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First Game

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I got in my first Game of AoS this evening. Chaos Daemons vs. StormCast, Border War. Only 500 Points, and it suffered a bit from the kind of dice luck that can really have a big impact in tiny Games like that, but it was still a lot of fun.


Should have started my Herald off more to one flank or another, so it would have been in range for Blue Fire on Turn 1, and should have just let the Liberators and Daemonettes pound on each other by the Objective while my Herald and Screamers went for the backfield Objective and maybe took on the Lord Relictor in the process. Also maybe should have tried to Charge with my other Daemonettes Turn 1. They still would have died just as fast, but that would have denied my Opponent quite a bit of movement if I'd pulled it off, which would have kept him off my backfield Objective for at least another Turn.


Also just realized that Retreat Moves were an option there, and I totally didn't need to have the whole rest of my Army sitting around tarpitted by the Liberators for the entire Game.


Really like the system. It's clean and plays fast, even for newbies. That Battleplan was great, too. I want to adapt it as a 40K Mission at some point.

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 The more I play and watch matched play games,the more im seeing this being a solid game system now.With only 5 game turns with which to progress a starting strategy and make adjustments with the choices made during play have a huge impact.Things like getting a charge off from a certain angle to minimize the opponents first pile-in and counter attack,retreats onto objectives,or just retreating a hammer unit while the player is going second in a battleround in hopes of stealing initiative to charge and hammer again with.Trying to bait the opponent into a multicharge so as to split up a unit and force casualties to be pulled from the middle or break cohesion,thus locking the unit in place or forcing it to retreat.


  The game before the Handbook was indeed very casual based and fun but certainly not tournament worthy.Even though there are several systems out there that go a long ways toward balancing things out,the combination of minimal core tax,rough points and alegiance abilities/artifacts that the GH gives totally "fixes" this game for the competative crowd.


 Also,I cant seem to find the FB post but someone put together a spreadsheet showing several 1000 pt army builds for all the Factions in the game,along with the model counts and cost in purchasing the models(at full retail) and the average cost was around 275.00.And those were all builds that were fairly competative,not just thrown together>

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  My gobbos are all still on squares..though ive yet to focus on converting them..However I can say that 20mm squares with 2" melee range is considerably better than 25mm rounds when it comes to getting more models into striking range.No one playing casually will have an issue with it but its probably safe to assume that over time,as a competative circut starts to ramp up,then yes there will probably be a basing standard added in.


  Plus,I have started magnetizing  the rounds onmy Bret models that I will use with my Basileans,then I will just use sheet metal trays of proper size and stick them on it.I think you only need to have 2/3rds of the listed unit size in models anyway.

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  My gobbos are all still on squares..though ive yet to focus on converting them..However I can say that 20mm squares with 2" melee range is considerably better than 25mm rounds when it comes to getting more models into striking range.

Didn't think about how that would become more of a thing with greater reach. My Herald on Disc was the only thing on the board that had a Melee Attack with greater than 1" Range. But yeah, going with the 20mm squares in that case would basically give you an extra "rank" worth of Attacks.

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