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Everything posted by Raindog

  1. Please proxy, but be friendly and remind your opponent. See you tomorrow.
  2. In the pinned section of the Infinity Forum, there is a PDX Infinity section. You can contact Adam. He runs the tournies at Glimpses. The next one is Sept 10th, but they are normally the first weekend of the month.
  3. There was a whole count down on Netflix and everything.
  4. Remember, ignore season one. Start with Season 2. You will miss nothing.
  5. Painting Leathers on Muyibs after washing my Barid. Yes, I know there will be new Muyibs in November, but I like the old ones just fine. Now the new Daylami, Farzan, and Ayyar....... I scent the awesome through the screen! I can see another order through Fate & Fury in my future.
  6. Legends: On Netflix there is a show with Sean Bean called Legends. Ignore Season One. Season Two is a start over and it is brilliant. I highly recommend it. It is Sean Bean at his best. It is great spy thriller. 9/10 Shooter: It is like 24's poorer cousin. Highly watchable and great to paint to. 7.5/10
  7. The scene is better than ever. People place at Ordo, Fate & Fury, Glimpses, and the Portland Game store. A few guys play at Guardian. I am not sure what is going on at Red Castle. We had 36 play at the OFCC. George Spencer and Adam B. are now Warcors. At the club, Exile is playing Aleph. Evan is playing vanilla Ariadna. Joel is playing USARF. Darron is switching from ISS to Aleph. Berman is playing Tohaa. Justin and I are playing Haqq. Jenn is playing Bakunin. Dan is playing vanilla Yu-Jing. Jay is playing Combined. Edward is playing USARF. At OFCC, there was no Tohaa and only two Aleph players. Ariadna had a good overall number of players.
  8. The eclipse is a myth. There is no eclipse. There is only Infinity. We would love to have you.
  9. Last night, I dreamt I had not painted the eyes of the Mutt I have been working on. Today, I looked. She is wearing sunglasses. I washed her uniform and matte coated the model. She is done. Then, I worked on my Barid Assault Hacker. His leathers are done and washed. Next, I started layering the uniform. My goal is to have 300 points painted before working on my Battle Kiwi terrain.
  10. Painting white in ever so thin layers, letting each coat dry before painting the next is ever so fun and slow. I am painting for 10 minutes after work and stopping, so I can go to bed.
  11. I am betting for the Fall Release.....
  12. Great. It will be great t have you attend!
  13. Andy Brandy was kind enough to forward this article with the issue and problems concerning the Transmission Matrix Scenario.The scenario has a few unexpected wrinkles. Please read it.
  14. Huzzah! Game Nights with Jeff always mean better game nights.
  15. Football is important! My team plays on Saturdays.
  16. Welcome to the future. It is shiny and filled with remotes and TAGs. Assemble your forces to the Fall Infinity Escalation League. We would love to have you, even if it for only a week or two ! Where: WOW. 717 SE Main Street. Portland, OR Who: You and your friends. Friendly faces are always welcome. Purpose: To learn the game of Infinity and play in a fun environment! Cost? Standard Game Night Dues Apply! First time visitors are always free. Starting Date: Sunday, September 24th. - The week after Infinity Boot Camp! Ending Date: Sunday, November 26th. - The following weekend will be the Rampage, December 2nd! League Points will be Award for the following: Attending: 1 Point. Yes just hanging out with is is cool! Playing: 1 Point per game each game night. Winning a Game: One Point (maximum of 2 Points per week). Each Model flashed, assembled, and based each week before Game Night. 1 Point. (Maximum of 10 for the duration of the league.) Purchased a Model from a local game store and bring the receipt in to WOW. 1 Point (Maximum of 1 Point) Each model completely painted, table top standard, including base. 1 Point (Maximum of 10 points) Bringing food or drinks to share with the group. 3 Points. Bringing a new player. 3 Points. Telling a good joke. 1 Points. Recalling or tales of building, modeling, playing, etc, in the Infinity Forum thread. 1 Point per week Having an cool turn of bad or good luck (Determined by me or the group). 1 Point And anything else of excellence. 1 Point Winner: Receives a free pass to the 2017 Rampage. Are you in?
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