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Everything posted by andozane

  1. Krommlech has a line called Dvergr that are pretty cool looking. Otherwise, good luck in your quest....finding unpainted is very difficult. I have been trying, but more so it is easier to find some that are basecoated. Be careful, this is a slippery slope....
  2. andozane


    From the album: Squats

  3. From the album: MISC

  4. Can you link any pictures to specifically which model this is?
  5. Take me with you? :) Be careful posting this up ...you will become a Mule :) Check out Starfinder for me! and FFG's Genesys? And have fun! I'm very jealous!
  6. andozane


  7. Finally dug out my storage box...any of these?
  8. Just to be clear...a Patrol is 1 HQ and 1 Troop, not 3 troops... I will be doing Patrol Detachments for a while with Grey Knights I have a feeling :)
  9. Ok, I'm dumb, I didn't see where you start with 3 command points...
  10. Except a Patrol Detachment gives you zero command points... :)
  11. OK, am I missing something? Or do Battle Forged armies only happen if you are building your force with points? If you use Power Level, there are no detachments? Or am I just reading all this wrong? Thanks :)
  12. Does FW not make Repressors any more?
  13. I think it was Nate that I talked to about this question... Combi Weapons and Overwatch...if you fire both barrels of the combi weapon, you are at -1 to hit. But Overwatch needs 6's. So can you fire Combi Weapons for overwatch? The answer is yes...Here is the section of rules for Overwatch below. Basically the modifiers don't matter. You just need a 6. Overwatch is resolved like a normal shooting attack (albeit one resolved in the enemy’s Charge phase) and uses all the normal rules except that a 6 is always required for a successful hit roll, irrespective of the firing model’s Ballistic Skill or any modifiers.
  14. w00t, Elysians! That is a gorgeous army ....it will make you happy! :)
  15. Sadly I will be doing good if I get there by 5...more likely 5:30 for me...
  16. Hopefully getting there 5'ish...and hoping to get more than one game in. I mean, how long can it take to kill a hand full of models.....
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