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Everything posted by Mach_5

  1. Mach_5

    Looking for a game.

    I believe there's a bunch of people heading over to Guardian Games on Friday. If you're on Facebook join the Malifaux PDX group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/254120414705331/
  2. Correct, I'm guessing he means that he might need to use soulstones to draw cards turns 1 and 2 to ensure that the mech rider can start summoning models on turn 2 (he'll have 1 tome built in by then, and needs a tome card to cast the spell).
  3. Slate Ridge Mauler might be a good one to take in Turf war. Impossible to Wound so there's a - flip to damage against him, and sonnia can never cheat even if she makes it a straight flip. Also Hard to Kill, Bearskin Armor, and a trigger to heal. In fact, he was originally designed as a Showgirl model, sort of a dancing bear with a little circus outfit and a fez. Check out pg 31-32 of Wyrd Chronicles #4. Mech Rider is just generally awesome, summoning models is something that any master can make use out of, and Colette can Prompt it for an extra push + attack or push + move. So she makes an already awesome model... awesomer.
  4. Awesome! I've heard a silent one is a good add as well...
  5. The game has been balanced to play at 50ss.
  6. Mach_5

    Marcus' Alpha?

    They are still your enemy and friendly to their own models while you are controlling them.
  7. Infini on Netflix. 3/5. Very enjoyable Sci-fi/horror. Reminiscent of Event Horizon, though I liked that one a lot more.
  8. Mine showed up yesterday. Sweet! Got the starting survivors, butcher, and white lion assembled.
  9. Mach_5

    Ht vs model size?

    Assuming you're using them to represent a model in Malifaux as a proxy, you would still use the Ht stat of the model. If you're making up your own rules for the model, then yeah you could measure the figure or just say that generally man-sized models are Ht 2, midgets, dwarves, and gremlins are Ht 1, and large monsters/cavalry are Ht 3.
  10. Mach_5

    Ht vs model size?

    You generally only measure terrain, because models all have a Ht stat you use (and as I said, some models don't actually match their Ht stat, you still use the Ht stat not the measured height of the model). I think 0-0.4999999" would be Ht0 (some terrain such as swamps is considered Ht0).
  11. Mach_5

    Ht vs model size?

    I know. Madness! ;)
  12. Mach_5

    Ht vs model size?

    Ht = inches. The physical models can sometimes vary (model that's 2"tall with a Ht1 stat for example), but the physical size of the model is irrelevant to the rules of the game. Base size and Ht are all that's needed to figure out LoS, range, etc.
  13. Mach_5

    Soul Stone Cashe

    It is only for use in-game, can't be used for hiring.
  14. 1. Up to you and your opponent. I'd say not blocking personally. 2. Measure from the table to the step. More than half an inch would round up to Ht1. 1.5" would round up to Ht2. 3. Another thing should be discussed with your opponent prior to the game starting. I'd say walk on at the bottom, or at any step where with Ht0. If a step is at Ht1 or more I'd say you would have to climb up to that step (maybe also discussed if it's possible to climb at a point higher up than that). 4. If you're at the bottom or top, you can push up or down. You can't push on to the stairs from a point beside them where they are Ht1 or more. 5. There's lots of special/custom terrain out there, just keep things like this in mind and remember to discuss it before the game with your opponent. Most people are happy to play it any way that makes sense as long as you're on the same page from the start.
  15. 1. For 50ss I'd say min 1h45m rounds, 2h if you can fit it in the schedule is nice. If a lot of people are new/not particularly fast players you'll probably have a lot of games not finish in 1h45 (though some will). 2. I've done both, the main consideration for me would be making sure all tables are playing with the same scheme pool and strategy, and try not to have schemes duplicated too much over the tournament (If you're flipping each round I'd reflip if you come across one more than twice). Having the pool preset is good as it allows you to get a good variety. 3. It hasn't come up in any event I've been in. At the same time, it's not uncommon for tournament games to only get to turn 4 (or even turn 3 occasionally, but usually only with newer players). It's becoming common tournament wisdom to steer clear if schemes that don't start scoring until late game, like bodyguard, as it forces you to play faster than you might like and relies on your opponent to play fast also.
  16. Jealous! I think Canadian's don't start shipping til mid-October. Can't wait!
  17. There's a decent number of 'faux players in Portland, and a regular game night at Guardian Games. I've added you to Malifaux PDX facebook group.
  18. Well, if she has cover then you'd both be at negative flips, but otherwise looks legit. ;)
  19. Could be other models that modify LoS, I'm not that familiar with everything guild can do off hand. Which podcast?
  20. Any action that requires you to "Target" something requires LoS, so unless there is some other rule interaction we're missing that's not possible. I know the Watcher can give the friendly leader the ability to draw LoS from it... Is Francisco a henchman and was perhaps leading a small game that they were talking about?
  21. The fact that it's base-to-base lines does help... If the attacker is standing on Ht3 terrain, then it's base is 3" off the table. If the target is Ht 2 you ignore Ht2 or less terrain, but not Ht3 terrain. Now, mathematically there's no possible way to draw a line from the attacker's base to the target's base on the ground without going through the Ht3 terrain. LoS is blocked, unless the attacker can see the target around the sides of the obstacle all LoS over it is blocked. Even if the attacker was on Ht6 terrain, the target would have to be more than twice as far from the attacker as the farthest point of the Ht3 blocking terrain to be able to see the target.
  22. So its kinda like true LoS, but keep in mind you're not drawing LoS from one model to another, its from one base to another base.
  23. It says "Any LoS lines which pass over the base of blocking terrain (which isn't otherwise ignored) at a point within the terrain's Ht are considered blocked". So it's talking about at what height the LoS line passes through the blocking terrain, not how far from the blocking terrain the LoS line hits the target. Also note the example says "because her diagonal LoS lines pass through the Ht 3 crates she does not have Line of Sight, and may therefore not target the Young Nephilim.
  24. I believe you are correct on the first point. For the second, the LoS lines would pass through the building (over its base, at a point within its Ht) and so LoS is Blocked. It doesn't matter that the far side of the target's base is outside of 3" from the building, it matters that the line drawn from the attacker's base to the far side of the target's base passes through the blocking terrain. (see the example of raspy attacking the young nephilim in the rulebook). Now, if the Target were Ht3 (same as the building) than the building would be Ignored by the attacker standing on Ht2 vantage point. The target could be seen/attacked and in this case wouldn't even get cover since it's not within 1" of the terrain.
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