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Posts posted by WestRider

  1. 42 minutes ago, Navster said:

    How would you update the under powered codexes :-

    Tau- Eldar-DA towards the end of fifth where dropping to lower teir armies when the Necrons Grey Knights etc where just far beyound those. Would  Adeptus Mechanicus be adapted for fifth?.  Daemons and Chaos where also not very spicey at the end but I can remember the 6th eidtion Chaos marine codex coming out during fifth but not sure?. 

    Nids were also in a pretty bad place by the end of the edition. Honestly, in many ways, their 5th ed Dex actually made things worse.

  2. Yeah, my connection failed, just after halftime. Ish was ahead in terms of both score and casualties at that point. I would rather get to play the game out, but it's entirely to my advantage to reset it, so Ish should get to make the call.


    Screen Shot 2020-06-11 at 12.54.14 PM.png

    What a screenshot can't show, of course, is that the numbers on the two visible clocks didn't change a second for quite some time.

  3. The amusing part is that we are actually having people work on the house right now, and even tho they're on a different side from where our internet connection comes in, there is a non-negligible chance that something they did knocked it out for a while. It seems to be back up now.

  4. 13 hours ago, Ish said:

    I’m a season and a half behind, but I absolutely loved everything I’ve seen up to that point. Both of my daughters are irked that I haven’t caught up and won’t let them spoil it for me...

    (I really wish the creative team behind the new She-Ra would be given a shot at revamping He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.)

    Pretty much anything I said beyond that would have been spoilers. Noelle said in one of the interviews after s5 dropped that she does have other projects in planning. Maybe MotU?

  5. 4 hours ago, Ish said:

    Thanks to Grandfather Nurgle getting me laid off from my main job, I’m free most days. Except Sunday mornings and Monday/Wednesday evenings (although late night Mondays are a possibility).

    Tomorrow at high noon?

  6. 15 hours ago, Ish said:

    Personally, I’ve always kind of wished they’d dump the individual codices for the 24,601 different Chapters of Space Marine and move all of them into a single unified book with the “build-a-bear” approach.

    Maybe one or two unique characters and/or units for each of the Big Name Official GW Chapters. 


    I've felt much the same. If Black Templars could be folded into the core Dex, BA and DA shouldn't be a problem, and even SW should be manageable.

  7. 13 hours ago, CountElmdor said:

    Thanks, good game. I thought for sure you had another TD there at the end.

    I should have, but I messed up and didn't push quite far enough out on turn 15. My head was not really in the game for some reason there.

  8. 7 hours ago, Ish said:

    Was it the Fourth Edition or the Fifth Edition Codex: Space Marines that had the “build your own” Chapter Tactics system?

    I really miss that element in the current books. Yes, it had a few combinations that were a bit much, but it led to so much creativity amongst a lot of my local gaming group from people who often never put much thought into personalizing their armies...

    While I do think that 5th had the cleanest core rules set, the "3.5" to 4th ed era had my favourite design philosophy for Codices. The Build-a-Bear IG, CSM, and Nid Dexes were masterpieces that just needed some tweaks, not getting reworked from the ground up like they did.

  9. 9 hours ago, Ish said:

    I still hate the name “Drukhari,” schlubby goofy game-show hosts from Cleveland aren’t exactly my idea of spooky.

    Just mess with the pronunciation. Say the "u" like in "truck", really emphasize the "h", and pronounce the "a" like it would be in German, almost like the "o" in "hot".

    • Like 1
  10. 3 hours ago, blackvigil said:

    I am a covetous model dragon. I see cool models, and I want to get them. Kill Team has given me an excuse to buy little things from any army I want. 

    I just started painting Drukhari for the first time ever. Kill Team makes it so easy!

    WarCry is pretty much the Fantasy equivalent.

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