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Everything posted by Burk

  1. Burk

    FS: asus tablet

    Savion should advise. it was/is his.
  2. Curtain Call: the Hits - Eminem Comfort Eagle - Cake We Cant Dance - Genesis (not happy about this one)
  3. Looks like Guardian games changed their day. It is listed as Saturday now....which sucks as I cant go to both that borderlands.
  4. if you go the buy route, I will throw in a few bucks to take the bodies off your hands.
  5. got it. that explains why \
  6. what is the <> code for youtube vids?
  7. "Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?" http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=V8lT1o0sDwI#t=16
  8. Burk

    OFCC annoucement

    only doubles planned is the xwing doubles tourney on friday.
  9. actually it is implied. when haymitch is talking with petra and katniss about the upcoming games. he says they will be coaches now.....if they knew they were going in, then they would not be coaches.
  10. They do a quarter quell every 25 years, but not just champs vs champs. IIRC, one was 4 tributes from each district, and the other was people voting on the participants instead of random. The champs playing is implied was a farce to kill of Katniss Everdeen :) as she became a rallying point for the revolution when she defied the capital (ie faking suicide pact with the berries in the first movie/book) They did not get two from each district. There are a total of 75 champs to choose from, not all are still alive, but there are still enough to choose from, ex. district 12 had 3 living champs...2 went. where districts 1 and 2, had many more, but only 2 went from each.
  11. Maybe because it is book 2 of a trilogy and the third movie is out late this year (or early next)
  12. there is 0 chance that OFCC's team event would. however, we are doing thursday friday events now too....
  13. short skirt/long jacket - Cake Tell it to the Sky - Tracy Bonham Movin' Out - Billy Joel
  14. "Punch her in the pancake maker" has such a nice ring to it.
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