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I'm trying to get back into 40k. It's been well over a year since I played a substantial game, and in that time, both the main rules, and my army of choice (Dark Eldar) have been updated and revised.

I'm looking for some help constructing a fun, moderately competitive Dark Eldar list for the new rules. The target goal is 2500pt, as that seems to be what most people are playing at. When I was playing, I was running a Kabalite force, lots of Kabalite warriors, an Archon, some venoms and raiders for transport, and a pair of Razorwings and some scourges for supporting fire. I had wyches and reavers, and a few hellions, but I tended to stick to the good ol' Kabalites in most of my forces. The list was never really competitive, and functioned mostly as a fun break from the monotonous grind of Blood Angels and Black Templars.

I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions for how to approach the new rules and new edition of the game through the lens of a Kabalite strike force and what I should aim to preserve and or add to the list to make it playable. I'm looking for a fun and dynamic list.


DE I've got built:



~40 Kabalite warriors

3 raiders

3 venoms

12 reavers

2 razorwing fighters

20 wyches

5 hellions

10 scourges (I would run them with dark lances as vehicle snipers)




I'm looking to expand or build off of this skeleton. Still want to have something quick moving, shooty, mid-ranged and fun. I have no idea what the new rules are like, any help would be great!

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Ooh! I don't have any meaningful advice to give, but rather an addition to the Dark Eldar advice request.


I'm in need of a good close-combat Archon build to babysit my Wraithguard. Any suggestions for builds? 


Hello there,


Just my 2 cents, for what it's worth, regarding Dark Eldar:


*  if everyone isn't in a transport, you're doing it wrong


*  webway portal = no scatter deep strike for Archon AND their unit AND their transport


*  /agree with intrizic... wyches are useless now that haywire is gone


*  night shields for stealth, and remember the rules for jink concerning transports/passengers.  I think you'll get a 3+ cover save for your transports and the embarked unit won't be affected by the jink.


*  if you're going to use an Archon, remember that the succubus is WAAAAAAAAAY better in close combat.  Join up your archon with a super-shooty unit, plop them in a raider and deep strike them using the aforementioned webway portal to pop tanks behind enemy lines without scattering


*  if you want a court for the Archon, take the sslyths.  T5, so make them the majority and you've got majority T5 and tons of 2 wound "look out sir!" rolls.  Or a unit of incubi if you wanna go the slice n' dice route.


*  MR GRAHAM - if you're gonna buff up an Archon (and remember the succubus does it better), try huskblade for instant death AP3 and shadow field.  If you wanna tinker with a succubus, give her the archite glaive and armor of misery with a small rock em unit of incubi with klaivex.  Lots of high-initiative S4 AP2 melee attacks.  Plop the whole unit in a venom and bomb around the board and FSU.  Feel no pain and furious charge to boot.


*  remember that FLEET is your friend and should be used accordingly:  I'm looking at you reaver squads



Stay safe,



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Thanks man, I was able to get a look at the new (relative to the last time I played) codex, and this is what I'm looking at to start with:


Archon 135pt

-Armor of misery

-Clone field

-Parasite’s kiss

-Husk blade

-webway portal

            Court of the archon 100pt

            -4 Sslyth

            Venom 65pt

            -Splinter cannon



5 Incubi 125pt



            Venom 65pt

            -Splinter cannon



5 Kabalite Warriors 70pt


-Splinter cannon

            Venom 65pt

            -Splinter cannon


5 Kabalite Warriors 70pt


-Splinter cannon

            Venom 65pt

            -Splinter cannon


5 Kabalite Warriors 70pt


-Splinter cannon

            Venom 65pt

            -Splinter cannon


5 Kabalite Warriors 70pt


-Splinter cannon

            Venom 65pt

            -Splinter cannon


10 Kabalite Warriors 95pt

-Splinter cannon

            Raider 95pt

            -Splinter racks

            -Enhanced Aethersails

            -Dark lance

            -night shields



10 Kabalite Warriors 95pt

-Splinter cannon

            Raider 95pt

            -Splinter racks

            -Enhanced Aethersails

            -Dark lance

            -night shields


Fast Attack:

10 Hellions 150pt




5 Scourges 120pt

-4 heat lances


5 Scourges 120pt

-4 heat lances


Razorwing jetfighter 150pt

-4 shaterfield missiles


Razorwing jetfighter 150pt

-4 shaterfield missiles


Heavy Support:

Ravager 125pt

-3 dark lances


Ravager 125pt

-3 dark lances


Total: 2500pt



I'm thinking about maybe shifting a few things around to get a succubus to ride along with my incubi, idk if that'd play very well though. I like the idea of the archon riding around with the sslyth and picking off backfield characters. Let me know what you think :)


blasters on the warrior squads may or may not yield dividends.  My experience was ... disappointing.  warriors with rack in the raider is MONEY !!


I was just worried about lack of anti tank in the list. In previous editions I found shredders to be a bit underwhelming and the lances on the raiders and ravagers, while dang nice on paper never seemed to properly do the job. If I was to drop the blasters it would free up 60pt to spend towards another HQ, maybe a Succubus to go with the incubi (I'd drop an incubi as well so she could fit in the transport, leaving me with 80pt to spend on her).


The best DE builds I've seen at a GT level have revolved around a Corpsetheif Claw formation from the Haemonculus Covens book.


It's a unit of 5 Talos. This is a unit of T7 Str7 monstrous creatures with feel no pain, scout, instant death on 6s, shoot well, and -1 to enemy Ld within 12in. Oh, and everything you kill with it grants you an additional victory point. Which is awesome when playing missions.


Here is an example list from Frankie over at Frontline Gaming:








Kabalite Warriors

Venom Splinter Cannon

Kabalite Warriors

Venom Splinter Cannon


Fast Attack

Razorwing Jetfighter Two Dark Lances, Splinter Cannon

Razorwing Jetfighter Two Dark Lances, Splinter Cannon

Razorwing Jetfighter Two Dark Lances, Splinter Cannon


Heavy Support

Ravager Dark Lances x3

Ravager Dark Lances x3

Ravager Dark Lances x3


Corpse Claw Formation

Talos Ichor Injectorx5




A fun thing about this list is that there are no character models so any model can be your warlord. So you could pick a Talos or even one of the flyers.


With the 3 source ITC format it's now possible to ally in regular eldar. So to improve the list I'd add in an allied Wraithknight and scatt bikes, and/or some wraithguard with the aforementioned WWP HQ.


Lastly, 2500pts is a very large game. Usually apocalypse. Shoot for 1500 and 1850 lists. However, I haven't been at the store in awhile with the birth of my son, work, and I'm still building my orks. The local guys could be playing large games now for all I know.

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