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Everything posted by Weav

  1. More Blood Bowl coming tomorrow at Guardian Games! Come down and play...
  2. I won't be able to get my first games in until the following Sunday. I'll be on a plane :(
  3. Wait, you're selling both for $10? Or just the dice? If it's both, I'm in!
  4. https://ofcccarnagecup.splashthat.com/
  5. I think by specialists you mean operatives. Specialists are part of every list and stay with your team until I kill them.
  6. I'll wear my welders mask so I don't catch any dice in my face ?
  7. We had a good turnout yesterday, and we're expecting more next week. Two possible new Super League players in the mix!
  8. Except the Redemptionsists have odd weapons not included in Shadow War. Eviscerators, for example.
  9. I haven't looked too deep into it, but does anyone know if the points between the game are the same? I know a bolter is 35 points in each game, at least that's my recollection from Necromunda years ago. The genesis of my question is if someone could run their Outlanders gang in a Shadow War game...Redemptionists for example.
  10. They started yesterday afternoon and are still playing
  11. Sounds fun but I'll be teaching Blood Bowl at GG, sorry
  12. You better hope for KI's as MNG's are erased before the final
  13. I would notice it in the game. If you rolled a six to hit, and did a 2+ ammo roll, but it was an autogun, I'd be annoyed you didn't tell me.
  14. I really appreciate the positive attitude Sugarlessllama is displaying about a rule they aren't fond of. I understand why WYSIWYG can seem daunting, but I think the community is pretty cool about most stuff. I know if you were in a pickle and couldn't make a change I would be okay with it for one game, so long as you kept reminding me.
  15. Thank you. WYSIWYG is really simple in such a small game. You could paint fifteen models and never have to cut anything up.
  16. We're blessed by the most evil of all Bryan's??? YASSSSSSS
  17. Ahhh, I'm totally not familiar with any Stunty teams, as they are not official per NAF. I have some concerns about the OBBL allowing stunty teams in non-stunty leagues, but I also trust Shane's opinion on things like this. That list looks pretty strong, especially considering the amount of NoS present, and the combos that can be built off of that with only 6 or 16 SPP's.
  18. I'm not familiar with ProHalflings...where are you seeing this list?
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