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Everything posted by shmitty

  1. I'm looking for GWs Battle of Goblin town box for the the LOTR game. I have cash!
  2. Unless I'm tuning lists for a 100 point tourney it is my preferred type of game. There are so many fun toys in the game, it is nice to be able to play with more of them at once.
  3. Having read through the book, the rules seem fine. I won't know for certain until I've played a few games. There are definitely rules for LARGE missile volleys and the ability to shoot them down, A couple of oddities from the RPG system got translated over, but shouldn't have a negative impact on gameplay. There are a ridiculous number of hand to hand combat options, which probably won't be used all that often. And yes, I bought the Dropsone Commander cityscape just for this game. (Which I then liked so much that I started playing Dropsone.)
  4. My Robotech Kickstarter swag (at least the first half of it) arrived today. Some quick thoughts: Damn, that is a lot of plastic. This may take some time to assemble. The details on the models are very nice. The rule book is well put together. Concise, but with good diagrams and a nice paint scheme guide. Seems solid. Hopefully I can get enough built to get a feel for the game fairly soon.
  5. shmitty

    Solo play

    The Lord of the Rings LCG is an excellent Solo play game. Just about any Co-op game will work well solo.
  6. I have an old Forge World Giant for WHFB and some Orc Totems that I'm going to be selling. I'd thought I would post them here before listing them on ebay. $80 for the Giant or $10 for the totems. I can bring them by the OFCC if you're interested.
  7. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hrxO1t9wY10 Demo with the game designer. From a mechanics standpoint it looks solid. Satisfied the need for meaningful, non/obvious choices at multiple levels, The minis look great and components look up to FFGs usual quality and quantity. But really, Star Destroyers and PEW PEW sounds FTW.
  8. Can't wait. Wish I was at GenCon next week to give it a try.
  9. I will be up in that area this week around lunch time.
  10. Saw it tonight....absolutely loved it. Great mix of action and humor. I was with a large group of friends and we spent a good amount of time afterwards quoting lines at each other. Good stuff. The post credits scene is hilarious, but doesn't have the usual tie in to other MCU stuff.
  11. I have a bunch of free time over the next couple of weeks and I'd love to get in some Xwing matches during the day. Reply or PM me and we can set something up.
  12. I've managed a handful of games of Xwing at Epic scale and so far I'm really enjoying it. The additional points allows for some combos that normally don't hit the table in 100 point games. APTs + Jan Ors + Opportunist = 7 attack dice! I've also found that in Epic and higher point games PS becomes huge. There is enough firepower on both sides that typically the side shooting first can put a big dent in their opponent. Likewise, assault missiles and other ordinance seem to add to the alpha strike. The Rebel Transport is way more fun to play than I expected. It is setup in the game as like a giant AWACS system. It boosts your ships and screws with opponent better than anything else I have seen. Comms Booster is an absolute must. I would even consider playing with 2 of them on a transport. It is easy to go overboard on upgrades with the transport, I've seen the best results at around 45 points.
  13. Right. The idea of the tournament is to use the pilots as they actually appeared in the movies/books.
  14. With the release of the transports, the new X-wings and upgrades will be legal for the tournament on Saturday. So, I expect to see some Rogue Squadron builds and maybe a Red Squadron with Porkins!
  15. Here's a sample Space Marine list... Incompertus, 3000 POINTS Codex Astartes (NetEA Tournament Pack 2013) ================================================== ASSAULT [175] 4 Assault Units DEVASTATOR [325] 4 Devastators, Rhinos, Hunter LAND RAIDER [400] 4 Land Raiders, Hunter LAND SPEEDER [200] 5 Landspeeder STRIKE CRUISER [200] TACTICAL [375] 6 Tacticals, Chaplain, Dreadnought TACTICAL [425] 6 Tacticals, Captain, Drop Pods, 2 Dreadnought TERMINATOR [400] 4 Terminators, Librarian THUNDERHAWK [200] WHIRLWIND [300] 4 Whirlwinds
  16. I'm looking for some BFG Orks or Space Marines. I'm happy to trade if I have something you're after otherwise, we can talk cash.
  17. Actually there are 2 shuttles listed with the above squads. I figure Vader's shuttle (Colonel Jendon) could go with Black Squadron and the Emperor's shuttle (Captain Kagi) could go with the Royal Guard. And yes, I would expect to see lots of Saber Squadron...
  18. Coming May 3rd.... All Wings Report In! An X-Wing Tournament at Dice Age Games We're going to try something a little different for the May 3rd tournament. It will be a standard 100 point tournament, but there will be some simple requirements for squad building. Each squad must include at least 1 unique pilot and the rest of the squad must be made up of other pilots from the same squadron. As an example you might include Biggs, Garven and 2 Red Squadron Pilots as your squad build. I did some digging around on Wookiepedia and came up with the following squads as options: Red Squadron (Yavin) - Garven, Wedge, Biggs, Luke w/ R2-D2, Red Squadron Pilot Gold Squadron (Yavin) - Dutch, Gold Squadron Pilot Gold Squadron (Endor) - Lando w/ Nien Numb, Gold Squadron Pilot Gray Squadron - Horton Salm, Gray Squadron Pilot Green Squadron - Arvel, Tycho, Green Squadron Pilot Blue Squadron - Ten Numb, Ibtisam, Blue Squadron Pilot Black Squadron (Yavin) - Vader, Mauler Mithel, Backstabber, Dark Curse, Black Squadron Pilot Black Squadron (post-Yavin) - Colonel Jendon w/ Vader and ST-321, Black Squadron Pilot Obsidian Squadron - Howlrunner, Night Beast, Winged Gundark, Obsidian Squadron Pilot Saber Squadron - Fel, Turr, Fel's Wrath, Lorrir, Tetran Cowall, Saber Squadron Pilot Royal Guard - Carnor Jax, Kir Kanos, Captain Kagi, Royal Guard Pilot Scimitar Squadron - Ryhmer, Jonus, Scimitar Squadron Pilot I felt like after all of the competitive list building for the Store Championships, a tournament based on themed lists could be a lot of fun. What do you think?
  19. The new Rebels series features a bad guy riding around in a TIE Advanced and a Gozanti Cruiser, which is about the size of a Corellian Corvette. I bet we see that release this fall, with a title card to fix the TIE Advanced. Either with a point reduction or a systems upgrade.
  20. The Dice Age tourney starts at 1:00 I believe...sorry Burk. I just grabbed the dates off of the store websites, I'm sure the times are there also.
  21. For those looking for an X-wing Tournament in the near future. http://www.ordofanaticus.com/index.php?/topic/20481-x-wing-store-championships/ And to be on topic, the new ships look like a lot of fun. I was never a fan of the TIE Phantom and the Defender was a bit Mary-Sue in the video games, but I am glad to see more options. The cheaper missile and torpedo options should be fun as well.
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