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Everything posted by Mr.MoreTanks

  1. Could use more Divination. The only way to run IG now is too much Divination. Maybe ditch a Griffon for another Primaris.
  2. Well opinions on OFCC aside I will say one thing, The Judges are coming... and it's judgement time.
  3. This is a great story, and I know that that happens and I'm in no way doubting that there are more people like this than what I am worried about at OFCC. If I can count right (and most of my friends will tell you that that's a tall order for me) this will be my 5th OFCC, and every year I have a blast. Last year was my first time not winning Best General, and it was one of my favorites.
  4. Went back and edited some more stuff in that I forgot about during first post. BUY MUH STUFF!!!
  5. I'd have to say that I think OFCC and the Ordo Senators do an outstanding job of trying to please everyone and make sure all voices are heard. The sign of a good compromise is that no one leaves the table happy (or so they say). I guess at the end of the day, I'm just wary of people becoming black sheep if they bring super heavies and silly units like that to OFCC when they are told it's not a serious event and to come have fun and bring whatever you want and then people get mad at them for bring said units and say they are poor sports. I'm not worried that I won't have fun or won't win or lose, but I do care if people think I'm an [Clown] cause I only try to be that at work or school.
  6. The point of OFCC is to enjoy and celebrate all aspects of the game that you enjoy the most right? So I like earning battle points, bringing ridiculous armies/units occasionally and being a good sport. The care I have is my sportsmanship score being dinged and coming off like an [Clown] for bringing units to an event that I next to never get to use because others don't like them. While at the end of the day I don't care too much about the other scores, I think we all agree on the significance of sportsmanship. We always talk about how it's the most important one at OFCC. That's all I'm really getting at.
  7. I can see we won't agree. It does seem semantics to a degree. I guess we'll have different interpretations. And thanks, the AM book has now made it possible for me to live up to it again. lol
  8. But its not the same. It be like us going to another place that had invited us both and telling us to bring whatever we wanted and then you saying if I brought beer that I shouldn't have brought that cause you don't like it. So while I appreciate what you're trying to say, it doesn't hold a lot of water.
  9. Hopefully the HOG will see my question and answer it. People trying to knock my sportsmanship because of my list are one thing, but an event that says I can bring anything go nuts, and then can ding me on points based on comp are very different things.
  10. I have a bunch of Necrons I'm looking to get rid of. 3 Lords Destroyer Lord about 40-50 warriors 10 immortals 15-20 destroyers 20 scarab bases Monolith Make me offers. For Chaos Marines Everything but the Thousand Sons are new in box (and those are half assembled) termie lord/sorcerer jump pack lighting claws lord pwr armor sorcerer 3 oblis (ALL THOSE STILL IN BOX!!!) 3-4 boxes worth of Thousand Sons w/ sorcerers. Also looking to sell.... Black primed godhammer Land Raider 2 lascannon preds (one painted above table top quality as DA, other unprimed) Fantasy Flight Horus Heresy board game (all pieces in box) old pewter sniper scouts (15) and 3 pewter hvy bolter ones box of about 50 or so Space Marines and 5-10 Terminators that have a plethora of paint jobs and skills. Mostly bolters and sergeants, though there are some special weapons scattered about. Some power weapons in there too. Will give extremely good deal. Most need stripping. LOOKING FOR!!! Obviously cash is first option. unpainted Wyrens, lascannon AM Cadian heavy weapon teams, Imperial Knights, Yarrik, Coteaz, or Priests models, space marine bikes actual firearms. Pistols, ARs, shotguns, ammo (.223 or .556 rounds mainly) Ammo scalpers can [big bad swear word] off. Shoot me a PM if you think you've got something I may want or I have something you may want. I live in Corvallis but could regularly travel to Salem, Portland and even Seattle for events, but I'm not opposed to shipping. Let's make a deal! If you are serious and want pictures I will get some to you, I just typed this up in class instead of paying attention to the lecture so don't really have any photos on hand.
