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Everything posted by Raindog

  1. Really, a printed sheet of paper with the name of your team and the players would be fine.
  2. I personally hope that Kyle's plane lands safely.........
  3. The OFCC is one week away!
  4. I am brushing it on and adding acrylic medium to dilute the varnish
  5. The Farzan is 3/4s done!
  6. Tears of the Sun. An average war flick with Bruce Willis. Not terrible, but predictable. On Netflix. 6/10.
  7. Moana.... Beautiful, but boring. Not that funny. Dull songs. Such a template film. 6/10
  8. My daughter, both sisters in law, and brother in law, all love Adventure Zone!
  9. My last Muyib is drying. I need to put on the arc markings, then matte coat it!
  10. Raindog

    Full Auto. L2

    Per Carlos, Full Auto, L2 is +1 burst, and -3 to shoot against in the active phase.
  11. Have you talked to you teammates to see if they are ready? Do you have a mat for your table? Who is bringing the terrain? Is the terrain painted? Do you have a placard with team name and members, so we can do paint judging?
  12. What have you left to paint? what are you going to move your army around from table to table? Do you have your games bag packed? Do you have your tokens? Are your tokens easily located or in one giant pile in a ziploc bag? Do you have tape measures? Templates? Courtesy Lists not on your iPhone or iPad?
  13. I liked Spidey enough to see it twice.
  14. We had Pete and Jenn play and I played Evan. The club was packed with happy voices!
  15. The top model is flipping amazing.
  16. Congrats on being the first person I know to paint the newest, sexy model!
  17. They open the doors around 4:30, but I have keys so we can start when we like.
  18. So, After three weeks away from the club, I managed to make it down to game night despite a pesky flat tire that tried to up end my day. An hour late, I found myself facing Seth, who had arrived to the club a few minutes before I did. Seth has bad luck when facing me. His dice and my dice like to help me when we play. The table had two long, diagonal fire lanes and a series of one level buildings placed close together for places to hide. The club was playing Seize the Antennas and had already set a table. I won WIP and had Seth set up first on the opposite side of the table. He opted for me to go first. He prefers to go second. I know in Seize, you want to go last, to have the last shot at grabbing antennas, but I knew I could dictate pace and board control. Plus, my list has no MSV. He had a smoke launcher and a Ru-Shi. I needed to try to take one or the other out before he could play smoke tricks on me. Seth huddled his troops down leaving a TR remote up as his sole ARO piece. I set up with the Muyib haris on the right and the Ghulam team to the left on building giving the sniper and missile launcher a diagonal fire lane and in view of the TR Bot. I started with ML prone and started the game by shooting the TR Bot. I needed 14's to hit. I rolled a 19, 18, and a 1. Seth was at a 5 being at -6. His dice favored me again and he missed. This allowed the Farzan in the center of the board to rambo up and start blasting with his boarding shotgun along dice lines of troops hiding behind buildings and walls. The Ru-Shi and Lu-don failed to discover as I approached. The Farzan took down the Ru-Shi, a pal bot, the GL, and put a wound on the Shikami. Then, he took down the Lu-Don. The pal bot behind the Lu-Don made its armor save. Finally, the Farzan died to a crit in a fire fight with his smart missile bot, trying to take out him and the LT behind him. Sacrificing one Farzan for 5 models in Limited Insertion was well worth it. With my last orders, I walked up my Muyibs to the center of the table around the center console, broke the link and went into suppressive fire. Seth healed the Lu-Don with his pal bot and jumped it up to try to fix the TR Bot. AROs blasted the Bot. Seth spent his remaining orders unsuccessfully trying to remove the Muyibs from the center of the table. For my second turn, I had the Muyib spec-op hit the center console and a Ghulam FO break from the link and hit my side's console. The Ghulam went back and rejoined her link. My Barid dropped a repeater with its pitcher and I continued to hunker down. Seth worked on killing the Muyib Spec-Op. He FO'd with his all purpose Bot and got his classified. On my last turn, I took out his all purpose Bot. Then, I tried rambo my second Muyib into his backfield to take out his Lu-Don and, smart missile Bot, and his LT. The Muyib took out the Lu-Don, but the smart missile Bot killed him. On Seth's last turn, the hit his close antenna. I won 6-4. We talked about the game. Seth thought he had the center covered with multiple fire lanes. He did not expect the Farzan to walk in unscathed.
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