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Everything posted by Yarbicus

  1. Well, here is my first go at a 7th Edition list. I went with a Battle Company for a couple of free transports. I left some of the specific loadout off, like special and heavy weapons, so suggestions are appreciated. There is wiggle room in the points. *The Chaplain and Captain each join an Assault Squad, one in a Razorback and the other in the Stormraven. Battle Company Captain Chaplain 2 x 10 Tac Squad in Rhino 4 x 5 Tac Squad 2 x 5 Assault Squad with Vet Sgt 3 Centurian Devastator Squad w/Grav Cannons 5 Devastator Squad w/4 LCannons 1 Dreadnought w/MMelta Storm Wing 1 Stormraven 2 Stormtalon
  2. How good are Plasma Cannons? I appear to have 6 of them...
  3. Thanks! That is the kind of info I am looking for.
  4. I am building Imperial Fists and was considering 4 LasCannon for maximum "reach and kill someone armored." What are the usual kits these days?
  5. I am old so I am also old school. The Motion Picture is not a great movie by any stretch. HOWEVER I will never forget the scene where the crew fly to the newly renovated Enterprise for the first. Just a magnificent moment.
  6. Yup. That was a pretty heavy group...plus me.
  7. I am willing to entertain offers! But I don't offer entertainment.
  8. Been thinking about this lately. Worst is a tie between Nemesis and Final Frontier. I gotta give JJ Abrams the nod for best for these reasons: 1. Totally reminded me of why I have always love Star Trek. 2. The casting is amazing. Chris Pine is only acceptable but everyone else is so spot on. I have major man crushes on both Simon Pegg and Karl Urban. 3. Freakin' Thor is James T Kirk's father!!!!
  9. Even though I have been playing Fantasy for so many years, I actually started with 40K and Space Marines. Back in the late 90's I was Managing Editor for Leadership10.com (anyone remember that?) and was pretty much the only staff member to even play 40K. Well, now that WHFB is giving me the finger, I am returning to 40K and building an Imperial Fists army. Yay! So, what do I need to know? My first real question is about Formations. Where can I find them? I do have the Exemplors of Dorn list which is pretty neat but where can I find the rest?
  10. I am willing to break up the DV stuff if you want only pieces. Also, buy the whole lot of DA stuff and I will toss in an extra partially assembled bike and another character model.
  11. Yeah, you know how I hate to miss it. Good cause this year but I am still the sad. Need to try and make it up to BHam sometime soon just for a break.
  12. Awesome news! We just went through the same thing and close/get keys on August 7th. Man, I sure hope that the market up your way is more sane than down here. We looked 20+ houses, put offers on 6, and then finally got the best of the lot.
  13. All of these are brand new. I don't mind shipping as long as you pay for it. Offers considered. Dark Vengeance Dark Angels (on sprues) $40 Dark Angels Bike Squad (NIB) $30 Grey Knights Purifier Squad (NIB) $20 Dark Vengeance Chaos (on sprues) $30 Possible trades: Vanilla or Imperial Fists vehicles or terminators Interesting terrain for fantasy or sci fi Malifaux Infinity rules or PanO
  14. If I were closer, I would be all over this. Mantic looks like a great company to support.
  15. I would love to play Battletech! That was my jam in college. I miss my Griffins and Battlemasters.
  16. Does anyone else see the similarities between AoS and Inquisitor? And we all know how well that worked out...
  17. I agree with everything in this post. Right now, I am happy to keep playing Malifaux.
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=42&v=QsiBlmRcEKg
  19. It is sort of the anti-Downton Abbey! Really enjoyed it but found the transition from Season 1 to Season 2 jarring.
  20. Finally saw this. Maybe a 7/10. Both How to Train Your Dragon 2 and The Lego Movie are far superior. FACT.
  21. I work about 2 blocks from Mox and this would work for me!
  22. Yeah, fighty is what I took to OFCC and I will likely go back to that.
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