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Everything posted by shmitty

  1. I'm most pleased with how much more you get from hunting high level monsters.
  2. Core arrived yesterday. Everything looks great. Nearly tabled by the first 2 lions we fought, good times.
  3. Colossal - Really good, really funny, really uncomfortable at times. 4/5 Kaiju
  4. My copy theoretically arrives on Friday.
  5. Well, I obviously need to bring it by for a game and get you hooked too.
  6. And by problem I mean that I've probably spent enough on fancy board game inserts lately to cover the cost of several new games. Broken Token seems to be getting more of my money than any one board game publisher. But then if you've played Terraforming Mars using their organizer you'd want one too. I couldn't find a fancy insert from BT or any of the other insert makers for Mice and Mystics which I recently picked up to play with the kid. Eventually found one on Etsy and had it shipped to me from Kiev, Ukraine. I went so far as to buy the Broken Token organizer for Gloomhaven even though my Kickstarter copy won't be here for likely another month It's been sitting there, assembled in my basement, waiting for a game to organize. I have a problem
  7. I play both and overall Xwing is easier for non-gamers to get into. Armada has more depth, but that adds to learning curve. You really can't go wrong as both are excellent. Xwing does have the advantage of the co-op campaign, but that requires a large investment in miniatures.
  8. Just finished it as well. It was well paced and at 8 episodes cruised right along. I thought it did each of the characters justice and continued the Netflix/Marvel tradition of having solid antagonists. They definitely setup future story arcs for each of the characters. Overall it was a good payoff for the various individual series. Oh, and Jessica snarking everyone in sight was really the best part of the show.
  9. Yesterday. The wife and I are halfway through. It's fun, much of what you'd expect from Marvel. So far each character has been given enough space and most of the major side characters have made an appearance.
  10. I'll have to check out Legends after we finish up Defenders
  11. Guardians 2 - All kinds of fun. If you liked the first you will really enjoy it.
  12. New. It ties in heavily with Thrawn's appearance in Rebels. But, it really does nothing that doesn't tie in with his legends books too.
  13. Just finished Thrawn by Timothy Zahn. Great read if you enjoy the character or the Star Wars universe in general.
  14. He was definitely taking lessons from Denethor on crazy patriarchy. Wife and I enjoyed it. Continued the Marvel/Netflix streak of generally having much more interesting villains than the movies.
  15. Soon I hope. I was in Spain over the weekend. As soon as I get over the jet-lag I will start putting it together.
  16. Last year we ordered 6 mats and a couple of carrying cases. He gave us roughly 10% off on the mats and only charged 10gbp total for shipping. Given that shipping for a single mat on his website is currently 35euro, that was a really nice discount. No guarantee we'd get the same discount, but there should at least be a solid savings on shipping.
  17. Last Summer I organized purchasing some mats from DeepCut studios. http://www.deepcutstudio.com/ They make great stuff and in a nice variety of prints, but the shipping is brutal. He gave us a really nice discount on the mats and shipping for a group order last time. Well, I really want another mat from them so I thought I could see if anyone else would be interested in an order. Take a look, respond if interested, and we will put an order together,
  18. I just finished building my Dropfleet starter and will be glad to talk with an experienced player. That first week I think will have more of a Dropzone focus. Not that Dropfleet isn't welcome, just wanted you to know ahead of time.
  19. I am going to be hosting some Dropzone Commander and Dropfleet Commander demos at Fate & Fury games in Vancouver. Drop by on the afternoon of Sunday March 5th to give the game a try. We will likely be starting an escalation campaign there in the following weeks.
  20. It's been awesome for us at Dice Age so far. I've been posting about our campaign on my Armada blog: concentratefire.blogspot.com
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