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Looking for some Vampire Counts / Mantic stuff


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Hello all, like the title says, I'm looking to pick up some VC stuff. I've got some cash to spend or have a small amount of trade. Looking for:


10 Dire Wolves

10 Grave Guard (w/ GW)

40-ish Mantic Ghouls (pending)

1 Necromancer (preferably plastic clamshell character or guy off of Corpse Cart)


Preferably unpainted! Thanks!

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I have the old Battalion Box in my basement. The models are still on the sprue........


Is that the one with the Wolves / Ghouls / Skeletons / Corpse Cart? Or is there a different battalion for VC?

Andrew, let me dig through my storage for a bit, I picked up one of the ~$80 mantic starter boxes on a lark. I'll check the contents and get back to you.

Thank you sir!
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