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Everything posted by Kingpin

  1. So my team is looking at getting custom shirts made for the OFCC. I was just wondering if it is ok to use ordo fanaticus club challenge on a shirt or not.
  2. Yeah the hounds are the Lords extra wounds. It should b a fun way to make berserkers actually playable.
  3. So I recently picked up the Lord of Skulls kit and am working on converting up some legs for it. I want to use it along with my pile of berserkers I own. So here is my Khorne army... well sort of. Space Wolves HQ Lord on thunderwolf (Khorne Lord on Juggernaut) Elites 5 Wolf Guard Terminators, power axes and combi plasma (easy one, Chaos Terminators) Troops 4x 10 grey hunters in rhinos duel meltas (Khorne Berserkers) Fast Attack 15 fenrisian wolves (Khorne hounds) Heavy Support Land Raider Allies Imperial Knight (Lord of Skulls) 2000 points... ish So what do you think? Should be really fun to build after that who cares if it wins.
  4. Just wondering what time will you be kicking it off and how late will it go? I just switched to nights at work. I can still show up but I wont be getting out of bed till noon so I could be there 1ish.
  5. You are the man. That will do nicely.
  6. I know it isn't a part that most people just have laying around. And I cant find one to bits order off ebay ether.
  7. I know this is kind of an odd bit. I just need the little round part the turret sits on. The one that goes on the hull. Free would be great ;-) but could trade or buy if I have to. Edit: Added a picture of the bit
  8. Sweet a day I have off. Count me in.
  9. You are correct. Space wolves drop pod wolf guard termies all the time.
  10. Thanks for fixing that. How do you put the video straight into the post like that?
  11. Just a fun game trying out the new rules and missions. Having lots of fun so far. Hope you enjoy. Edit: The link seems to be broken... Trying to fix it. You can find it from the link in my signature block. 2nd Edit: If someone could help me out here. It wont let me copy and past the link. I tried to just type it out but that didn't seem to work. Any thoughts?
  12. Seconded. I have played two games now and really enjoyed them both. My psykers this game actually did stuff. My first game they did jack. I have yet to play a "normal" mission with everything being scoring now. That is next on my list. But the new mission cards are a lot of fun.
  13. That Tau nerf though. This really has no effect on all my imperial armies so its all good ;-)
  14. Wow I didn't realize Mantic had expanded there range so much. They have some cool stuff going on over there. Thanks for the replies.
  15. I was wondering if anyone knows of a company that sells zombie models for cheap? Looking to get a bunch.
  16. My thoughts exactly. As allies do they come in a platoon like in the new IG book or are they just a single squad for each force org slot?
  17. I was wondering if anyone has the actually storm trooper codex. More importantly if I can ally them with my IG to have scoring storm troopers.
  18. sure. How many brutes do you want? And the other thing is I am in Olympia. I know most of Ordo is from Portland.
  19. Dang really just looking for the bright lance ones. I will still trade as many of the hellbrutes as you want if you have anything else. I have marines, IG, orks, necrons, and a small elder army. And I am sure I can dig through my box and find some IG bits. I have a ton.
  20. I have 3 DV hellbrutes. How many do you need. If you can find those bright lance platforms I would be more then happy to set up a trade.
  21. I am looking for two bright lance platforms for my guardians. Anyone have any they want to trade or sell.
  22. Yeah I know I wouldn't mind a couple... or 8. The Taurox is just asking to be turned into a half track.
  23. I well go were ever the games are. Lets get something set up.
  24. With my favorite army (IG) getting an update soon I need some cash to blow on new toys. I will be at Fluggers on the 22nd and that would be a great place to sell some stuff off. So what have. Tyranids: Tyrant, on foot with venom cannon 6 Warriors, one venom cannon, one barbed strangler 5 random genestealers 2 zoanthropes, Finecast 2 hive guard, Finecast 2 Trygons, One is missing the tip of his tail. I may have to bit order one off ebay. 1 Tyranofex I would like to see it all go for $200 But I am willing to piece it out. Marines: I have to much to list. I am not looking to sell my whole collection (It is out of control) just raise some money. I have a little of everything from blood angels to dark angels. Lots of dreads, couple extra rhinos, lots of marines. Just tell me what your looking for and I will see what I can dig up IG: This is obviously the army I am raising the money for but I have so much I will never use it all. I have a ton of cadian infantry and a couple extra chimeras. Also a tallern (probably spelled wrong) unit and a basilisk. Just shoot me an offer on what you want and we will try and work something out.
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