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Everything posted by Norrad

  1. With the new year approaching I'm having trouble deciding where to invest hobby time. Now this is nothing new for me as I tend to get distracted by the new shiny bauble! So I'm asking for help in deciding what to work on. I can't go off of what I'm most interested in or what looks cool, etc because it all interests me or looks good! Last year saw me work diligently on Duardin (Dwarves),Exiles (Dark Elves), Orgors (Ogers), Warriors of Chaos and Khorne Daemons. I managed to get little bits and pieces either assembled or painted for that lot! Not bad for me considering I was deployed overseas for 4 months out of the year. For this next year I'm thinking about working on Duardin, Skaven Pestilens, Warriors of Chaos & Daemons (Khorne and Nurgle), Everchosen, Aelfs, or Seraphon. The rest of the races are low on my interest scale and it would be difficult for me to get into them. I guess if I had to prioritize things it could go like this in order of interest: Skaven Pestilens, Everchosen, Warriors & Daemons, Seraphon, Duardin, Aelfs, and so on... I guess my interest in this post is what do people think? Some armies are more common than others and are seen more often. What would you like to see on the tables in PDX area? Any army is possible so if you have another idea let me know. Thanks for the help and ideas.
  2. Rules for Adepticon AOS are posted on the Adepticon site. They are using SDK for the army builder at 1500pts. Wizards, Heros and Monster keywords are hit pretty hard!
  3. Battleshock tests are only taken for units which lose one or more models in a turn. Units cannot include models that use different Warscrolls. So my point is that the pack masters ability only doubles a clan molder units bravery in the Battkeshock phase. It seems that when they want the using model to gain said benefit from an ability they tend to include that model in the description. For example, the Seraphon Engine of Gods has a heal within x inches. The ability specifically states that the Engine along with any other Seraphon units within range are healed.
  4. Yah, the pool point system is more restrictive. You definitely are limited to taking scroll minimums or multiples of just the min number of models instead of allowing for single model additions to units. Some of the weapon or unit upgrades are also not there but for a down and dirty quick army builder it works great. It's allowed me to grab a few models and see if it's in the ballpark of army size I was looking for. Sorry for the 'app' comment. Poor choice of words. It's the .com link that I was talking about.
  5. So I've been trying the Warscroll Builder ap that's free online. I've only been utilizing the pool portion and not the SDK. The results have been similar to the Lords of War army company I posted a while ago with the character, monster, Warmachines caps and army and scroll wound caps. I've been trying to build fluff builds and not pushing the limits. At 20 pool points I was averaging 8-10 scrolls with a little over 100 wounds. Any one else tried this army ap builder?
  6. Were you measuring from the model or the base? We've done it both ways in our games so I'm curious. Also do you have him mounted on an oval or round base? Mine are on ovals and it seemed easier to fit more models into combat by turning the base sideways.
  7. Wow, I thought we were having a nice discussion on this new game and rules as they pertain to armies and interactions between them. I guess if someone doesn't agree with you and your interpretations then they have a problem! were trying to make a new AOS community here out of the ashes of WFB. Let's try and be civil and have good communication, feedback and give-n-take.
  8. Considering that the pack master is s single model Hero, why would he need to double his own bravery in the battle shock phase? He will never take Battleshick tests.
  9. First off this is GW so the "intention" is never clear! I will have to disagree on this spell. The spell also clearly states that 'the Verminlords or one of his minions' can use the spell. Don't see how that will change at all even if the spell is stolen. As far as the Verminlords not having the Skaven title seems appropriate. Fluff wise Verminlords are part of the Skaven society but have never been Skaven.
  10. Their in lies the key to the original question. Ranges for attacks, abilities and effects would be measured from the building or section of a larger structure that is bring garrisoned and not from the whole structure. Allowing the whole structure gives too much range to the abilities and changes their affect on the game.
  11. So are you guys not allowing Warmachines or just counting them as units?
  12. Anyone going to be at WOW tonight for some AOS? Game fees are waived so it's free play!
  13. Just came across this handy comparison base sizing chart from Warhammer Forum. http://www.thediceabide.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/base-sizes.pdf Pretty cool chart.
  14. There is rumor of an AOS supplement coming. It is a campaign based on Archaons assault on the All-Points Realmgates. If he succeeds he will have access to all realms at any time. The Free People's will have to band together to stop him! This sounds extremely cool. I've done a ton of WFB map based campaigns in my time. If this doesn't come to fruition then I might just draw up a map and kick this one off!
  15. No uproar here! You read the text the way you want to and interpret it the way you want and I will do the same. Again I keep saying, AOS is an open, great game! Do with it what you will...
  16. ok so your asking about the Savage Dominion ability. The intent for this ability is to summon a Monster from the wilds or woods and not from the realms of chaos. Yes all Daemons are considered monsters but not all monsters are Daemons. So the Great Bray is trying to get a giant, cygor, gorgon, jabberslythe, Chimera, etc. to fight for him. A monster from the Beastman army list.
  17. Each Bloodthirster keyword is listed for each type of Bloodthirster, but nowhere is it listed that a chaos wizard knows Summon Lord of Change Kairos Fateweaver. Also each Daemon Warscroll has a summon entry under the magic section. Kairos and Skarbrand do not. Kharnak falls into this same category. He is a Flesh Hound but summon flesh hound does not include Kharnak. Basically if you want to take a named special character he has to be part of your starting force. That's the way I see it and that's the way I'm playing it with my Deamon army!
  18. I would actually go the other way with this one. Chaos wizards know the common Lord of Change but not the Lord of Change Kairos Fateweaver. Kairos is a Lord of Change but he is a special character and the chaos wizards do not have his full title listed as the spell they know. This would be similar to chaos wizards and the three greater daemons of Khorne. Whilst a chaos wizard knows how to summon any of the three Bloodthirsters he does not have the ability to summon Skarbrand who is also a Bloodthirster. Another great example of something to discuss before a battle. AOS is a great, open game. Do with it what you will.
  19. Just picked up the Uncharted Empires supplement. Good on Mantic for quickly making rules for all of the GW races. For those that don't know it's a 71pg soft back book with Bretonnia, Empire, Lizardmen, Skaven, Beastmen, Warriors of Chaos and two new races. Of course names are changed to protect the innocent. First glance looks promising.
  20. This is where building the 15 scroll army really shines. Before each game you choose 8-10 scrolls from your chosen 15 to participate in the battle. Allows customization for opponents army. Plus armies with summoning abilities have a reserve of 5-7 scrolls not chosen to be able to summon from. This limits the spam potential and the Wizards summoning more wizards issues.
  21. Beauty of AOS is that there is no core tax. You can field a whole army of elites without one core troop!
  22. Well let's see... If you show up to a gun fight with a knife are you going to have a tough time? Now if you ask someone to play a 25 wound game then it could be more evenly balanced.
  23. The Scrollbuilder SDK system looks interesting. Is there any info on what pool pts/ SDK pts equates to a decent sized game?
  24. No, don't think so! 40k belongs in its own game. The two games should never cross.
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