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Everything posted by Wiccus

  1. Yeah they are high. Unfortunately that's what has to happen when you pay for a license for a popular franchise. Great looking stuff though. I only plan on getting a few models here and there.
  2. https://www.modiphius.net/collections/fallout-wasteland-warfare?page=1 Pre orders for the new Fallout minis game are up. I've no real interest in playing the game but a lot of these would be great for TNT
  3. I will be super down for infinity next week. Gotta wrap up the TNT campaign this week. Really want to try out season 9 though.
  4. Yeah lately I've been eating before game night and just getting a beer or 2 as well. I will go wherever people want.
  5. I'm down. This will make up in part for me being too broke to get in on the most recent ks
  6. Yeah we are still going. I will be there this week and we are playing little slice of heaven. I want to continue playing and doing periodic campaigns as well. Its a fun system with a great theme. Plus the new book should be out soon.
  7. I just had my appendix sliced out so I might not make it but if I end up showing up it will be with destiny and TNT
  8. I missed yesterday because my appendix was trying to kill me. Luckily I was able to cut it out and sacrifice it to Odin. I will try to be down on Tuesday but either way this weeks scenario is little slice of heaven
  9. Tentatively yes but I do have a friend that is moving away and wanting to do something this weekend.
  10. One more official week, though if people want we might do some sort of finale. So maybe 2 more weeks.
  11. Sorry I was camping all weekend and just got back. Snipe hunt is this weeks scenario.
  12. I will need some makeup games this following weekend as I will be gone all of this weekend. My raiders are a couple games behind. I also have my Continental Expeditionary Force for the Department of Homeland Security of the New United States ready to roll.
  13. Cool. Some good clarification on a few things. How are people enjoying the system so far now that it's midway through the campaign? I think it has a lot of potential. Leveling seems fun and balanced, the post game is cool and flavorful and the game play is solid and easy to grasp. I do like the turnover mechanic quite a bit. Infinity has spoiled me and now I crave constant engagement.
  14. Staking a claim will be this weeks scenario. Koyote has a link to it on page 2.
  15. This is why we do little baby campaigns. This way we will know for actual full campaigns and leagues
  16. For setting we can just do generic post apocalypse. I tend to build my war bands with the idea that they are from the pnw but it really doesn't matter. First scenario will be cold vengeance as that's the simplest one. Pairings aren't important but I do want people to rotate each week for the primary scenario anyways.
  17. Well for the purposes of this mini campaign we will be limiting it to 2 games per week to try and keep it a bit balanced. No worries about minis sizes Also there is sometching I couldn't find an answer for but I will make a call as it's a pretty common wargaming convention. You may move through your own units as long as you can make it past their base. But you may not move through enemies.
  18. Wiccus


    I needs me that. I also really need that limited spec ops. Some day I will have a real people job that will allow me to go to get con for early releases and con exclusives. Then I can come here and gloat about it.
  19. I will have Infinity, TNT and destiny.
  20. Why don't we wait a week then and people can do some proxied demo games this coming week to get an understanding of the system.
  21. New Ne Obliviscaris! I have about a thousand boners right now.
  22. First of all totally do pygmies Nathan. Secondly, will everyone be good to go next week? Or should we wait one more week in case people are still building minis? And finally should we do a bits swap/order? I need to get some stuff like shotguns and sniper rifles.
  23. If you need to borrow some models then let me know and I can lend them to you tonight.
  24. Unexpect and Sleepytime Gorilla Museum both kinda sound like Martians that run creepy carnivals in the wilderness. The twist is that the Martians are also ghosts that are insane. Igorrr is just pure madness Sinistro is kinda doomy sorta but their music jumps all over the place And for something not metal or strange we have Ye Banished Privateers. Basically a bunch of pirates that sing folk and sea shanties.
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