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Everything posted by sergentzimm

  1. We are just on different sides of this I guess. I am angry at GW for keeping what I view as a shoddy rules system. I hope you all are right, in that the community will be enough to prop up the game. I just don't have faith that there are enough communities out there that are good enough to keep this up.
  2. Is anyone looking for more ships? I have two tie fighters and two x-wings in their package. After a few more games I am not sure this is the game for me right now. I am going to keep my large collection that is out of the package for now. I do have a slave I I could part with too. Pm me if interested.
  3. I am throwing all my ire at GW on this not the player. Players are going to game the system, it's in our nature. It's up to the game designer to make their system as solid as they can.
  4. No it's more about what this list says about the state of the game. It really magnifies some of the holes in the system.
  5. Yes indeed it is board games on Valentines day. I will be down with Keisha and we will be bringing Star Trek Catan and firefly to start. If anyone has a copy of netrunner I would love to take a look or get a game of that going.
  6. The eldar player that went 8-0. He had a jetbike seer list with allies that included a special character and a minimum dark eldar squad.
  7. Well that isn't too far off from what I think of dwarfs before this book...
  8. Did you play the guy that won the whole thing? Seems to be a bit of an uproar about his list.
  9. Yeah I love the zombies. I use them for my chaos zombies in 40k. I liked the dwafs before but they were static. I might try a few games with proxies to see if I like the army.
  10. I think they should be that same size. I have some zombies but I used them for 40k and I am not at home to check. I guess the real check is to see how they match up vs the skull pass dwarves.
  11. How do you all feel about the look of the basic dwarfs from Mantic? You get a good chunk of models in their army set fo $80 http://www.manticgames.com/mantic-shop/kings-of-war/dwarfs/product/dwarf-army-set-85-figures.html I would think those would make for a good starter force. The question is, do they fit in well with the other GW models? Anyone used these guys?
  12. So the next round of ships is cool for the imperials. Tie Defender and a cloaking Phantom. Rebels get a Z-95 and a E-wing... Seems a bit lopsided. http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_news.asp?eidn=4645
  13. I am out tonight. The boys are not cooperating enough. See ya next week.
  14. You can stalk their results too http://app.torrentoffire.com/#/tournament/Las-Vegas-Open/results
  15. They are too sleek for a fantasy setting, almost elfish.
  16. Hello. Weekly Board games post. I will only be down for about an hour this week. I will have my boys with us so we will have to see how long they make it. Hoping to get in a round of Fluxx board game and maybe some star Trek Catan.
  17. I would love to go. I will have an Ork army painted for the 40k side. I will not really have a list until the book comes out in May/June. I could sub in on the Fantasy side if needed. I would be willing to be a beer caddy if the teams are full as well.
  18. robot turtles.. I have no idea but I would give it a shot on name alone
  19. I really like Jim's idea of a decide the points per player. I can field a wide range so it would be interesting to scale to the player base. I know that the amount of painted stuff will be negligible for me sadly. I would say to have a league of a month or two with a tournament to cap it off would be fun.
  20. I would be down to play in the league. All those details sound good.
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