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Everything posted by Mach_5

  1. You guys should get a game against Dan Johnson with his Nicodem some time, he won OFCC malifaux this year taking only Nico. Nicodem can be a nightmare to deal with, and I'd say he's a top tier master. Definitely get out to Guardian Games when you can to mix it up against more masters and opponents.
  2. Yep. Mathematically it works, but kinda hard to perfectly place a model to actually do it. As long as it's agreed there's enough movement to get to that place you can both agree ahead of time that that's what the intention us and move on. If you don't let your opponent know that's what you're doing then it opens up potential for disagreements as to who can see what.
  3. What does Joel have for ressers?
  4. Yeah, it can take them a few weeks or more to process black Friday orders.
  5. Nightmare are simply limited editions, smaller production runs means higher cost. They use the same rules as their standard models. They are usually bigger/more impressive models though. Per Wyrds tournament rules you aren't required to paint the colored plastic crews/models. Some people have come up with very cool looking results with painting parts of them and leaving the colored plastic exposed on others.
  6. It hasn't been and is not currently counted. Everything but those two things count.
  7. Yep, everything but tax (where applicable) and shipping counts toward the total.
  8. Now you know the POWER of the dark side. ;)
  9. Was about to make a joke about tools in Perdita's box then thought better of it. Oh wait...
  10. The action and any resulting duels/effects are controlled by the model taking the obey action.
  11. Nope, friendly/enemy doesn't change for anyone involved.
  12. That's legit. The obeyed model is still considered an enemy model while being obeyed.
  13. I had to look that up yesterday myself... Basically you can simply Store all your junk in the workshop and it will automatically break stuff down when you need the parts for something. Weapons and armor and other useful items must be broken down manually at the appropriate station (armor bench, weapons, etc).
  14. Yeah, I'd probably find a ram skull from somewhere and butcher a death marshal. One of the death marshals is actually really big for some reason, would suggest that one. Probably fits a bit nicer on a 50mm base too.
  15. First off, Lilith is a great all-around master. She does everything pretty well depending on your crew, so really the main reason not to take her is variety. Similarly Pandora can get a lot of different things done as required. I'd take Voices Pandora because with a Ca7 (up close) or Ca6 (at 12" range) you can guarantee an indefensible paralyze with an 11 or 12 against most models. Lilith can slow stuff down with trees or put them out of position with Tangled Shadows, but Paralyze does so much more for you, and Tangled Shadows is often a gamble against enemy models since Lilith's Ca is so low on it. Not to mention in a face off Pandora wins pretty much every time. I'd also put Pandora's overall survivability quite a bit higher than Lilith's due to always resisting with a 7 and Fading Memory. I'm also a big fan of Hooded Rider as a beatstick in my neverborn crews. He's super fast. Incredibly hitty (Ml6 and damage tops out at 5/6/8). And more resilient past turn 3 (can't throw him out there too early though). His (0) action to push 6" and drag a friendly model along is pure win. He can punch the low-Df-high-Wp stuff or things with weak attacks themselves which might otherwise be a nuisance for Pandora.
  16. His upgrade is dual faction (it has both the resser seal and guild seal at the bottom, card fades from green to red at the top). So in a guild mcmourning crew you can hire the Brutal Emissary and attach the Conflux of Forbidden Knowledge emissary of fate upgrade. In a resser crew you can attach it to the Carrion Emissary.
  17. Guild McMourning can hire the Guild Emissary. Is his Emissary of Fate upgrade not dual faction? No book here, I remember Mei Feng has a dual faction emissary of Fate upgrade.
  18. Lilitu and doppelganger make regular appearances for me. I also love candy to really mess with your opponents activation order. Incite a model that has already activated and then run candy up next to it, next turn force that model to activate first, which then gets paralyzed because it's the first enemy model to activate and it's within 3" of candy. Profit! Cheating initiative with the doppelganger can guarantee getting two strong activations before your opponent can do anything.
  19. It doesn't include when opponents resist with willpower, such as her Ca attack actions, but Incite is a Wp duel for Pandora and the enemy. As for survivability, just try not to put her out where she can get ganged up on by the entire enemy crew and she can survive a lot (especially with her free push and a few high cards in hand she rarely let's an enemy model get more than one attack at her. I prefer Voices to Box Opens, as Terrifying is not difficult for a powerful enemy to bypass and potentiality get a full activation to attack her, while with Voices Pandora can turn Paralyze into a weapon with up to 12" range and potentially shut down a large percentage of the enemy crew for a turn, including masters.
  20. Three walks first turn if need be is more than sufficient to get her where she needs to be. After that up to two Incites per turn will give her a free 4" push each, and any time she wins a duel defending against an enemy attack (she always resists with Wp) she gets another 4" push. She's probably among the more maneuverable masters out there. ;)
  21. Nicodem is top tier (because summoning fast hanged, punk zombies, and necropunks, or whatever else you need, is pretty dang good), and I'd personally put Kirai there too although maybe that's just cause Dan almost always beats me with her.
  22. Also, if the model can support itself on the box, it's on the box. If it can't, it has to stand beside. Maybe? That's one way to play it.
  23. I don't now how this stuff always comes up for you.. It never has for me. Stop trying to stand two models on a small box! Problem solved. ;) Again, discuss before the game. Perhaps 40mm bases can't fit through the door, but models that are Ht1 can fit regardless of base size. I don't think there's a right or wrong answer.
  24. I've never really used stairs, so the issue hasn't come up for me. I'd happily play it any way that sounds reasonable. Stuff like 40mm wide ramps being accessed by 50mm wide models should be discussed at the start of the game, and again I'd have no preference but would obviously take it into account when planning out my moves for any 50mm base dudes. IMO you can't be in base contact with a 50mm based model standing on a 30mm crate.
  25. Only the initial action would be affected.
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