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Game Night: Infinity League Week 7: Take Out theTrash!


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When?  4 PM


Where? WOW


Who? You and a friend


Scenario: Take Out Trash!


Points: 270 


Two trash cans are placed along the center line of the table. The cans must be at least 10 inches apart.


Each faction is trying to take out the trash. The only problem is Lt.s and specialists and SWC are too high class to take out the trash. Only models with total availability that do not have SWCs and are not Lt.s can take out the trash.  The available model must touch the can, and then use a short skill to dump the trash.


The side that dumps the most trash wins the game.


In case of a tie, count Victory Points.



Bonus Points: If you bring a full painted dumpster: 3 Points

Double Bonus: Best Dumpster of the Night: 3 Points*

If you take out the trash from the club: 3 Points.


*Determined by the Players.....

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When?  4 PM


Where? WOW


Who? You and a friend


Scenario: Take Out Trash!


Points: 270 


Two trash cans are placed along the center line of the table. The cans must be at least 10 inches apart.


Each faction is trying to take out the trash. The only problem is Lt.s and specialists and SWC are too high class to take out the trash. Only models with total availability that do not have SWCs and are not Lt.s can take out the trash.


*Determined by the Players.....


soooo yea just realized when making a list that its not possible for me to play vanilla aleph and achieve this... the only way you can get a total availability is if you play steel phalanx and the only unit is myrmidons... maybe an availability of like 5+(that way i can at least use the basic line troopers...)?

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