  11. Lists: With the rapid release schedule, differing mindsets and much deliberation it has been decided that this year we will try something new. All players can bring whatever type of list they want. Forgeworld units and lists, double force org, Lords of War, data slates, etc. are all allowed. Now keep in mind that your team will receive a ranking and be playing teams of similar rank. Captains need to take charge of what kind of team they want to bring, play against and structure their team accordingly. Note lists are not only about generalship but may influence other categories as well. So.... this last sentence is kinda vague and the conspiracy libertarian wacko side of me doesn't like how that sounds. Can our lists affect our Sportsmanship points? Painting scores? Please give us examples of what this means. If we bring some titans do we automatically get dinged half our Sportsmanship points?
  12. It's not really, as the whole model counts for determining vector strikes and the wings go out further than the base.
  13. I figured May would be packed. Couldn't get the location for April unfortunately. Just thinking about a date. Maybe in the summer
  14. The reason I ask is to get an idea of people that could and would come before I rent the location.
  15. Trying to organize an event in Corvallis. Thinking a 2 day, 6 round event. Likely the first weekend of May. Is this a doable time? Would people be willing to drive down? Location has a full bar btw. ;) Likely to cap it at between 30-40 persons.
  16. I travel to a fair number of events, here is come event advice. Bring some water, hydration keeps up your energy, brain, and mood. Sit down every now and then and sit up straight. It will feel loads better than standing and hunching over the board. Always talk to your opponent about what terrain is what before anything is rolled. Also, agree on what a 'cocked die' is. Most go by placing another on top and seeing if it will stay. Go to lunch with some strangers and friends. Meeting new people and swaping stories and list ideas is one of my favorite parts of an event. Get at least one good nights sleep, or bring coffee or energy shots. The latter can't make up for the first, but its better than nothing. Eat relatively well, this is harder while traveling, but not just eating taco bell and jack in the box all weekend will help you physically, which will help mentally. Hard to think a game through when you feel bloated and nasty. See how other people are playing around you after your game. You may end up facing someone nearby. Relax and have a beer! ;) Good luck!
  17. Looking for an unpainted SM bike squad.
  18. Keep the sniper rounds on the kroot. You have the option to use them or the normal rounds. You do not have to use sniper rounds.
  19. Yeah, I think you nailed it too Chris. I probably am a bit butthurt over codex creep. I especially agree with your point on people freaking out about 40k on the internet and using Escalation as an excuse.
  20. It's been hard lately seeing so many great friends and (in my opinion) good players who are losing interest with this game. While I can appreciate their frustration with some aspects of the game, I can't help but be a little discouraged too. I mean, is this what happens every edition at a power peak and people jump ship? I don't remember everyone leaving during 5ths parking lot days, but I may have missed it. Now Tyranids have bug players who waited patiently and only used 4 different types of models up in arms at their lack of a Tau or Eldar codex, and to be honest I can't blame them. Even my IG have been feeling pretty weak lately. Now I know I am far from a top general, but I am starting to feel the Guard's age for sure. I mean, at the TSHFT Invitational I was the only IG player; and there certainly weren't droves of IG at Guardian Cup. The days of 5th are long gone. But I'm okay with that, the game needs some fresh ideas now and then. Beyond GW's money grab with new $50 codexes, new rules can be good. I think we all can agree that like the bags, the Tau and Eldar codexes were a good idea. The problem is that instead of the holes being cut too small and not being able to see when we ride, we can just shoot our guns and our magic bullets will find Django. The rest of us normal bag guys will just get shot and blown up. So where am I going with this? I have no [big bad swear word]ing idea. I'm bored in a coffee shop ranting my thoughts on the game because I've thinking about it a lot lately and am very excited for TSHFT. I've been looking for a new army and I think TSHFT will determine if I really do get one. I'd like to revisit Orks; they were really fun. Maybe I just need an event to get my fired up about my IG again, we will see. So what do you think 40k needs? How do you handle it when you get the table top blues? How do you feel about the state of the game? Does it need anything? Why is the sky blue? Or how do magnets work? Nobody knows. Nobody. If you're lost on the bag comments, here you go you uncultured bastard you. If you are cultured, watch it anyways, it's still funny.
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