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Everything posted by Raindog

  1. Western Oregon Wargamers- It is the club house.
  2. Who else is interested? I think we should all throw a blister in the pot and take turns picking one out.
  3. @PaladinX, You mean Coldfront or Beyond Coldfront or Thid Offensive?
  4. Let's play 300 points and play Highly Classified. One deck draw for the room since Classified Decks are rare these days. 3 PM at WoW. The following week, December 16th will be the last game night for the year. Anybody up for blister gift exchange?
  5. It was last weekend. We played Infinity.
  6. Be there or be at the Ordo Senate meeting with Jay, Pete, and Me!
  7. Thank you all for coming. Thank you all for the great day. Thank you all for the donations.
  8. As usual, all my photos are free for all to use.
  9. Okay, I have been brainstorming a limited narrative campaign. Let me work out the details over the next two weeks.
  10. Thank you all. What a great day. $339 in donation money and car load of coats, clothes, food, and hygiene products.
  11. I set up four tables tonight!
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