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Haemotrope Reactor Rules


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Make Dark Angels Great Again!

Plasma blasts don't work well for DA thanks to GW's rules. I'd love a plasma cannon dev squad with this fortication, but not for DA. For DA, my higher BS overwatch makes blast weapons feel out of place. Honestly, Iron Hands/Blood Angels (for FNP) or Ultramarines (re-rolls to hit) would make much more sense to take advantage of the above fortication. Sad, really.


As an aside, I'm really not liking GW's approch of making fortifications with toughness values. Other than making poison very silly and EMP questionable, the real annoyance with toughness buildings is that they further blur the already lacking building rules. 

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Oh, question, how is ITC handling this sort of rules supplements, where they say at the top that they can be used as objective markers? I only ask because the size of the objective does seem like something that may be contested in an event. 

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I like how they say that Vehicles don't gain a Cover Save from it, and then go on to detail what happens when a Vehicle passes the Cover Save that they don't get on a 6.


Also, this is more related to the fluff than anything mentioned here, but I kind of feel like GW doesn't understand that the "plasma" in blood isn't actually the same stuff as the "plasma" used by Plasma Weapons ;)

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Time to upgrade my Plasma Obliterator, I guess.


Or even build it in the first place, for that matter.

If you look closely, it wouldn't affect the plasma obliterator. Only affects non-blast and small blast plasma weapons. Though I wouldn't be too surprised if we get a formation if GW ever re-releases that plasma obliterator kit (I plan to get 2 plasma oblits, if they do...). 

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I like how they say that Vehicles don't gain a Cover Save from it, and then go on to detail what happens when a Vehicle passes the Cover Save that they don't get on a 6.


Also, this is more related to the fluff than anything mentioned here, but I kind of feel like GW doesn't understand that the "plasma" in blood isn't actually the same stuff as the "plasma" used by Plasma Weapons ;)

Vehicle thing is vague, but if you look at all the rules it makes sense. For cover saves, the vehicles (and MCs) can't use the 4+ cover or get power leaked via saves. If destroyed, the reactor damages the nearest unit as per power leak, which this could be a vehicle.


I am curious if the Exocrine can use this. Does bio-plasma count as plasma? Does remind me of godzilla movies, with the giant creature leeching off the power plant...

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If you look closely, it wouldn't affect the plasma obliterator. Only affects non-blast and small blast plasma weapons. Though I wouldn't be too surprised if we get a formation if GW ever re-releases that plasma obliterator kit (I plan to get 2 plasma oblits, if they do...). 

It specifically has rules for the plasma oblit...

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I was thinking Imperial Guard but yeah! 


Question: Can a unit embarked in a transport take advantage of this? 

Seems pretty balanced, since you get hot on 1s and 2s while using this, so even in a transport, it remains just as balanced. And blast plasma auto-miss if they get hot, unlike normal plasma guns, which can still hit on 2s, even if the model dies while shooting.

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It specifically has rules for the plasma oblit...

Fail, missed that entirely. Thanks. 



Was under the impression that it sometimes does and sometimes doesn't. GW's never been very clear on this one. I seem to recall that the TAU have plasma weapons which are considered plasma for the purposes of that INQ plasma syphon, which although dated, are still official rules. Could be wrong here, been awhile since I looked at my INQ codex. 

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Tau Pulse and Burst weapons are actually described as plasma weapons in their entries, so it's arguable that they get the benefits.. Maybe you wanna take twelve blast shots with that Riptide or squad of Crisis suits.


It's also kinda weird that it doesn't provide cover to vehicles or MCs, given the size of the model.

It would still provide cover for being obscured by 25%, you just wouldn't get the 4+ cover or risk power leak when taking cover saves from that 4+ cover. As written, infantry could opt to take a different cover save, if they had one from another source, and not be subject to the power leak rules if they saved on 6s. 

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