wargame players, but unless you want a bunch of people just hanging out at your store for no reason, make sure that you're not essentially paying rent for a gamer group that might not support you. 

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Not to push other peoples products, but the FAT mats are amazing! To get your tables up and running quickly a few of those mats layed out with terrain to match would look nice.  Then if you sell the FAT mats to boot, win win.


I have been eyeing those F.A.T. Mats myself. They would be a great add to the space.  I reached out to Frontline Gaming about them.  Thanks!

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