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Batman VS Superman


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Well, Elektra isn't technical Marvel Studios.


I heard some griping about Ultron's origins, but nothing like what I've heard about Doomsday.


Doomsdays Origin was basically that Kal-El's dad created him by torturing a life form over and over, would have it die, bring it back and start the process over again.  It's not the first time Superman has been hurt or even stopped with punches.  Lobo even drew blood in their fight, but Superman hit him so hard Lobo didn't remember the encounter later.  And he didn't kill him, just put him in a coma.  And it was probably the most successful issue DC had in quite some time, people bought that issue so much, thinking that it would be worth tons of money.  Maybe in 100 years.

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I'm with dkieft - I just think Doomsday, overall, is a boring villain. I'm not really a DC guy, but when I heard about Supes and Bats getting together, I thought... ok, this could be interesting. Then I heard WW was involved, and thought... ok, this could be even MORE interesting. Then I heard Aquaman would be in it and thought... nevermind. 


Ok, ok, just kidding. I was still curious.


Then, I saw who they picked for Lex, and saw how he acts in the trailer and I just shake my head.


THEN I see Doomsday in the trailer... and shake my head even more.


I get it. They need a villain that can justify Supes/Bats/WW/Aqua teaming up. I am still going to see it. :)


As for the Ultron bashing - I pretty much agree with the Rotten Tomatoes ratings on AoU, really. AoU didn't do as bad as some of the haters like us to think, and ranks a bit higher than several of other MCU offerings, and my own opinion falls in line with that, pretty much. Then again, it rates higher than numerous non-MCU stuff, which is saying a lot. 'Average' to a comic fan is still pretty darned good to the average consumer that doesn't read or bother collecting comics. But as usual, one man's 'art' is another man's 'garbage'.


For certain, the first Avengers movie was an incredibly tough act to follow. Expectations were through the roof, many of those expectations being unreasonable, in my opinion. I saw it several times and enjoyed it each time. I don't think it was as good as the first one, and liked some of the other MCU entries better. More than anything, I am just thrilled to be alive and able to see this explosion of comic book material on the silver screen, really, and most of it is of a quality worthy of our time.



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I'm not saying he isn't, but really, there's TONS of boring villains who made it into movies.  Need I bring up Guardians of the Galaxy?  Best paper thin villain in the Marvel movies hands down.  


I often find it is how the villain is written.  Superman has a lot of pretty good villains, but they probably require a bit more setup than Doomsday.  Obviously, Darkseid comes to mind, as does Brainiac/Vril Dox, etc.  I think that you have a hard time introducing cosmic villains right off the bat, and you'll note that they didn't do it until Avengers in the MCU.  


However, I'd say that the first Avengers was fun and I geeked out, but it really starts to tumble with repeated viewings for me.  I can still watch it, and have fun with that time, but the whole "I'm always angry" thing is so terrible.  Not to mention that Hawkeye and Black Widow are really big question marks for me since they don't have powers or super suits and are constantly issues because of their being just human and all.  The second one at the end I felt that they were going to show them saving every... last... person in that city.  Not to mention you're higher than Everest and no one is freezing or having problems breathing.  But hey, comic book movie! :)


I'm just happy that I get more than the occasional comic movie that come years apart.  It's pretty neat to see how it comes down and no matter what, outside of Disney and WB, all geeks are winners. :)

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The problem is that they have never successfully done it with Supes

This is it.


DC needs a good superman movie, then add in more characters.


As for doing it right, Superman is an exceptionally simple superhero and they keep trying to make him too complicated and it fails.


Basic superman plot:


There's a natural disaster (like a natural one, not some evil villan or political faction. )


Lane, Clark, and Jimmy show up to report on it.


Lane's in trouble and Clark is nowhere to be found, but who can remember Clark when....


Superman shows up and saves the day.


roll credits....


It's basically a Godzilla movie, except the idea is to feel hopeful for the future at the end, instead of being ashamed of man's folly.


Oh, and the target audience isn't men, it's women - you give lane a respectable role and outfit, and the skin tight superman with his pretty face and ripply muscles comes to save the day. Lane isn't eye candy, she's got a brain and a dominant personality which only would submit to a higher power, not to some clumsy oaf like Clark. Superman is eye candy.


And you don't need a sex scene or romance, just keep the mysterious stranger that rides off into the sunset after saving the day and rescuing the heroine. Superman is the simple embodiment of masculinity combined with divinity in a completely unrealistic way. Besides, superman is really that story the Lane tells, not the story that Clark tells as clark always misses a chance to report on superman, since he's "absent."


Superman doesn't even need to speak in this version. He's good, intelligent and dutiful, but none of that needs dialogue.

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It's OK.  The FF license will revert to Marvel, have a similar story and the Marvel fans will praise it regardless.


And that wouldn't necessarily be a -bad- thing.


Will 'The Thing' look like 'The Thing' you see floating in your toilet?


Will the actors actually look/sound like they -want- to be in the movie?


Will the cast be poorly chosen?


Will the Director go on social media and rip the movie days before it comes out?


With the right answers to these questions, the FF could actually have a decent movie...


It's comic book stuff. I ain't looking for Oscar caliber story, plot, acting, etc, but I'd at least like average.



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Yeah. I find I'm generally capable of overlooking the plot holes and stuff if I like the characters and the banter and all. GotG is probably the pinnacle of that, being substantially more hole than plot, but I liked the hero team and there were some great lines, so I still had a good time.


DC's characters seem to be harder to write in a way that I enjoy. Some of my favorite comics arcs are Supes or Batman, but those are rare, and a lot of them, I just find boring. Marvel has had fewer arcs that I thought were totally awesome, but also far fewer that I didn't find at least reasonably entertaining.

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And that's perfectly valid.  


And it's not that I have no joy in life.  I have plenty.  I just notice, not being a super huge fan of anything that Marvel has put out in years, that there are fans that are literally not something sane, they simply love something because it's Marvel and all they touch is good and great. Again, don't like DC and how they write?  Fine.  The Man of Steel made $668 million dollars worldwide.  It isn't Avengers, but it's obvious there's people out there who like it.

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There are plenty of dc fans like that too. It certainly goes both ways.


It reminds me of coke vs pepsi or something. Very subjective and ultimately a personal choice. Both must be doing something right, or their sales certainly wouldnt be so high.


I would be pretty shocked if b vs s didnt surpass man of steel. Not sure if it will reach avengers territory, but i would be shocked if it wasnt one of the years biggest blockbusters.

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