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Everything posted by shmitty

  1. Still trying to decide my final budget. Thankfully the wife is on board for whatever.
  2. There are some. I play both factions and will usually switch to avoid a mirror match. I don't really notice it at this point. Certainly the campaign will have none.
  3. We are starting up a campaign at Dice Age in Monday's. I believe there will be one at Red Castle on Sundays and possibly Portland Game Store and Rainy Day as as well.
  4. Rogue One. Good times, lots of fun, and well paced. Plenty of connections to other movies/shows. Some awkward CGI would be my only complaint. Otherwise highly recommended.
  5. Stopped by Gustavs for a mug of Gluhwein last night. 5/5 Always have to have a mug during the holidays. We make it at home as well whenever we have a party this time of year.
  6. I went ahead and pledged for the game + gambler' s crate. Not sure how I'll afford it, but I've got more than a month to figure it out.
  7. Theoretically you will be able to play mixed campaigns and/or scenarios. I am a big Dropzone fan, but haven't been able to pick up Dropfleet yet to read the rules.
  8. Just finished the campaign. It is really well made and lots of fun. I can probably bring it by a game night at some point for a try.
  9. http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/featured/mechs-vs-minions Not in the Seattle area otherwise I'd be happy to show you.
  10. Bought the game. It's really well produced and fun. No one has screamed "Noob!" at me yet. Best described as a fully co-op cross between Robot-Rally and a zombie game.
  11. Top 5 Non-Collectible Miniature Lines – Spring 2016 Title Publisher 1 Star Wars X-Wing Fantasy Flight Games 2 Warhammer 40K Games Workshop 3 Star Wars Armada Fantasy Flight Games 4 Warmachine Privateer Press 5 Star Trek Attack Wing WizKids
  12. I think it has to do with relative sales figures. When the agreement started GW likely outsold FFG. My understanding would be that has now switched. GW probably doesn't want to license their properties to a company that is far outselling them.
  13. I'm moving to a new place and thought I would sell some games that don't get played much rather than take them to the new place. Dystopian Legions - Prussians - $25 Assembled and primed 5 Landswehr 10 Lancers Machine Gun Tesla Cannon APC Walze Tank Officers and Medics Cards, counters and rules Squadron Strike and felt hex space map - free D&D 4th Edition Books - Large Stack - free but you have to take them all Dystopian Wars Prussians - $50 Fully painted ground army Partially painted air army Navy Includes nearly every unit before the 2.0 release
  14. I've been enjoying the campaign, but starting to get tired of only fighting Nids. Anyone tried multiplayer yet?
  15. http://www.ordofanaticus.com/index.php?/topic/28886-battlefleet-gothic-leviathon/
  16. I hadn't heard anything about this until just now: http://www.battlefleetgothic-leviathan.com/ Basically, it's a full rules implementation of Battlefleet Gothic for iOS and Android. It's really good. It's a solid implementation of the ruleset and so far, the campaign is fun too. Only Imperials, Space Marines, and Nids so far, but they say that more fleets are coming.
  17. Small. I have a bunch of Dust stuff as well. The Bolt Action figs are much skinnier. I think you could make some of the walkers work as proxies without much trouble. But the infantry would really stick out. The Konflikt figs fit right in with the regular BA stuff.
  18. I picked up the starter for this at GenCon. The models are very nice and the rules pretty straightforward. The only changes from Bolt Action seem to be expanded reactions and assaults. The weird war stuff felt balanced with the regular units in the game that we played.
  19. Yeah, hadn't played in years and needed some money for my other tiny scale obsession, Dropzone Commander.
  20. I've got a full Epic Space Marine Army for sale. It's is mostly painted up as Ultramarines. Includes the following: Epic Armageddon rulebook 2x Plastic Command 11x Plastic Tactical 4x Plastic Devastators 4x Plastic Assault Marines 4x Forge World Grey Knight Terminators 5x Plastuc Bikes 5x Metal Landspeeders 4x Plastic Whitlwinds 2x converted Plastic Hunters 4x Plastic Land Raiders 6x Plastic Rhinos 3x Metal Dreadnoughts Metal Thunderhawk 2x Forge World Thunderbolts PM with offers. Pics can be sent on request.
  21. Anyone going to be there for board games?
  22. I've been trying, but haven't gotten any response on a custom mat. So we can likely still get you in.
  23. I think season 6 just has to be watched knowing there is much more time passing between cuts/episodes than the previous seasons.
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