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Everything posted by Norrad

  1. how do I post army lists from Infinity Army?
  2. Are all of the infinity games on a 4x4 table? I'm thinking about picking up a game mat but the one I like is 4x6. Not that size matters! What does everyone think about the industrial fat mat. Too busy and not city like? I think it looks cool. I have a minds eye view of a huge tank farm with pipes, storage tanks, cat walks, shipping containers, toxic pools, etc!
  3. So my Morat Aggression Force of the Combined army has arrived. I don't have everything yet but I got the starter box and the new remotes. I have more Morat on the way plus some other aliens. Can't wait to get them assembled and painted! Watch out! Here comes some red faced, angry, jack booted trunk monkey's.
  4. So my Morat Aggression Force of the Combined army has arrived. Going to start a new post!
  5. And this is what makes me apprehensive about Infinity! That a game can be over by turn one. We've all seen the Warhammer game or 40k game where the game was over before it started but in actuality the game itself went 3-4 turns. How often does this happen that a game of infinity ends this quickly?
  6. Yes it seems to work. Makes for a good game that is around 2 to 2.5hrs. It would have been faster if I had known all of the Tomb King Special rules.
  7. That new Archaon is fantastic! I cant wait to get one and put it together...
  8. We had a great game last night. My Death Rattle Tomb Kings tried to break through the lines of a combined Stormcast Eternals and Bretonnia force. It was a hard fought battle with major losses on both sides but in the end the Tomb Kings lacked the bodies to push through to victory. Thanks for the game. We should do this more often.
  9. Looking for a game this coming Sunday at WOW, 4pm. 8-10 War Scrolls Total 100 wound army cap 25 wound scroll cap 1-3 Heroes/Wizards 0-3 Warmachines 0-3 Monsters
  10. Looking for a game this coming Sunday at WOW, 4pm. 8-10 War Scrolls Army 100 wound army cap 25 wound scroll cap 1-3 Heroes/Wizards 0-3 Warmachines 0-3 Monsters
  11. Is it necessary to have each model have a special skill such as hacker, medic, sniper, etc? What's wrong with the basic Joe dude with a gun? Or should each force have a nice mix of skills to deal with scenario special rules or to counter the enemies forces?
  12. Ok I found it but I swear that it was not there when I last looked! ???? Thanks
  13. So where did you find that? I've been looking... Apparently not in the right places!
  14. So where are my beloved Dark Elves (aka Twilight Kin)? I don't see them in the new rule book or online on the Mantic site. Will they be in the new army book coming soon?
  15. Ok thanks. I thought I had read it and understood it correctly but needed confirmation. Having not played a game yet I'm trying to grasp the rules.
  16. Been reading the rules... Question: if a model does not react (ARO) against an enemy models fist short skill can it react to the 2nd skill If it can still draw LOF to the model? Or can only new models that can now draw LOF against the 2nd skill react?
  17. How often are people playing a 150pt game vs the larger 300pt games? On average how long does it take for each point lvl of game?
  18. Does that make a good game? What is the min size game and max size game?
  19. Yah, quite a few of the Europeans have taken to AoS. Even a few of the big, named tournament guys have come over. Namely Heelan of Herlan Hammer and Ben Currey of Bad Dice! It's nice to see. I'm starting to see people come around here also. It's not doom n gloom like it was back in July!
  20. How many points are in the US Ariadna box set?
  21. I live in the Portland area. Thanks for the reply. I think I might start with the US Ariadna box set and then add more dog faces and antipodes.
  22. First off, I love the look of this game! The figs are great and the table terrain is awesome. For me personally, it's all about the looks. The rule set comes second if the models are outstanding. I'm not a newbie by any means with games. I know to go with my gut feeling and go with the models that I like the look of best but there in is the problem. There all great! One thing that does worry me are the rules. They seem heavy. From the look of the online rules, there are a ton. I'm worried that the game will bog down in a minutia of nuisances, rules lawyering and arguing. Maybe the completeness and complexity curbs this problem? So I guess where do I start? I really am leaning towards the US Ariadna. I love the wolves. Also, since I've been in the US military for over 28 yrs now I kinda like the look - naturally! Also, my heritage is Scottish so again it fits. I guess the only drawback to Ariadna are the Frenchies. Can't / Won't do them. The Rooskies are ok but the Frenchies no way! ???? Another drawback is the lack of remotes and TAGs. So should I get the Ariadna box set and just download the rules online? Will I miss out on army lists that come in the store bought rule book? Are there armies to avoid for newbies? How's the Plastic Craft terrain as compared to the HDF/MDF terrain? Questions, questions, questions... Thoughts?
  23. So what's next after the league ends?
  24. Ancient Wonders is in Tualatin and Wednesday evening is our norm game night. We've been playing AoS off and on.
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