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Everything posted by andozane

  1. Just because I have just started listening to it, if you want to check out the flavor of Pathfinder, check out GlassCannon https://glasscannonpodcast.com/ These guys are really hilarious, but also it is a lot of fun to listen to.
  2. This, a hundred times. That PDF is so great! Also a consideration...to date, I don't believe WOTC is providing any PDF's of rulebooks, where as Paizo does.
  3. Most of the Guard end up that way though....
  4. Interesting stuff... Short summary:- Dystopian Wars and Wild West Exodus will be folded into a new setting- Wild West Exodus will be part of the FSA background- The supernatural elements in WWX will get scientific explanations (no more magic)- Other factions from the Dystopian Wars universe may be introduced to WWX- Armoured Clash returns as a 10mm game This was taken from http://ttfix.blogspot.com/
  5. Pretty sure I can field that question for Bryan... $500
  6. I was in the same boat...I couldn't get into it at all...read the first story, and it was just truly "meh" to me... Currently reading Peter Hamilton's Commonwealth Saga...Book one was Pandora's Star. Interesting Sci Fi....now reading the follow up, Judas Unchained.
  7. So, I'm not the best FB user....can you link the event please? That way I will add it to my calendar which greatly increases my odds of going :)
  8. So, these are NOT the same minis as provided in the Imperial Assault sets?
  9. How many vendors/tables had oop GW minis would you say?
  10. Would like that please, though he will go directly to the pine sol bath :)
  11. Yep, your dirty rotten phantom was one shotting everything that day :) Sorry though, my Nurgle Warhound isn't for loaning...hope you find one to get in play though!
  12. While technically true, depending on the context, those metal GK's in my army are still old relatively speaking :)
  13. My schedule is pretty booked up right now, I will be on the sidelines waiting til more factions come out for this...I'm still in the "intrigued" category :)
  14. I got to watch a "teaching" game of this. I liked the aspects of a skirmish game, with a kind of deck building mechanic in play. Seems surprisingly limited for a GW game to only have set miniatures...that sort of shocked me. Looking forward to seeing the new warbands come out and how they play, and seeing some more reviews once all 8 planned warbands are out.
  15. Finally saw this...and I could not agree more. There are some minor quibbles...but damn, this movie knocked it out of the park. Soundtrack, Scenery, Shots, Acting(except for Gosling, he still just looks constipated in a few scenes)....everything. Amazing film...gorgeous, beautiful, and it does not feel like it is long at all. Though I do suggest seeing it somewhere with comfy seats... Such a good movie!
  16. Though the escalation League is long over, and I only got to play a few games, I'm sticking to my self promise and still working on the Grey Knights, and I haven't bought any new Death Guard models :) If you look through my past pictures, these were all on wrong size bases, so have been working on rebasing them all.Here is some progress... Lined up for some basing work. Here is the above group again. So close to being done with this group...they still need some grass, and I need to paint the rim of their bases. And next in queue...more painting and basing to come! And last, thinking about adding these to the army for fun :) The sprue is Draigo. They just got a bath...yes, that Land Raider is SUPER SHINY. When I got many of these models they were the same hideous silver...I really should have stripped them all instead of painting over them. Oh well, lesson learned :)
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