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Everything posted by Norrad

  1. I recently realized that I have way too many of the Games Workshop Realm of Battle Boards. I have two of the basic set boards with connectors and bags that I am looking to sell. One is flocked and painted in greens/browns and the other is untouched grey plastic. They retail from GW at $290.00 each. I am looking at $175 for the painted one and $200 for the unpainted one. I would prefer to keep this local and not deal with shipping. Please let me know if you are interested. Thanks, GG
  2. Any interest in selling those war machines?
  3. So coming from a square baser point of view, I'm trying to figure this out. What are the HQ choices for the Skitarii? Does anyone know if they are going to get any vehicles other than the walkers? Thanks,
  4. Two thoughts come to mind... First, the Skaven have a cool look and story line. Build a fun to look at and fun to play list. Unbeknownst to most Skaven players, 'douche-bagery' is not required. Second, less cork!
  5. Not sure I like the look of the Aquans. How do they play? How are the Humans, Dindrazi, or Ralthoza?
  6. So it looks like my son really likes the look of the Directorate. How difficult would it be to start with that one? What would be a good counter force for the Directorate?
  7. So I have been reading on the Spartan Games site and others as well for information on which fleets would be good starter fleets. I still am unsure. My son and I are thinking about getting into the game and I want to ensure that we get two fleets that will have good games against each other. What are peoples thoughts on which two fleets would be good to go with and also would be good to bring down to the shop for pick up games from time to time? Thanks,
  8. Art, I think Eric was available to play this Wed at AW. If your still looking for a game.
  9. Well, considering that the only Anvil that you can get from GW now is in Crap-Cast and its almost $60, I think that $50 or trade is not too bad. I am willing to look at offers too.
  10. I just realized that I have an extra Thorek Ironbrow and the Anvil of Doom NIB (metal). I would like to trade this for either $50 or a box of the new Dwarf Hammerers. Please let me know. Thanks,
  11. Follow this link for the Swedish Comp Ruleset. http://swfbr.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=4494
  12. Version 1.15 is still in Beta test. How long does it normally stay in Beta before it becomes valid?
  13. Anybody play any De Bellis Antiquatatis (DBA)?
  14. I'm looking for two metal Skaven Doom-Flayer weapon teams. I would prefer unassembled and unpainted, but... Please let me know what you have and what your looking for.
  15. SPOILER ALERT!!! Come on man... A little warning for those of us who have not finished reading the story yet would have been nice!
  16. So the rat horde construction has begun. Im really liking the new Skaven clanrat/slave set. Even the rats from Island of Blood look good. I did some internet poking around last night and some of my choices are either spot-on or close to some of the "Net Lists". That will not do for my likes. I will get back to the drawing board and change up some stuff. I was contemplating adding in another unit of Monks and possibly dropping the Storm Vermin. Ill get something into army builder and post it up for comments later today.
  17. The Swedish Comp system is not made for 2800 point level. It was designed for 2200-2600. So without modifying the core Swedish system I would not rely on any numbers you got.
  18. Yah, thanks for the clarification on the Warmachine Points. I thought that if you took any warmachines that you took the penalty. I guess I should have looked at the other lists for clarification. So without the additional penalty I gave myself for warmachines, I calculate this list as a 9. Not bad. A little juggling and i could probably get it to a 10. Nice middle of the road as far as comp goes.
  19. Thanks for the response. It figures that I would mess something up with the Swedish Comp system. I have never used it before now. I am using 1.14.1 for my calculations. I'm not sure about your numbers but I still calculate the Grey Seer with Earth Rod at -45, both Rat Darts at -2, and the 35 Plague Monks with Furnace at -27. Where are we getting the differences?
  20. I have had a long time love for Skaven but until now I have never been interested in building and painting 200+ models. Recently though, I have felt like taking the plunge and getting my horde assembled and onto the table. I have always leaned towards Clan Pestilens as the main focus of my list with the other clans filling small bit roles in the list. At least it looks cool in my minds eye. So I sat down the other day with army builder, a cup of coffee and my imagined pestilent list and got to work. I finally arrived at a 2500pt list that I feel would be fun to play, and also fun to play against. After I was done with Army Builder I went to the Swedish Comp calculator and thats when things went awry. Why are Skaven comped so hard? Is it possible to make an effective Skaven list that can comp in at the 10 range band? Here is my proposed list. Is this more powerful than I am giving it credit? [swedish comp score in brackets] 2500pt Skaven Grey Seer - Talisman Preservation, Earthing Rod [-45] Warlord - Shield, Fell Blade, Warlitter [-10] Chieften - BSB, Halberd, Armour Fortune [-12] Plague Priest - Lvl 2, Flail, Foul Pendant, Plague Furnace [-7] 50x Slaves [-11] 50x Slaves - musician [-11] 1x Giant Rat Pack [-2] 1x Giant Rat Pack [-2] 38x Clan Rats - Full CMD, Shields [-5] 36x Storm Vermin - Full CMD, Razor Std, Poison Wind Mortar [-15] 35x Plague Monks - Full CMD [-27] 1x Hell Pit Abomination - Warpstone Spikes [-38] 1x Plague Claw Catapult [-5] 1x Warplightning Cannon [-20] War Machine Penalty [-38] Swedish Comp Score = 5.6 So there's the list. Nothing too terrible. No dual cannons or Hell Pitts. No multiple units of Gutter Runners with poison slings. Not much in shooting. This list moves forward, stalls other units with the slaves and tries to hit hard with the monks and storm vermin. Unless I calculated my Swedish Comp Score incorrectly, where is the power in this list. I am not seeing it. So what are your thoughts on how to make this list less comp angry without giving up the flavor of Pestilence. Thanks for the help.
  21. I was there in spirit! Does that count? I would have rather been there than deployed to Arizona.
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