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Everything posted by Raindog

  1. Time: 3 PM to 7 PM (we sometimes close later) Location: 717 SE Main St. Portland OR 97214 (map) - Around the corner from Kokiyo Teriyaki and up the stairs Cost: $5 for Ordo Members, $2 for Ordo Warlord Champions, FREE for Emperors! And as always, your first Game Night is FREE! Games we play: Infinity 300 Points Mission: Tin-Ball Who cares about SportsBall? We are going to play Tin-ball! Mission: A Tinbot rests in the center of the table. It is your job to pick it and and run as far as you can into the enemy deployment zone with it for the win. It takes a simple WIP short order to pick up the Tin-bot. What's the catch? The Tin-Bot cancels out all ODD, Marker-States, TO Camo, Camo, and Mimetism states to the holder! If the model goes into the Null State, it drops the tin-ball. Set Up: Table Configuration D - Corner set up. Scoring: If you have the Tin-Ball at the End of the Game: 2 Points. If you have the Tin-Ball in the opposing half of the table at the end of the game: 2 Points Every 4 inches beyond that is another 2 points! All are welcome. We also have tables open for Blood Bowl, Necromunda, AoS, 40k, or whatever game you want to play. Although it is possible to find a pickup game at Game Night, it is much better to prearrange a game before coming down. Hope to see you there.
  2. Thank you Joel, Evan, Darron (especially for bringing your table!), Berman, Pete, Aaron, Jay, Jeff, Evan, and Seth for playing tonight. Thank to Spencer, Scott, Don, Kahn, and ???? on the hanging out and 40K side! Packed house wins!
  3. So far this weekend, I painted a great deal of the next holo ad. I need to touch up a few spots. Then, some black lining. I bought three more 12" x12 ' risers and started the painting process. Tonight, I played two games with my 10 order Hassasin List. It was Show of Force Night. Jay brought two tags to the fight. He won roll off and had me deploy first. I went first. Jay clustered 7 models on his right flank. My Fiday rolled out smoke, danced into smoke, and started into close combat. Then he laid mines - re-impersonated and danced into combat. Then, he danced out and shotgunned the rest. Jay had three models and was loss of LT. We stopped the game. Then, I played Evan and his Tohaa. He had no Tags, but it was a brilliant list. He had mates, bombs, three triads, Igao, a Nikoul sniper, and big beasts with a handler (Kerial and Surdas). The Igao went on a run and was blasted by HMG Govad's Breaker pistol. The Kerial and pets killed the HMG and Fiday (who gave himself up to lay a mine) . One Surda was eaten by a mine. The Kerial danced out of the other mine's explosion. Meh. My other Fiday went on a run to help out the team and put himself in scoring range One of the triads moved up to challenge the Asiwria link and knocked out the Muyibe and Spit-wira. The Doc-wira took revenge killing the Data Tracker and healed up the Spit-wira. One of the Farzans sat a mine next to the console and camoed. Evan rushed the console, but could not take it. I peeled away models and tried to contest it with my last two orders. The Farzan failed. The Spit-wira killed off a model to tip the kill count to my side.
  4. Raindog

    Joel's Table

    Not really, but it does tend to his color preferences...... It needs more pink.......
  5. Raindog

    LVO Goodness

    New sectorials.... Guessing.. 1) Vedic 2) Rodina 3) White Banner 4) Tungaska 5) Svarlheim?
  6. Raindog

    LVO Goodness

    From Allen Emment of the Book Face: This could be awesome! Weird Legs? More Shikami Awesome. Tactical Boxes! Didn't think they needed a resculpt Definitely need to see this in person. I have been waiting for this release, but it is lacking the wow factor of the Ayyar, the Fasid, the Azrial......... So flipping cool..........
  7. Please Support this Guy!
  8. Checking Schedule......... And pencilled in.
  9. Feats are optional. 5th is 3.5 light. Each class has a few character path choices. Each path gains boons and abilities. There are no bad classes. There is always something someone can do.
  10. From my oldest: my parents play d&d with some of their friends and i’m listening to the women in the group rate my dad’s last dungeon crawl like it’s up there on fantasy yelp… “0/4 stars. we all almost DIED and we got NO treasure which is the point of a dungeon crawl. would not recommend”
  11. Well..... I am eliminating the explicatives... I just finished the first holo ad frame. I go to remove the clear plastic covering on the on side. There was adhesive for the plastic sheeting left over. I went to wipe it the adhesive with soap and water. The holo ad started to wipe off. ughhhhhhhhhhh. Lesson: I am leaving on the protective plastic coating......
  12. Hunting Party is a challenging scenario. The Classifieds are important since it is hard to "hunt" your opponent. An FO is not a good as an Assault Hacker, since one can immobilize an opponent and the other cannot.
  13. The previous episode was great. I am looking forward to the next episode.
  14. I will have to consult the boss of all things, my wife first, but I should be able to meet you there..
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