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ITC, WarMachine, and Narrative Gaming


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The thing is already enormous. Adding extra text just for the sake of making you feel better would double or triple the size. 

So? I think the value of the FAQ is entirely lost without the context of showing the questions and the answers.

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I think, to be fair...  That there have been a number of FAQ's that were "successful".  that did not mean they were correct.


I still cannot forget the miscues of the INAT which was constantly being contradicted by GW's FAQ's afterwards and the equally annoying fanboi's who loved it so much they tried to brow beat you into either "liking it or else you're a DICK".  Now admittedly, some of the players guilty are notoriously poor tempered folks, so I suppose some of it was the messenger, but still, online, there were plenty of fanboi's who like tournaments so much that they would gobble anything up if it meant they knew what to jimmy and what they couldnt.  


I will say again that I hold out more hope for this version than any before it though.  Here's to hoping.  =)

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I still cannot forget the miscues of the INAT which was constantly being contradicted by GW's FAQ's afterwards and the equally annoying fanboi's who loved it so much they tried to brow beat you into either "liking it or else you're a DICK".  

Umm. INAT was only contradicted by GW because GW contradicts everything. You know INAT was specifically called out in the thank yous of GW's FAQs for quite a while, right?


"Thanks to Jon ‘yakface’ Regul and his FAQ ruling council"

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Yep Jon put together a great team of people and wrote the inat. It was awesome. The ITC does similar things but in a less professional less overreaching way. I think both were great for tourney 40k. Like I said before if you don't like it avoid those events. Like I avoid Hanaurs events

You were going so well...

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The success of the ITC disagrees.

Success? You mean like how microsoft is successful? Just because it's successful, doesn't make it a good thing.


Historically, don't the meanest, most dominating countries tend to survive....? Success isn't exactly a measure of quality.

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And that is my main beef with ITC. I want to play 7th, and a FAQ which modifies 7th into 5th is unwanted (by me, clearly wanted by others).


I would welcome a FAQ system that modifies 7th into a more functional 7th, but the ITC isn't trying to be that.


What does ITC do that makes the game more like 5th?? It does not buff IG, GK, SW, BA, or transports, nor does it simplify missions. Do you remember 5th? Have you played ITC? Just seems like a really, really weird comparison to me...

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The beginning is the end is the beginning.


The end is the beginning is the end.



The ITC does similar things but in a less professional less overreaching way. I think both were great for tourney 40k.


"Less professional" than INAT? Ahahahahaha no.


INAT died a dog's death because it was a grossly-overreaching document full of personal bias. Every complaint you have against the ITC FAQ was twice as bad in INAT.



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What does ITC do that makes the game more like 5th?? It does not buff IG, GK, SW, BA, or transports, nor does it simplify missions. Do you remember 5th? Have you played ITC? Just seems like a really, really weird comparison to me...

Pax likes to think of ITC as the bastard child of people who loved 'Ard Boyz.
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