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Everything posted by Frostitute

  1. FPS??? https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=aiJj3Z6pu9s
  2. Gonna be better then the first two???? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_flR9_6msik
  3. This video from recent engineers. Watch the cross beams https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHZfMp77qxs
  4. 1:46 bottom left truck The truck with a dude playing guitar on a stage full of speakers. Nuff said.
  5. Now I am convinced. Couldn't make fun of this. Death Race 2000 was the closest. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWNWi-ZWL3c
  6. I'll say it here and have said it before. It will get bleeped out. "I suck **** for fun. I play to win." What this means to me is. I am not at the competitive table to knit a scarf with you. I came to play a game that in the end has a winner and a loser. If we both are playing by the rules. Whatever game that is. I will try my best to win. If your not taking the game seriously your wasting my time. I hope you take the game seriously. I hope you have fun taking the game seriously. If you tell me have fun and dont take it so seriously. I'll bring out Chutes and Ladders. We can both laugh as you slide from 87 to 24. SCRUB. I learn nothing from an opponent that does not give his best. If I am to become a better player. I must learn from my losses. Better opponents even those that use power game mechanics give you strategies that you might not of seen before. You can learn from an opponent that is better then you. Even if you felt cheated and walk away from the loss with a bitter taste in your mouth.<==B(get it?).
  7. How many times does this guy break. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BW_LXxplOjk
  8. Frostitute

