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Showed up to a local minis game night yesterday and most if the games WarmaHordes. I brought Malifaux. Sigh. So, two questions:


1. Anyone want to trade a WarmHordes army for a WHFB Lizardmen army?


2. Where's a good place to start? Are there decent starter sets out there?

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You have picked an excellent time to start Warmachine; the latest edition, with brand new starter sets, just dropped about a week ago. So now everyone's on a much more level playing field, and a lot of folks are interested in Journeyman leagues (the official escalation format).


As for where to start, you should pick up the starter box for the faction of your choice. It'll be $40 list, come with a single warcaster or warlock, and 2-3 warjacks or warbeasts - enough for a 0-point game, which would be the smallest level one plays at. It also includes the rules, a playmat, and some other useful stuff. Later this year, PP is going to release 2-player starter sets for each game - one with Cryx and Cygnar for Warmachine, one with Trolls and Skorne for Hordes. You may also want to pick up the WarRoom 2 app for iOS or Android, which is free, and the card decks for factions you're interested in (which are not free).

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What size lizardmen army?


As to starter sets, they have just released a whole new set of them for V3. I myself am going to probably pick up the two player Warmachine set when it comes out soon. Right now they have released the individual starter boxes for I think $40. The two player set will have an additional unit along with the starter set models.


PM me if you want to talk WM models. I have cryx and menoth.

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What size lizardmen army?


As to starter sets, they have just released a whole new set of them for V3. I myself am going to probably pick up the two player Warmachine set when it comes out soon. Right now they have released the individual starter boxes for I think $40. The two player set will have an additional unit along with the starter set models.


PM me if you want to talk WM models. I have cryx and menoth.

PM sent!

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The new starter boxes seems to be a really good deal! They are 10 dollars cheaper than the mk2 battlebox and come with a mini rulebook and dice and other neat stuff.


http://www.allnewwar.com/ - Has a quiz you can take to see what faction may suit your play style. Warmachine/Hordes is awesome. Enjoy! (Don't get frustrated. You will lose. A lot. Keep your warcaster/warlock safe!)


Edit: I just took the quiz. It seems to be mostly about which faction theme you would like and less about play style.

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Thanks for the tips!


Where can I find the basics for how each faction plays?  I do much better with a few big guns than with a horde of little ones.


... that's a little hard to answer, what with the new edition changing things up some. Still, here's a rough sketch:


Cygnar: Plenty of guns, plus a lightning theme. Often have trouble hitting hard, but are very accurate. Tend to murder infantry.

Khador: Used to be all infantry all the time. Now they can run 'jacks pretty well. Said 'jacks are slow (with ways to speed them up) and very heavily armored. Also rather cheap.

Protectorate of Menoth: Synergy. Choir of Menoth makes all their 'jacks better. Can run a pretty solid gunline or melee force. Fire themes.

Cryx: Swarms of undead, and cheap, disposable 'jacks, plus some really nasty warcasters. And they play with souls.

Retribution of Scyrah: A bit of denial, and a mix of shooting and melee. Tend to ignore certain defensive measures.

Convergence of Cyriss: Lots of synergy. These guys operate like a clockwork machine, and aren't recommended for new players because they're rather tricky. Limited faction; they don't get many releases, so it's easy to complete the faction.


Trollbloods: Big ol' bricks of dudes, backed up by big tough beasts. Hit pretty hard.

Skorne: Hard to say - pinning down their faction identity in the new edition is causing a lot of arguments. It seems to be counterpunch: they get real tough, take it on the chin, then hit back extremely hard.

Legion of Everblight: Glass cannons. Fast, ignore some stuff like stealth and clouds, and hit really hard, but can't take a punch.

Circle Orboros: Used to be hit and run. Now seems to be a bit of terrain shenanigans; they can create forests with some models, and really like having them on the table. Tend to be high defense, low armor.


Caveat: Players are still figuring out the faction identities in light of the new edition, and some of these may turn out to be wildly inaccurate after six months of play.


If you want a few big guns instead of a bunch of smaller ones, I recommend you pick a faction you like the look of in terms of models, and then just steer toward the warcasters/warlocks who can run 'jack or 'beast heavy lists. You should also take a look at which factions have the "best" colossals and gargantuans. Of course, that's also up in the air at the moment until we get more table time...


For future reference, keep an eye on the Chain Attack podcast, Battle College (wiki, so a little unreliable depending on contributors), and Muse on Minis (forum and a lot of podcasts, of varying quality), as well as the official forums. 

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... that's a little hard to answer, what with the new edition changing things up some. Still, here's a rough sketch:


Cygnar: Plenty of guns, plus a lightning theme. Often have trouble hitting hard, but are very accurate. Tend to murder infantry.

Khador: Used to be all infantry all the time. Now they can run 'jacks pretty well. Said 'jacks are slow (with ways to speed them up) and very heavily armored. Also rather cheap.

Protectorate of Menoth: Synergy. Choir of Menoth makes all their 'jacks better. Can run a pretty solid gunline or melee force. Fire themes.

Cryx: Swarms of undead, and cheap, disposable 'jacks, plus some really nasty warcasters. And they play with souls.

Retribution of Scyrah: A bit of denial, and a mix of shooting and melee. Tend to ignore certain defensive measures.

Convergence of Cyriss: Lots of synergy. These guys operate like a clockwork machine, and aren't recommended for new players because they're rather tricky. Limited faction; they don't get many releases, so it's easy to complete the faction.


Trollbloods: Big ol' bricks of dudes, backed up by big tough beasts. Hit pretty hard.

Skorne: Hard to say - pinning down their faction identity in the new edition is causing a lot of arguments. It seems to be counterpunch: they get real tough, take it on the chin, then hit back extremely hard.

Legion of Everblight: Glass cannons. Fast, ignore some stuff like stealth and clouds, and hit really hard, but can't take a punch.

Circle Orboros: Used to be hit and run. Now seems to be a bit of terrain shenanigans; they can create forests with some models, and really like having them on the table. Tend to be high defense, low armor.


Caveat: Players are still figuring out the faction identities in light of the new edition, and some of these may turn out to be wildly inaccurate after six months of play.


If you want a few big guns instead of a bunch of smaller ones, I recommend you pick a faction you like the look of in terms of models, and then just steer toward the warcasters/warlocks who can run 'jack or 'beast heavy lists. You should also take a look at which factions have the "best" colossals and gargantuans. Of course, that's also up in the air at the moment until we get more table time...


For future reference, keep an eye on the Chain Attack podcast, Battle College (wiki, so a little unreliable depending on contributors), and Muse on Minis (forum and a lot of podcasts, of varying quality), as well as the official forums. 



this is a pretty good faction breakdown.


almost every faction can play a gun line. Now if you want "Big" guns, Cygnar/Khador artillery is probably the best in the game right now. Both got buffed in the new edition IMO.

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Off the top of my head check out Kromac2, Karchev, Butcher3, Vlad3, Bradigus, Doomshapers, Absylonia, Most all of Convergence, Broadsides Bart, Dr Arkadius. They (in my opinion) are all equipped to be able to run battlegroup heavy low model count lists. Though I think most all lists should have a throw away unit just to block charges/line of sight. I am sure others will have recommendations on other warcasters/locks that can run the type of list you are looking for. All of the factions except cryx sound like they could work for you and even Cryx has casters that can run the type of list you want. I think that army theme/aesthetic is what may ultimately sway your pick.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree with Bro G. Play 20 battle box games or so before adding to it...


... Then maybe add Stormblade Infantry plus their weapon attachments and command attachment. Or Stormlances. Since you said you liked low model count lists earlier, Stormlances may be the way to go.

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