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Priced out and disappointed by GW


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A bit of background. I'm a 23 year veteran of 40k and other wargaming. I've seen complaints about the high prices from the beginning. I've managed to amass a large collection largely through buying used, mixing in cheap 3rd party model conversions, and scratch-building. Ebay and bits sites were my friend. A few times a year I would muster up the gumption to pay full retail price. I can't seem to justify it anymore. $8 for an infantry sized model, and $20 for a 40mm base model are just too much. I have plenty of models new and old to work on so maybe it's time to officially stop my acquisitions.


I have other reasons for drawing away. GW models have been outpacing inflation to too much of a degree. At this point even a lot of the used models are high priced. It probably doesn't help that I haven't played mini wargaming in a long time. I'm also concerned about the direction GW has taken, for example Age of Sigmar and the shallowness of White Dwarf. Their paint line got objectively less vibrant and the quality is inconsistent. I've gotten splayed brushes and dried up paint pots through mail order. They shrunk then closed some of the best stores in the area, including the flagship Battle Bunker. They haven't supported community projects or tournaments for a long time. The almighty dollar pound matters more and more each year to GW. It makes me kinda sad.


I'm sticking with my rule to not sell any models. It's the only way I've been able to build my collection rather than swapping out armies every couple years like some people do. I'll save them for when I do get a chance to game, or to pass on to my son.


Anyways, thanks for reading, I just wanted to share my story and see if anyone else felt a similar way.

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I don't generally buy GW much anymore, and have sworn off AoS due to price. I sold two armies recently but that was more because I was tired of hauling around stuff I didn't play and I seem to move quite a bit.


However, I find that if I stick with one or two armies, I just need to buy a codex every now and then and the occasional model.  For instance, with the latest Eldar book I found myself not needing to buy anything new, and so I was happy with that.  Would still like some warp spiders if they ever make them again.

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I am sitting in the same boat - been in this mode for over a year now.  99% of my hobby budget over the last year has been on non-GW stuff (Infinity being the largest part - but also Dark-Age and some smaller older stuff - now looking at Frostgrave.)  I am still picking up the odd figure here and there on ebay or in trades for continuing my Eldar collection of stuff - but other than a new codex (eldar and harlequins) I have not found reason to continue with GW.  


I made a blog post about this awhile back… but I am amazed about how many "armies" or factions I have for 3 other games… for less cost and time that I spent with 40k.  I have at least 2 forces for 3 other games - so I can show others the games - how they are played - and not have that big problem of finding people to play with the figures to play lol.


I am planning on some sort of purchase for GW - if only to flesh out my Imperial Knights force - but that is all I see having to possibly involve a big purchase possibly from GW.



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I have been playing 40K and fantasy for some 25+ years (Started 40k in 89 or 90 as I recall).


5-8 years ago I seriously slowed my purchasing (actually it probably started around 14 years ago, buying a house has a way of reducing your disposable income... but the conscious decision was 5-8 years ago). In the last couple years I have bought almost nothing other than new books (which is still expensive). But then GW did me a favor. They blew up the Old world and remade their fluff into something much sillier. They remade my main game into something that doesn't appeal to me much. I now have no desire to spend money on GW products or to play their games.


Thanks GW, my limited game time can now be spent on games from companies that care about their gaming community!!!


Yeah, It makes me sad... but F$&k 'em.

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I rarely buy anything 'new' from GW anymore. I stopped buying their paints completely awhile ago, and anything GW I need I get 2nd hand or on ebay for drastically reduced prices. I don't particularly care to 'support' GW $-wise, and I don't feel I am betraying my LGS - if I didn't get this stuff at severe discount, I wouldn't be buying it at all anyway, and I support my LGS by buying other things. PLENTY of other things. LOL


And now, some 26 years later, there are just too many other choices to play out there, many of them superior to GW's current product. That combined with pricing themselves out of my wallet, and they simply don't get my $ anymore. But I'm just one dude with one wallet that the wife lets me use now and then. :)


Plenty of us know your pain, ChaosGerbil. It's totally normal. :)



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The thing is that GW has moved away from being the game company we all wanted them to be, and now they're much more focused in making money.  It's interesting because I'm told by distributors that Privateer is struggling because they have a game company, and not a company that is into great model making. They have internet reviews of models by end users so that if a model isn't good enough, it doesn't sell well.  So GW is smart that they want to make amazing models, but as a gamer I don't find it compelling.  I want to have a reason to push plastic army men all over a table.  But I can't blame them for wanting to make amazing models.  They're pretty to look at, just not worth the price tag to me, but they are to someone else.

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