    Star Trek

    Cant wait https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMOVFvcNfvE
  9. Answer: The game doesn't upload your choices per say. There is an app like program called Dragons Age: Keep. This allows you to upload your saves then make changes to your choices or keep them. It then creates a file that creates a default world state. Dialog sometimes references certain choices that were made. But so far I have not ran into anything in quest or significant that makes a difference from my previous game plays. From other reviews it seems not to change the game. Review I have not finished the game yet. 30 hours in so far. Where to begin. If you read Metacritic for reviews. The 5.5 is fair. People hating and giving 0's have legit reasons to hate the game. People that love the game and give it 10's have legit reasons.I would give it a 8.5. This game has problems and I hope people listen to my warnings. Do not buy this for PC. 1.Unless you have a game pad. The game was and is glaringly programmed for the consoles. The M+K setup is atrocious. 2. If you have the Minimum system requirements. Even people with power gaming machines are having problems. Me included(i5-3570K @ 3.4GHz 8.0GB RAM GeForce GTS 450 Win8.1). I only have problems on the menu screen it freezes in three different spots. Before I push start, after i hit start and sync's with EA servers, and during selecting any menu option. Anything after starting or loading the game I have never crashed nor froze. If you expect DA:O. Anything that was better then DA:O right? Your not getting it. It is better then DA:2. It isn't better then DA:O. This is where I kinda need to step back and say. DA:O is an amazing game, a great rpg and had awesome tactical combat. This game isn't DA:O though. If your a hard core fan of DA:O you will not like this game. If you are to like this game. You have to come at it like you never played DA:O. Your best bet is to imagine you read the Novel. Choose your own Adventure presents: Dragon Age Origins. It is horrible stripped of things that made DA:O great. 1. Less skills. 2. Less skill categories: Battlemage, Blood mage, Bezerker, Spirit Healer. more I cant remember. 3. There is no healing spells. You drink a potion. 4. No Evil path. More of an emotional response to dialog choices. With no apparent repercussions. 5. Tactical combat is lacking in every way. The camera doesn't even zoom out enough. Pause. Only one choice of action. Then unpause. Action. Pause. Next action. You cant even select more then one companion to give orders. 6. No auto attack. You need to hold down the mouse button to continue attacking. 7. No auto path. You need to walk up to or be standing next to items to pick up and or Hit enemies. This is frustrating since many enemies have slam skills. You get thrown 10 feet and have to manually run up to enemy. 8. Combat is closer to DA2. Button smashing with combos. Not a negative for me. But nothing like DA:O 9. To many fetch quests. What I liked The game as best as I can describe it; A Kingdom of Amalur modded with the Dragon Age Lore. If you haven't played KoA. KoA is Skyrim lite. If you haven't played Skyrim your not reading this post. DA:Inquisition is a huge game. The characters from previous games are here. Not all. But most. Either playable or are your advisors. Nine companions to choose from to form a four man/woman squad. The dialogs are great. If you haven't played the previous games. Many of the books and dialogs fill you in with the history. Graphically the environments are amazing. The crafting system is very intuitive. Cut scenes are top notch. The game starts slow and when I say slow I mean. Many of the games areas are large and have many side quests. If you decide to do the side quests first and don't push the main storyline it can take 15 hours before anything happens. Leveling up is also slow. Not a negative for me. If anyone tries this game. Do and I mean do give it some time. It will pay off in the end. I got more positives I'm just tired of writing. To sum it up. This is a stand alone great Dragon Age game. But and there has to be a but. It is not the successor of DA:O you might of been looking for.
  10. So what your telling me Origin is I left to go to work last night and for 8 hours you only downloaded 3GBs of DA:Inquisition. Right. I think this is why I uninstalled you the first time.
  11. I bought this game for $50 not including all the DLC's I also bought. It is $20 with all DLC. I already got my $50 dollars worth. If they had $100 of DLC content I would of bought that also. Waiting for this to get discounted for a Steam sale is fine. But right now it is worth its price. Gameplay. I'll try my best here, grammar and modern english are passe. There is no SRPG tag on steam. It is a squad based with two tanks(one comes later in storyline) strategy game like XCOM. The setting is an alternate history of WW2 with the equivalent of Russia being the Antagonist. There are 5 classes for your squad; Infantry(M1 garand), Assault(MP38), Engineer(medic/Supply), Lancer(anti-tank) and Sniper. The game is played from an over the top map with squad members shown as icons. Each turn you are given Command Points(CP). These are used to activate a squad member. When activated the game zooms into a behind the unit view. The unit has an action point bar this is depleted when moving. Once during your action at anytime you can fire your weapon or heal. When firing the game will then go FPS view. After all CP are used the opponent goes. In-between missions you can upgrade squad levels, improve weapons and tanks and so on and run on. Sadly the developer never implemented a Multiplayer option so every mission will be AI.
  12. This is one of the best strategy games I have ever played. Beautiful graphics, strong storyline, challenging, long campaign and one of a kind. I've personally have replayed several times. Do not miss this game. I owned this game on PS3 BEFORE I had a PS3.
  13. NSFW... https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/maximusthor/maximus-thor-yellow-magic
  14. Europa Universalis III or IV. It is what your looking for. One problem it will never take 6-8 hours. 100+ hours Game Dev Tycoon. That might be more your interest
  15. Here is more video with different game play(game footage starts 6minutes in). I subscribe to AngryJoeshow. I dont subscribe to his fan boy opinion of this game. Predator driving. Still looks like feces. Planetside 2 is still better then this..
  16. I dont know what computer your using to watch this video. My opinion(i am aware this is an early look at the development.) it looks like feces. Are they using Quake II engine or Unreal III engine. This game looks good on a Intel pentium II. Look the gun has RECOIL. Wait brag about a mechanic that has been used since Counter Strike(half life) BETA.
  17. 3D Dot Game Heroes. Zelda type game that looks like minecraft. Also a PS3 game
  18. Skaven, Dark elf or Orcs. I will be there at 3
  19. I need to get some practice games with my roster. Can anyone willing to get [mod edit] on PM me, thanks.
  20. Divinity Original Sin. It is equal to Baldur's Gate 1 and 2. Great game, lots of quests, storyline is good. Well worth the Forty dollars i spent on it. Took me 110 hours to beat with side quests.
  21. Now we can start seperating the boys from the men.
  22. Your not alone Dan. I would of gone alone if no one was going. Just really disappointed. A real shame. A bunch of mediocre coaches showing their true colors. Some real big rocks out there or the backhoe made the hole big enough. Dan, I will pm you on what is the plan for Spike.
  23. Well that was fun. I will be cancelling the League due to low turn out.
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